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Historical Background of Modern English Spelling. Old English Morphology

Historical Background of Modern English Spelling. Old English Morphology - раздел История, Almaty College Of Communication Hand-Ou...

Almaty College of Communication HAND-OUT Subject: English language history Academic year: 2013-2014 Lecture 7 Theme: Historical Background of Modern English Spelling. Old English Morphology Teacher: Zhakipbekova D.K    



Historical Background of Modern English Spelling. Old English Morphology

OE Spelling

based on phonetic principle;

employed Latin characters;

one letter = one sound;

Exceptions: ζ, f, s, ð (1 letter = 2 or more sounds).

ME Spelling

more ambiguous and less stable (printing was not introduced yet and the manuscripts contained numerous variants of spelling – practically each… digraphs (2 letters = 1 sound) appear + 1 letter = several sounds, several…

NE Spelling

new digraphs appeared (indicated borrowings from other languages) – ph, ps, ch; spelling became fixed. There reasons for such stabilisation were as follows:

Old English Morphology

Old English was a synthetic language, i.e. there were a lot of inflections.

Parts of Speech

  changeable 1. Noun Nominal Categories: Number, Case, Gender, Degrees of Comparison, Determination 2.…   Below all notional parts of speech will be discussed, their categories described and the meanings of these categories…

System of Declensions

In OE there were 25 declensions of nouns. All nouns were grouped into declensions according to: stem-suffix; Gender. We will mention only the most numerous declensions/stems here: Strong Vocalic Stems Weak…

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: Historical, Background, Modern, english, Spelling, OLD, english, Morphology0.111

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