рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Ключи с вариантами к учебнику Практический курс английского языка 3 курс

Ключи с вариантами к учебнику Практический курс английского языка 3 курс - раздел Иностранные языки,       Ббк 81.2 Англ-923 Т ...




ББК 81.2 Англ-923

Т 23

Татищева Е.С.

Т 23 Ключи с вариантами к учебнику Практический курс

английского языка 3 курс под ред. В.Д. Аракина.

2-е издание, исправленное - М.: ГИС, 2008. - 295 с.

КВК 978-5-8330-0233-9

В пособии представлены ключи ко всем упражнениям

Учебника, кроме творческих заданий. Во многих случаях переводы

Даны в нескольких возможных вариантах.

Пособие предназначено для студентов и преподавателей

Филологических факультетов. Оно будет полезно всем, изучающим

Английский язык.

ISBN 978-5-8330-0233-9

@Е.С. Татищева, 2006 г.

@Издательство ГИС, 2008 г.

Распознавание и корректировка отсканированного текста произведено Дилетто С.А.

Данный материал представлен исключительно для ознакомления, и является собственностью его законных авторов.



В пособии содержатся ключи практически ко всем

грамматическим упражнениям и ко всем упражнениям

из основной части учебника английского языка под редакцией

В Д. Аракина.

Владение данными ключами избавит вас от необходимости перерывать словари и терзаться сомнениями:

правильно я перевел, перефразировал и т.п. или нет?

Конечно, обратиться к данному пособию следует лишь

после того, как будут самостоятельно сделаны упражнения.

Ключ - это не шпаргалка, а всего лишь хороший

способ проверить себя самого до того, как сдать домашнюю

работу преподавателю. Не удивляйтесь, если среди

нескольких вариантов одно слово или фразеологизм

выделены жирным шрифтом: они не лучше, а всего

лишь взяты из активной лексики данного урока.

Все полезные замечания и предложения, которые вы

пришлете в издательство, будут учтены в следующих и зданиях.

Успехов вам в учебе!



Unit one  
Unit two  
Unit three  
Unit four  
Unit five  
Unit six  
Unit seven  
Unit eight  



UNIT ONE Exercise 1, p. 7

Possible variants

one. 2. It is more like a fable than a fairy tale. 3. The fabric looks more like cotton than viscose. 4. Ann looks more like a schoolgirl than a college student. 5. With this hairdo she looks

Exercise 2, p. 8

Possible variants

1. I should/would never have thought that looking after

a child was so tiresome. 2. I should/would never have thought that

writing a summary ofthis article might cost so much effort.

3. I should/would never have thought that scrubbing a sooty

saucepan clean might turn out to be such a trying job. 4. The

harder he worked, the bigger wages he earned. 5. The more he

thought over the problem, the less he knew what to do. 6. The

more we stayed at the “Holiday In n”, the more we liked the place.

7. That won't do. You shouldn’t be so careless. 8. That won't do.

You’ll have to do everything all over again. 9. That won't do. You

treat the matter too lightly. 10. That won't do. Your answer is


Exercise3, p. 8

Possible variants

go on a walking tour for a week or so. 2. In two days I’ll finish my exams. - Oh, thank God! It will be a splendid opportunity to go away on holiday and swim in the nice warm sea and bake in the

Exercise 5, pp. 8 -9

pass (by) a small town. It was more like a big village than a town, all its houses were smothered in roses and it seemed to us so lovely that we couldn’t help stopping there (couldn’t keep from


Exercise 1, p. 16


сплетня (сплетни), слух (слухи), россказни, толки; светская хроника (в газете) a gossip column - отдел светской хроники (е газете,


to put up at some place - остановиться в каком-л. месте (в гостинице и т.п.) to roam the woods/through the woods (about a place) -

Exercise 4, p. 14

houses smothered in roses. 2. I’d like to put up atthis small inn for a week or so. 3. The whole day we roamed (about) the countryside, and in the evening we had a nice rest. 4. It

