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Sport and recreation in the United States

Sport and recreation in the United States - раздел Спорт, Contents Introduction 1. Sport And Its Development In The Usa 1. Historical B...

Contents Introduction 1. SPORT AND ITS DEVELOPMENT IN THE USA 1. Historical background, names of national sports, borrowed games 2. Problems and prospects of American sport 6 2. THE VICAN SPORTS 1. Professional sport 9 2.1.1. The business of sport 2. Major sports 10 Baseball and business 2. Basketball 3. Football an American spectacle 4. Bowling 3. Problems in professional sport 4. Olympic Games and the names of American heroes 2. Leisure sports 1. Badminton 2. Bowling 3. Sports for the disabled 4. Women in sports 22 2.4.1. Women and traditional sports and games 2. Womens sport in the 19th century 3. Challenging gendered boundaries 25 2.4.4. The age of modern sports 3. RECREATION IN THE USA 1. Sports at colleges 1. College and sport 2. Sport and money 3. Women s Collegiate Sport 4. Intramural and club sports 32 3.2. Animals in sport 3. Unusual sports 4. Camps 33 CONCLUSION 35 LITERATURE INTRODUCTION Nowadays a lot of people are getting more and more ambitious and now the always hurry somewhere, they are eager to do everything and are afraid of losing any minute that can bring them happiness, joy, glory or just money.

But if they want to get that all, theyd better have wonderful mood all the time, perfect health, steel nerves and strong will. At present sport is the very thing that can help any person either keep fit or reach all his aims. In my course paper Im going to investigate almost all kinds of sport that can be popular famous in the USA, both professional and amateur ones. There probably are countries where the people are as crazy about sports as they are in America, but I doubt that there is any place where the meaning and design of the country is so evident in its games.

In many odd ways, America is its sports.

The free market is an analog of on-the-field competition, apparently wild and woolly yet contained by rules, dependent on the individual s initiative within a corporate team structure, at once open and governed.

Sport plays a major role in American society as it accounts for the most popular form of recreation.

Many Americans are involved in sports - either as a participant or as a spectator. Amateur sports distinguish between recreational and competitive sports. Favorite recreational activities include hiking, walking, boating, hunting, and fishing. All of these are liked for the recreational value as well as for exercise. But there are also many other sports activities in America which attract millions of participants for personal enjoyment, the love of competition and for the benefits of fitness and health.

In addition, sport teaches social values like teamwork, sportsmanship, self-discipline, and persistence that are highly regarded in U.S. society. So the main tasks of my course paper are to learn how sport influences on health and culture of the Americans, to find out all problems and prosperities of American sport and to figure out how many people of various classes, ages, nationalities and races, which live in the USA, are involved in playing games.

The first chapter of this course paper contains the information that shows us the stages of gradual development of American sport, beginning from Puritans times till our days. Different kinds of problems and prosperities that very often can appear in sport are also discussed here. In the second chapter any can find the information about great variety of sports that are played and watched on TV through the whole USA. Here I also give some data about participating women and the disabled in contests and competitions.

The third chapter tells us about sport as about the main sourse for recreation. So the whole course paper is dedicated to the sport in the USA, its development and influence on American life. 1.


Sailing regattas were another way social leaders could exhibit themsel... In 1888 today s ruling amateur sports organization, the Amateur Athlet... In the U.S. In Japan, it is the most popular. Today, of course, both basketball and volleyball are played everywhere...

Problems and prospects of American sport

Problems and prospects of American sport. Artificial snow-making devices are used at virtually all ski resorts t... Although professional sport in the US has defied ups and downs in the ... During the whole history of the USA sport there was developing more an... Professional sport 2.1.1.

The business of sport

After a brief burst of success in the 1970s, professional soccer in th... In 1870 the National Association of Amateur Baseball Players tried to ... The evolution of basketball technique and strategy occurred as innovat... It was at Yale that the game of rugby developed into a game closely re... To fit tournaments into TV time slots, Elias created the stepladder fo...

Problems in professional sport

. One of the most unfortunate results of the currently inflated price of... For example, the president usually phones congratulations to the winne... One of the most frequent complaints leveled against professional sport... Sport also has an international political dimension. After the Soviet ...

Olympic Games and the names of American heroes

Tiger Woods dominates the international golf scene. The United States has traditionally been a very successful player in i... . The U.S. Track athletes Michael Johnson, Maurice Greene, and Marion Jones are t...

Leisure sports

It is a major sport in most countries of northern Europe and Southeast... However, do not assume that perfection of strokes and tournament calib... Under the leadership of the ABC, bowling quickly became both popular a... Activities include winter skiing, water sports, summer and winter comp... 2.4.

Women in sports

In part this is because women never constituted a single group, and th... Women s roles also varied across time, connected as they were to the b... Women s sport in the United States, which has a population of 268 mill... Sometimes women were active participants in the modern sense in a spor... .

Women and traditional sports and games

Women were far more visible in American sporting life across time than... As did their northern contemporaries, they also attended balls, played... 2.4.2. Initially, women were few among the colonists, and not surprisingly, t... .

Womens sport in the

th century The pursuit of active sports by women was not to persist, h... Enlightenment ideology and the emergent capitalist economy combined to... The characterization lasted for more than a century and a half. Only gradually did women gain access to such forms. In the 1850s they did so primarily as spectators and moral guardians.

Challenging gendered boundaries

Moreover, the dynamic events of mid-century, including the War between... Outside of the colleges, post-war middle- and upper-class women were a... Such activities continued to stretch the bounds of activity acceptable... Invented in Europe in the early 19th century, early versions of the bi... Bloomers and knickerbockers went on, and corsets came off.

The age of modern sports

Among the results were good advertising for the companies and competit... Beyond the pale of physical educators, the latter provided underground... This practical recognition of gender differences in physiology has not... Every person can choose a definite kind of sport according to his tast... If to speak about women in sport, it should be said that women s sport...


Consequently, recreational sports have become part of big business, es... Although the overall percentage of the population engaged in recreatio... There has also been a growth in the number of specialized clubs dealin... For those who like the thrill and the freedom of floating in air there... 3.1.

Sports at colleges

Sports at colleges 3.1.1.

College and sport

Youth is synonymous with energy - mental and physical. Organized and i... For girls, the most popular are basketball, track and field, volleybal... Many universities offer sports scholarships at the intercollegiate lev... Over 126,000 student-athletes receive either a partial or a full athle... 3.1.2.

Sport and money

Sport and money. Intercollegiate sports and money have always been a hotly debated topi... Whenever some basketball player is found to have accepted a gift, the ... Several universities like the highly respected University of Chicago d... The U.S.

Intramural and club sports

Intramural teams often represent various student organizations, such a... There are also teams on which faculty members play. Club teams sometimes serve spoils that are little known or practiced i... Some clubs strive to become varsity sports, whereas others, such as ma... 3.2.

Animals in sport

For example, Americans will race just about anything that has wheels. In 1990, The European paper wrote that in only six years since it foun... which were once thought of as being different, but have now gained int... Another example is wind-surfing which very quickly spreads in populari... When there are summer holidays in The United States, students are offe...


Some people point out that American schools and colleges follow the tr... And on a beautiful autumn afternoon- the sun shining in a clear blue s... Stevenson - Douglas, 1998 175 p. Society values electronic journal of the U.S. Clach - Washington US.

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: Sport, and, recreation, The, United, States0.094

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