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Module 3 The Legal System of Belarus Section 1. HOW BELARUS IS GOVERNED

Module 3 The Legal System of Belarus Section 1. HOW BELARUS IS GOVERNED - раздел Образование, Module 3 The Legal System Of Belarus ...

Module 3 The Legal System of Belarus



1. Following the title of the text brainstorm words you expect to find in it. Write the vocabulary list of possible words that you could find in that text. Draw a vocabulary spider gram (mind map). Add any new words you find in the text.



Task 1. Read the text and explain the words in bold then suggest synonyms for the highlighted words.


The principle of the supremacy of law is established in the country. The State, all its bodies and officials act within the Constitution and laws… The President of the Republic of Belarus is the Head of the State. He is the… The supreme legislative power of the Republic is Parliament – The National Assembly. It consists of two houses: the…

Task 5. Translate into English.

2. Республика Беларусь обладает высшей и неограниченной властью на своей территории, она независимо осуществляет свою внутреннюю и внешнюю… 3. Власть в Республике Беларусь делится на: законодательную, исполнительную и… 4. Государственные органы независимы в рамках своей власти: они взаимодействуют, ограничивают и уравновешивают друг…



1. Answer the following questions to the text:

1. How are the Representatives elected?

2. How is the upper chamber formed?

3. What chamber approves the governmental programme?

4. What chamber considers amendments to the Constitution?

Read the text and check your answers to the questions.


Task 1. Read the text and explain the words in bold then suggest synonyms for the highlighted words.


The House of Representatives consists of 110 members, who are elected on the basis of general free equal direct suffrage by secret ballot. Any… Belarus’ Council of the Republic is a regional representative body with total… The term of office of the National Assembly is 4 years. The House meets for 2 regular sessions every year: the first…



How many stages does a Bill have to become a law? What are the stages?

Read the text and draw a chart How Bills Go through Parliament.




If a bill concerns changes or amendments to the Constitution, the legislative process can be initiated only by President or at least 150,000… Normally there are two stages in the life of a bill. The first stage is the… Any bill is firstly considered in the Chamber (House) of Representatives and then in the Council of the Republic.…

Task 1. Suggest synonyms for the highlighted words in the text

Task 2. Explain the words in bold

o инициировать законодательный процесс o составление законопроекта o примирительный комитет



1. Answer the following questions:

1. How many tiers does the judicial system of the RB consist of?

2. In what kind of cases does the Supreme Court have original jurisdiction?

3. How are the judges of the middle tier appointed?

4. How can the decisions of the lower courts be appealed?

Read the text and check your answers to the questions.



Task 1. Read the text and explain the words in bold then suggest synonyms for the highlighted words. Complete your vocabulary spider gram (mind map) with any new (relevant) words and set expressions you find in the text.


The middle tier of the republican judicial system is made up of six regional courts and the Minsk Town Court. The composition of those courts is… At the bottom of the judicial pyramid are district and town courtsspread all…  

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