Exercise 5, pp. 14-15

is smothered in flowers, and roam (about) the mountains. 2. We decided that in St. Petersburg we would put up at :i hotel and stay there for a week or so. 3. We got settled quickly, and it

Exercise 8, p. 15

to roam (about), a place; for an hour or so; to put up somewhere

for the night; to have plenty of time; a splendid opportunity;

a fascinating idea; to make a fire; quite an undertaking; to

turn out; to be the size of smth.; steadily; absurd; to overhaul; to

pick out; to thicken the gravy; to be on the safe side; hackneyed

things; not to matter

Exercise 9, p. 15

сказочный утолок - a fairy-like nook;

утопать в розах - to be smothered in roses;

настоящая сельская гостиница - a veritable picture of

a country inn;



сельские новости - village politics;

причудливые* комнаты - quaint rooms;

решетчатые окна - latticed windows;

шикарный ужин - a slap-up supper;

по части стряпни - in the way of cooking;

собирать хворост - to gather wood;

беззаботность - light-heartedness

Exercise 10, pp. 15-16

other village inhabitants' behaviour and private lives, often including information that is not true. 2. to try a good slap-up supper - to try to cook a splendid supper. 3. Our light-heartedness

Exercise 1, p. 16 - see above.

Exercise 2, p. 16

стоя у забора, разделяющего их сады. 2. Где сплетни, там и ложь. 3. «Я решила на какое-то время пригласить ее сюда и отдать на растерзание здешним сплетницам», - сказала

Exercise 3, р. 18

and some gossip. 2. He chuckled at the thought of how successfully they had deceived the gossips. 3. Ann wound Tom round her little finger. 4. It’s time he wound up his speech. 5. She

Exercise 4, pp. 18-20

the side pick up the latest rumours. 2. You meet other boats there and rumours, often groundless about the people living or working on the river are exchanged. 3. He had mentioned that

Exercise 5, p. 20

peel - scrape

1. New potatoes are nice to the taste but Ihate scraping

them. 2. I’ve boiled potatoes in their jackets/skins, will you


steady - firm

1. The chair was not steadybecause one of its legs was broken.

2. The oak-tree stood firmin the earth. 3. Mr. Convoy was

a steadycustomer at the bookshop. 4. His decision was firm.

crack - break

1. The cup was/had cracked,but the pieces still held together.

2. The ice crackedand then brokeunder his feet. 3- Brittle

things breakeasily.

taste - flavour

1. The peach has a peculiarly fine flavour.2. The fruit looked

tempting, but it turned out to have an unpleasant taste.3-1 like

the lemon flavourof the sweets.

Exercise 6, p. 20

заводить часы - to wind (up) a watch (a clock); сматывать шерсть в клубок - to wind wool; задеть локтем за что-л. - to scrape one’s elbow on/against

Exercise 7, p. 20-22

some people are fond of gossiping about/over others’ affairs. 2. “I think/To my mind/In my opinion/I believe/It seems to me there aren’t many gossips in our block of flats (Brit)/apartment

Exercise 8, p. 22

1. Gossip. 2. Peel. 3. Contribution. 4. Taste. 5. A gossip.

6. We call such a person steady. 7. He/She can w in d /w rap /

twist anyone round his/her little finger. 8. It is in a mess.

9. I would try to steady it. 10. I taste it. 11. I have to scrape it

o u t/to scrape the burnt porridge off its bottom/to scrape it

clean. 12. One must scrape up/together enough money to

pay the tuition. 13. It is sure to crack. 14. If all goes well, my

spirits rise/ are high, and if things go from bad to worse they

sink/fall (they are low).

