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Вопросы к курсовому экзамену по «Практической фонетике английского языка»

Вопросы к курсовому экзамену по «Практической фонетике английского языка» - раздел Иностранные языки, Вопросы К Курсовому Экзамену По ...

Вопросы к курсовому экзамену по

«Практической фонетике английского языка»

Курс, база 11 классов

Специальность 050303 «Иностранный язык»


1. The organs of speech and their work.

2. Principles of consonant classification: according to the degree of noise and the manner of articulation.

3. Principles of consonant classification: according to the degree of noise and the place of articulation.

4. General characterization of occlusive plosive consonants.

5. General characteristics of constrictive fricative consonants.

6. General characteristics of occlusive – constrictive consonants.

7. General characteristics of sonorants.

8. Modification of English consonants in speech.

9. Modification of English vowels in speech.

10. Principles of vowel classification: according to the stability of articulation and the tongue position.

11. Principles of vowel classification: according to the stability of articulation, the lip position, the character of the vowel end and the length.

12. Strong and weak forms.

13. Syllable formation and syllable division.

14. Intonation, its function and components.

15. Word stress, its manifestation and its functions.

16. The intonation pattern: the nucleus, the pre-head and the tail.

17. The intonation pattern: the head.

18. Sentence stress.

19. Tempo of speech.

20. Rhythm.

21. Intonation of statements, author’s words.

22. Intonation of imperatives and exclamations.

23. Intonation of special and general questions.

24. Sequence of tones: disjunctive and alternative questions.

25. Sequence of tones: direct address and parenthesis.

26. Sequence of tones: adverbial phrases and enumeration.

27. Sequence of tones: complex and compound sentences.

28. Characteristics of sounds [p-b] and [ʊ].

29. Characteristics of sounds [r] and [з:]

30. Characteristics of sounds [t-d] and [aʊ].

31. Characteristics of sounds [l] and [e].

32. Characteristics of sounds [η] and [u:].

33. Characteristics of sounds [k-g] and [eɪ].

34. Characteristics of sounds [f-v] and [ɪ].

35. Characteristics of sounds [m] and [a:].

36. Characteristics of sounds [θ-ð] and [æ].

37. Characteristics of sounds [w] and [ɒ].

38. Characteristics of sounds [s-z] and [aɪ].

39. Characteristics of sounds [ʃ-ʒ] and [i:].

40. Characteristics of sounds [h], [ɔɪ] and [ʌ].

41. Characteristics of sounds [j] and [ɪə].

42. Characteristics of sounds [ʧ-ʤ] and [εə].

43. Characteristics of sounds [əʊ] and [ʊə].

44. Characteristics of sounds [ɔ:], [ə] and [n].


Practical task 1.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: people, alone, trifle 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: blackboard, ex-minister,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: I sat down and opened the Pirate book and commenced to read…

Practical task 2.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: female, dragons, unfortunate 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: timetable, make up,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: Whenever people talk to me about the weather, I always feel…

Practical task 3.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: urgent, tomato, appetite 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: ultra-modern,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: While I’m making all these inquiries, you will wait for me…

Practical task 4.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: parents, yesterday, listened 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: ladybird, under,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: Where did that charitable gentleman who had a first-class…

Practical task 5.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: comfortable, dinner, modern 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: gratitude, impossibility,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: Take care not to make many mistakes when you bake those…

Practical task 6.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: bathroom, shopping, passing 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: tape recorder, export, get… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: I’ve got a man coming to see me in a few minutes, and I…

Practical task 7.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: pantry, berries, nursery 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: pre-history, non-stop,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: Tennis is played all the year round on hard courts, grass or…

Practical task 8.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: disappear, cottage, walking 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: shop-window, vice-consul,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: Anne was so slow in moving her pieces that I was afraid my…

Practical task 9.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: dancing, regular, organ 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: air-raid, modification,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: I sent it back to those awful people immediately.

Practical task 10.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: butterfly, popular, academy 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: vice-chancellor,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: To fulfil the first requirement you must have some marks to…

Practical task 11.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: magnet, colour, blazer 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: newcomer, old-fashioned,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: In the foreign country an unmistakable indication of your…

Practical task 12.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: driver, thankful, money 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: contest, pick up,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: She pretended to be quite indifferent to what her friend…

Practical task 13.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: coffee, stony, ladykbird 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: dancing-girl,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: Don’t you think it would be better to wait for him at the…

Practical task 14.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: winter, cloudy, miner 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: articulate, anticyclone,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: I sent it back to those awful people immediately.

Practical task 15.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: family, careful, merry 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: left-handed, switch off,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: Don’t you realize it’s quite against the rules to have him…

Practical task 16.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: stranger, dinner, honey 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: displease, substitution,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: Have you made up your mind yet what you want to do when you…

Practical task 17.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: castle, Friday, pulley 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: reorganize, considerate,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: I wish you’d behaved better in the public places like…

Practical task 18.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: Bobby, apple, classify 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: butterfly, pronunciation,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: I would strongly advise you to try and acquire some…

Practical task 19.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: bookish, moody, Sunday 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: academician, pre-historic,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: Put the pens and pencils in their proper places.

Practical task 20.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: planet, pirate, mirror 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: vice-president,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: In the middle of the night a sudden fear that he failed…

Practical task 21.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: dialect, hurry, playfully 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: considerate,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: Travel by tram to the station, and then take the second…

Practical task 22.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: sunny, carefully suddenly 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: qualify,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: Ted and Fred meant to spend the night in the tent, but Trent…

Practical task 23.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: kitten, bicycle, tragedy 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: living-room, clarify,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: A train is waiting at the railway station on the platform.…

Practical task 24.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: Why don’t you do anything to gain more experience in writing…

Practical task 25.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: cozy, breakfast, peasant 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: unnatural, fifty-two,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: Snow came in the night without a sound like a white cloud…

Practical task 26.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: never, hearty, mercifully 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: immortal, mistake,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: He made no effort to make everybody sure he was right.

Practical task 27.

2. Define the number of syllables in the following words: sugar, bottle, stormy 3. Provide these words with necessary stress marks: minimize, celebration,… 4. Analyse the sentence considering the following points: Is it possible to see anything of London in one or two…

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: вопросы, курсовому, экзамену, практической, фонетике, английского, языка0.062

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