Exercise 9, p. 22

2. I know that it’s in a mess but how could I help it? I’ve slipped and fallen right into the mud. 3. You couldn’t be more wrong. He made a big contribution. (He contributed a lot to

Exercise 13, p. 23

nothing inthe way ofyou view. 2. Frankly speaking, Idon’t see anything inthat idea. 3. She is always introuble because o f/o n account ofher son. He can’t resist bad influence. 4. I can never

Exercise 14, pp. 23-24

2. I was in the very midst of the crowd and couldn’t come up to you. 3. If I were you/in your place I would wait a little, it’s in your interest (s). 4. “Who has taken (got/picked) out the mail/the



Choosing a route. Packing. - Выбор маршрута. Упаковка

hike - разг. длительная прогулка, экскурсия или путешествие пешком, поход; to go on a hike - отправиться в поход;

Bathing and Boating - Купание и катание

to look down at the river and shiver - (по)смотреть с берега на реку и (за)дрожать; to throw water over oneself - обливаться водой;

Exercise 1, p. 38

Possible variants

stubborn rather than stupid. 3. The family suffered for lack of money. 4. If 1 were invited to the concert, I would dress in my very best (I would dress appropriately for the occasion). 5. What you

Exercise 2, p. 38

the room was damp rather than cold. 3. The girl said she liked hiking in a way. 4. I can understand her explanation rather than accept it. 5. If I were you, I wouldn’t have made an appointment

Exercise 3, p. 38

man than a sly/cunning one.) 2. To be sure/Surely/Of course your proposals are important/significant/meaningful in a way, but they have nothing to do with the essence of the matter/the



Exercise 1, p. 49

the point of a pin (needle, pen, pencil, stick) - кончик булавки (иглы, ручки, карандаша, палки); the point of a knife (a weapon) - острие ножа (оружия);


as a result - в результате, вследствие; to have great difficulty with smb./smth. - иметь большие трудности в чем-либо, с кем-либо;

Exercise 4, p. 46

changing her course of action and coming in contact with Miss Tant. 2. Nobody could consider Ogden Street very attractive but her words always had a powerful impact on me. 3. Jo opened her

Exercise 5, p. 46

ably have) difficulty (in) coming in contact with the group.   group.) 2. Her explanations can be believed to/in some degree.

Exercise 9, p. 47

communicating with the real world. 2. I felt that writing was not the sort of thing I liked (that writing wasn’t really my line). 3. Always I feel something is missing. 4. The fact that I often

Exercise 2, p. 49

делу. 2. Майра с видимым напряжением наблюдала за нами обоими, но я знал, что как бы внимательно она ни слушала, она все равно не поймет сути разговора. 3. Я взял себе за

Exercise 3, р. 51

up early every day, and I’m none the worse for it. 3. There seems no point in prolonging this interview. 4. He’s on the point of going, you’d better speak to him right now. 5. He pointed to

Exercise 4, p. 52

2. You’re tired out or you would get my meaning at once. 3. You haven’t understood the meaning of the story (the most important thing in the story). 4. His comments are always relevant.

Exercise 5, p. 53

говорить по существу - to keep/stick/speak to the point; быть склонным принять предложение - to be on the point of accepting the proposal/suggestion;

Exercise 6, p. 53

to the point straight/right away please? 2. Tom sighed with relief. “I should never have thought that we would agree on all the points,” he said. 3.I am afraid there isn’t much point in having

Exercise 7, p. 54

1. They can resist an attack. 2. He can’t resist watching television

from noon to night/He can’t resist the temptation of watching television

all day. 3. You should mix them. 4. A dreamer. 5. A mixed

school. 6. He is always interfering in things which are no concern

of his. 7. A good mixer. 8. Admiration. 9. She can’t resist chocolates.

10. To be mixed up in an unpleasant affair. 11. He/She mixes them

up. 12. She is irresistible. 13. An admirer (поклонник). 14. You

should mix them. 15. He or she is a constant reader. 16. We expect

that he will reflect a little before giving it. 17. I would say that I suspect

him. 18. To point out smth. (to smb.) 19. Self-conscious.

Exercise 8, p. 55

1. She can’t resist tasty food. 2. Everyone would like to have

a constant friend. 3. He is the kind of man who always takes the

line of least resistance. 4. Yes, it should be mixed with water.

5.I found her irresistible and never suspected that such a charming

girl could be so deceitful. 6. You are always mixing them up,

aren’t you? 7. I’m dreaming. 8. I just can’t resist it, I’m so sleepy/

I just can’t resist sleep, I’m so drowsy. 9. I couldn’t resist the temptation.

10. I can’t explain it but I just can’t resist laughing.

11. I think you shouldn’t. I don’t want to get mixed up in this affair.

12. I was detained in a supermarket on suspicion of shoplifting

but fortunately the misunderstanding was soon cleared up.


Exercise 12, p. 56

1. He was a man with no future beforehim. 2. Nobody dared

speak about it beforehim. 3- Like his father beforehim, he had

an eye for a face. 4. He knelt beforeher. 5. I was angry with him

at the time, but I have forgiven him long since.6. I’ll give you a

cup of tea before Iexplain to you what has happened. 7. He said

he had never met the girl before/since(before - раньше; since

- с тех пор). 8. He left in 1950 and has not been heard of since.

9. They came to London in 1937, and have been there ever

since.10. Sincewe have no money, we cannot buy it. 11. She

hasn’t been home sinceher marriage.

Exercise 13, p. 56

1. Soon/Presently he saw a road before him. 2. He got up and

stood/stopped before the picture/painting. 3. I have an appointment

for 10. I5, you are before me. 4. He knelt before her. 5. You

wanted to humiliate me before everybody. 6. A lot has changed

for the better since we met. 7. The picture/painting was damaged

by the fire and hasn’t been restored since. 8. How long is it

since you last had your hair cut?/Since what time haven’t you

had your hair cut? 9. I wanted to tell her about everything, but

the next day she left and I haven’t seen her since. 10. It’s a week

since I made inquiries. There has been no reply so far.




Cinema. - Кино.

cinema (house) - кинотеатр;

open-air theatre - летний кинотеатр, кинотеатр на открытом


cinema with continuous performance - кинотеатр, в котором

сеансы следуют один за другим без перерыва, кинотеатр

непрерывного показа/просмотра;

drive-in-theatre - кинотеатр, в котором фильмы смотрят,

не выходя из автомобиля;

film/movie/(motion) picture - (кино-) фильм;

to go to the cinema (a movie, the movies, the pictures) -

пойти в кино;


wide (large, broad) screen) - широкий экран;

the first (second) showing (performance, programme)

begins a t ... (ends at ...) - первый (второй) сеанс начинается

в ... (кончается в ...);

colour poster - цветная афиша;

the box office - касса (билетная);

to book tickets - покупать билеты.

Films. - Фильмы.

educational film - образовательный фильм; popular scientific film - научно-популярный фильм; feature film - художественный фильм;


Exercise 1, p. 70

Possible variants

retype the article. 2. It’s up to Dad who drives to work and back to do the shopping. 3- It’s up to Nelly who has broken that antique dish to explain the circumstances to the host. 4. Helen felt shy

Exercise 2. p. 70

1. You couldn’t help feeling admiration for her slim figure,

bright eyes and soft voice. 2. It’s up to you to go and see for yourself.

3. The children felt frustrated when they understood that

they were despised by their leader. 4. The stuff smelt terrible.

5. Everybody knows about my little daughter’s love of cartoons

and puppet films. 6. How dare you ask for more? 7. I dared to tell

him that he would change his mind. 8. The music sounds quite

familiar. 9. This tune sounds very nice. 10. All the children knew

about John’s devotion to his pets and felt respect for this feeling.

11. Ifelt angry and upset when I accidentally met him. 12. How

dare you deny the fact? 13. It’s up to you to decide.

Exercise 3, p. 71

feeling bad since Monday. 3. His love of books is well known in the group. 4. How wonderful/delicious the roses smell! 5. The child didn’t dare to ask the teacher his question. 6. The feeling of


bloody, bleeding - чертов, проклятый (Brit).


nursery school - детский сад; primary school - начальная школа;

To have (gain, win, give smb.) an advantage over smb. -

либо; It has the advantage ofbeing modern (cheap, etc.)- Он лучше, потому что он современный (дешевый и т.п.)/Эта вещь имеет то преимущество, что она современная (дешевая и…

Word Combinations and Phrases

усилия, чтобы сделать что-либо; to have a pretty good idea of- иметь неплохое представление о чем-либо;

Exercise 4, p. 78

was. 2. The boy took (great) pains to make his mother buy him a puppy. 3. She made no comment. 4. Julia felt frustrated because her parents’ health was failing and there was nothing

Exercise 5, p. 78

angry with you) is playing (to play) into your hands. 2. I was set a very difficult task, and I had to perform it. 3. We can buy this suite offurniture, it is expensive, but reasonably so.

Exercise 9, p. 79

lesson which immediately preceded the recess in writing an account of the events of their school week including comments and criticism. 2.... he would tolerate no attempts on the part of

Exercise 2, p. 81

один мальчик из обучавшихся в школе ни разу не получил стипендии для продолжения учебы в университете. 3. Она здесь с начала занятий. 4. Школа будет закрыта до конца

Exercise 3, р. 83

to work as a Western Union messenger boy. 2. Are schools any better in Australia? 3. All the school turned out to welcome the celebrity. 4. She has a nice voice, but she hasn’t had any schooling.

Exercise 4, p. 84

keeping with a new theory in linguistics. 2. I have known it since I was a child/a teenager. 3. Evidently the boy was beaten either by his schoolmates or by someone he met on the way

Exercise 5, p. 85

1. Nursery schoolsare for those who haven’t yet reached compulsory schoolage. 2. Compulsory schoolingis divided into a primary and secondaiy stage. 3. Computers and micro-

Exercise 6, p. 86


средняя школа - secondary school;

ученый - scholar;

обучение в школе - schooling;

получить право на стипендию - to win a scholarship;

учиться в школе - to go to school/to be at school;

хореографическое училище - ballet school;

голландская школа живописи - the Dutch school of painting;



школа-интернат - boarding school;

иметь преимущество - to have an advantage over smb.,


воспользоваться чем-либо - to take advantage ofsmth.;

в выгодном свете - to advantage;

принять в члены - to admit (to);

принять в институт - to admit to an institute/to college;

признавать - to admit, to acknowledge, to confess;

соглашаться - to agree;

признаться в ошибке - to admit/acknowledge one’s mistake,

to confess a fault;

вход по билетам - admission (is) by ticket;

входная плата - admission, price ofadmission;

подавать заявление о приеме в институт - to apply for

admission to an institute/college;

признание своей вины - admission of guilt;

чахнуть - to waste (away);

опустошать - to lay waste;

пустырь - wasteland;

попусту тратить слова - to waste words, to waste (one’s)


транжира - a wasteful person, a wastrel;

повернуться спиной к (буквально) - to turn one’s back to;

повернуться спиной к (фигурально) - to turn one’s

l>;ick on;

делать что-либо за спиной кого-либо - to do smth.

behind smb.’s back;

подсознательно - at the back ofone’s mind;

затылок - the back ofone’s head;

i гарушить слово - to go back on one’s word;

скрывать что-либо - to keep/hold smth. back;

до мозга костей - to the backbone;

<>ставаться в тени - to keep (stay, remain, be) in the back-

цг< nind;

расскажи мне о себе - tell me your background.


удовлетворять потребности - to meet the requirements;

иыполнять требования - to meet (satisfy) the demands;

письма, требующие ответа - letters requiring an answer;


рекомендация - reference;

справочник - reference book;

иметь отношение к чему-либо - to refer to smth., to have

reference to smth.;

отсылать к кому-либо - to refer to smb.;

ссылаться на что-либо - to refer to smth.;

владеть собой - to keep/control one’s temper;

необузданный нрав - fiery tempers;

вспыльчивый характер - temper; quick/hot temper;

быть в хорошем настроении - to be in a good temper

(mood), to be in high spirits;

быть раздраженным - to be in a temper;

вспылить - to get/fly into a temper; to lose one’s temper;

выставлять картины - to display pictures/paintings;

демонстрировать товары - to display goods;

проявлять смелость - to display courage;

выставлять напоказ - to make a display ofsmth., to make

a show of smth.;

приличные условия - decent conditions;

скромное поведение - decent behavior;

хороший обед - decent dinner.

Exercise 7, p. 86

scholar. His visit to our school is a great honour./It is a great honour for our school that he has visited us. 2. I’ve known him for a long time. We were at school together. 3. The girl

Exercise 8, p. 87

You have the advantage of knowing two foreign languages. 2. He/She has been admitted to the institute. 3- He has won a scholarship to university. 4. There is too much waste in

Exercise 9, p- 88

should apply for admission to university (to college). 3. All the goods in it are displayed in such a way that it is very easy to find whatever you are looking for. 4. Oh, he is a very

Exercise 13, p. 89

had been born. 2. The blackberries tasted ofrain. 3. I didn’t luiy the piano to be sonated out ofmy house ofan evening. (Я купил этот рояль не затем, чтобы меня каждый вечер

Exercise 14, p. 89

telegram I went to/started for/set out for the railway station at once. 3. Upon my word, I didn’t do it. 4. Try as I would/No matter how hard I tried/However hard I tried (on) that evening I couldn’t

Обучение в английских школах

(Школьное образование в Англии)

Тематический словарь

1. Виды школ:

maintained (state) school - государственная школа; школа,

финансируемая государством;

county school - школа графства, финансируемая из госу-

дарственных ресурсов;

voluntary school - школа, содержащаяся на средства ча-

стной благотворительности;


nursery school - детский сад;

primary school - начальная школа;

infant school - учебное заведение для детей старше семи

лет; младшие классы начальной школы (для детей с 5 до

7 лет,

junior school -школа в Великобритании для детей от 7 до

11 лет;

secondary school - средняя школа;

grammar school - средняя классическая школа;

modern school - средняя современная школа без преподавания

классических языков (для детей от 11 до 16 лет;

государственная) ;

technical school - техническая школа (средняя общеобразовательная

гикола с профессиональным уклоном для

учащихся от 11 до 16 или до 18 лет; наиболее успешно

сдавите экзамены имеют право на поступление в вузы);

comprehensive school - единая средняя школа (государственная;

дети принимаются без отборочных экзаменов

и обучаются по общей программе до 13-15 лет; затем - по

специальной программе в зависимости от наклонностей),

two-tier [tiə] school - двухуровневая школа;

middle school - школа, в которой обучаются дети от 9 до

13 лет;

upper school Brit (high school US) - старшие классы средней


mixed (co-educational) school - школа с совместным обучением

мальчиков и девочек, смешанная школа;

single-sex school - школа для мальчиков или для девочек;

special school - специальная школа (для детей с физическими

или психическими недостатками);

independent (fee-paying, private) school - частная школа;

pre-preparatory school - частная школа для детей от 5

до 8 лет (готовит к поступлению в приготовительную


preparatory school - 1) Brit частная приготовительная

школа (готовящая к поступлению в закрытую привилеги-

/н /ванную частную школу)-, 2) US частная средняя школа

(Для подготовки в высшее учебное заведение);

public school - в Англии частная школа для богатых, закрытая

частная привилегированная школа (преим. для



мальчиков); 2) бесплатная средняя школа (в США и Шотландии);

sixth form college - приготовительный колледж (среднее

учебное заведение для молодежи старше 16 лет, государственное

или частное; готовит к поступлению в университет;

существует самостоятельно или при comprehensive


tertiary college - учебное заведение для молодежи старше

16 лет (государственное; готовит к поступлению в политехнический

институт [polytechnic] или университет

по специализированной программе на уровне шестого

класса [sixth form] либо по программе дальнейшего образования

[further education]).

2. Уровни обучения:

compulsory education - обязательное обучение;

pre-school education - дошкольное обучение;

primary education - начальное обучение;

secondary education - среднее образование;

further education - дальнейшее образование (дневное и

вечернее, платное; основная цель - повышение квалификации;

возраст учащихся не ограничен) [курсы повышения

квалификации] [среднее профессиональное образование];

higher education - высшее образование.

3. Политика в области образования:

administration - администрация, руководство;

schooling - обучение/образование (в школе и т.п.);

full-time education - дневная форма обучения, обучение

с отрывом от работы;

part-time education - вечернее или заочное образование,

обучение без отрыва от работы;

tripartite system - трехвидовая система образования (со

средними школами трех типов: классическими, средними

современными и техническими);

class-divided and selective system ofeducation - система

обучения, основанная на разделении детей (обучающихся)

на потоки или классы в зависимости от способностей;

to sustain inequality ofopportunity - способствовать сохранению

неравенства (стартовых) возможностей;

to go comprehensive - Brit переходить на систему единого

среднего образования;


the Department ofEducation and Science - Brit Министерство

образования и науки;

Local Education Authorities (LEAs) - местные органы народного


to be responsible for the national education policy - отвечать

за государственную политику в области образования;

to run a school - руководить/заведовать школой;

to prescribe curricula or textbooks - предписывать/опре-

делять учебные планы или учебники;

the provision of schools - обеспечение школ;

to provide maintained school education - обеспечивать

обучение в школах, финансируемых государством.

4. Руководство:

Head Teacher/Headmaster, Principal - директор школы;

Assistant Principal - заместитель директора школы;

Acting Head Teacher - исполняющий обязанности (И.О.)

директора школы;

staff - преподавательский состав школы, учителя;

governing body - руководящий орган;

to have responsibility - нести ответственность;

to employ teachers - нанимать учителей;

to provide and maintain buildings - предоставлять здания

и содержать их в хорошем состоянии;

to supply equipment - предоставлять оборудование,

(обеспечивать оборудованием;

to provide grants - 1) назначать стипендии учащимся

(обыкн. выплачивается из средств госбюджета или местных

органов власти); 2) предоставлять дотации, субсидии

учебным заведениям (предоставляются обыкн. правительством);

appointment and dismissal ofstaff - назначение и увольнение

преподавательского состава, учителей.

5. Прием в учебные заведения (школы и т.п.):

to admit - принять (в учебное заведение и т.п.);

to allocate - 1) предназначать, ассигновывать; 2) распределять,


to apply for admission - подать заявление о приеме;

selective procedure - отборочная процедура;

intelligence tests - проверка умственных способностей;


substitute for the abolished 11+exams - замена отборочных

экзаменов школьников в возрасте 11 лет, которые ранее

проводились по окончании начальной школы;

to measure inborn abilities - оценивать врожденные способности;

to have a time limit - иметь ограничение по времени;

to coach for - натаскивать на;

catchment area - (микро)район, обслуживаемый школой;

without any reference to the child’s ability or aptitude - независимо

от навыков и способностей ребенка;

to transfer (promote) from one class to another - переводить

в другой (следующий) класс.

6. Учебный план (Учебная программа):

broad curriculum - широкая учебная программа;

academic course - гуманитарный курс;

non-academic course - технический курс;

vocational bias - профессионально-технический уклон;

foundation course - программы, объединяющие несколько

дисциплин, и занятия по иностранному языку, призванные

адаптировать знания ученика по базовым дисциплинам

к местным стандартам и «подтянуть» его по языку;

foundation subjects - предметы, входящие в foundation


to meet special interests - обеспечить преподавание по

программам, отвечающим интересам отдельных учеников;

common curriculum - общая учебная программа;

simplified curriculum - упрощенная учебная программа;

education with a practical slant for lower-attaining pupils - образование

с практическим уклоном для отстающих учеников;

to encourage to do smth. - поощрять, стимулировать сделать


the three R’s - чтение, письмо и арифметика (reading,

writing and ‘rithmetic);

subject teaching - преподавание предметов;

specialist teacher - квалифицированный преподаватель;

remedial teaching - занятия с отстающими учениками.

7. Экзамены:

GCSE (exam) (General Certificate ofSecondary Education) -

экзамен на получение аттестата об общем среднем образовании;


to sit for an exam - сдавать, держать экзамен;

“A” level exam - экзамен по программе средней школы на

повышенном уровне (сдается по программе шестого класса

в Великобритании);

Common Entrance Exam - общий вступительный экзамен

( сдается в приготовительной школе [preparatory

school] для поступления в привилегированную частную

школу [public school/);

to set and mark a task - задать задание и выставить отметку;

to hand the papers out - раздать письменные задания;

examining board - экзаменационная комиссия;

grades - отметки, оценки;

“pass” grade - удовлетворительная оценка, зачет;

resits and retakes - переэкзаменовки;

unsuccessful pupil - неуспевающий (отстающий) ученик;

to repeat the year - остаться на второй год;

to pass an exam - сдать экзамен;

to keep up with the group - не отставать от группы;

to fall behind - отстать.

8. Наказания:

corporal punishment - телесное наказание;

detention (after school or during the dinner hour) - остав-

ление в классе (после уроков или во время обеденного перерыва);

lines - дополнительное задание, которое школьник дол-

жен переписать в наказание за что-л.);

exclusion from normal routine - исключение из участия в

привычном распорядке;

exclusion from privileges (loss of privilege) - лишение при-

милегий/особых прав;

colllection of litter - сбор мусора;

suspension from school - временное исключение из


wiерdrawal from lessons - отстранение от уроков;

seiееing extra work - дополнительные задания;

putting “on report” - дисциплинарное взыскание;

еудling the parents - сообщение родителям о неуспевае-

мости, плохом поведении и т.п.





Exercise 2, p. 108

1. Why would he come bothering you without being invited?

2. She disappeared into the kitchen without noticing the girl.

3. Now John plays the piano better than ever. 4. Mary speaks

English better than ever. 5. Why would he throw aside such an

opportunity? 6. Why would I go to the trouble oflooking after

him? 7. She was clever enough to get what she wanted. 8. He was

a nice kid, old enough to get his driver’s license. 9- The boy

screamed with laughter when he took a ride on a merry-goround.

10. Kate (Kate’s cheeks) flushed with pleasure.

Exercise 3, p-109

2. He came without being/having been invited and was feeling awkward. 3. In this competition he had more advantages over his rivals than ever. 4. He wanted to travel/to set out on a travel more



to stand still - а) не двигаться, оставаться неподвижным; б) остановиться;  

И т. п .

I said”. “Isn’t a scream?” – «Реджинальд, теперь ты - глава семьи Знаю, - ответил я. - Ну, разве это не умора?» 9. fitvi/t - 1)подходить, быть впору; 2) соответствовать,


стать (что-л. делать), покончить (с чем-л.), прервать отношения (с кем-л.); to give smb. a test in - дать кому-л. контрольную (тест) на;

Exercise 4, p. 116

1. It may take a while to get/to be through with that pile of

work on Saturday. 2. I’m through with this fellow. 3. The teacher

gave us a test in English. 4. He gives the class a test in their homework.

5. It’s much easier to take the recorder apart than to put it

together. 6. The dining-room was empty except for the table next

to ours. 7. She put down the box of powder and looked at me over

her shoulder. 8. A piano stool should be adjusted to the height of

the player. 9. I was surprised that they returned in no time. 10. The

mechanical teacher flashed a new picture on the screen.

Exercise 5, p. 116

1. He was glad to be through with his affairs/his business.

2. Today I’m giving my class a test in English literature. 3. He

wished he hadn’t tried (He was sorry he had tried) to

repair/mend/fix the razor (electric razor/shaver) himself. (He

wished he hadn’t undertaken to repair/mend/fix the

razor/electric shaver himself.) It was easier to take (it) apart

than to put (it) together. 4. Children sometimes take toys apart

to see how they work. 5. I looked over my shoulder and saw the

dog running after me. 6. I’m sure that you know the man who sat

next to you. 7. His eyes got adjusted to the dark/the darkness. 8.

Please (I beg you/I entreat you/I beseech you), tell me some

more about her. 9. I looked over my shoulder at the boy again.

10. The mechanical teacher flashed a new task/assignment on

the screen.

Exercise 8, p. 117

to write about smth. in one’s diary; to be through with smth.;

to take smth. apart; what a waste; she was doing/had been doing

worse and worse; in no time; to look at smb. with superior eyes;

to be hurt; to be/get adjusted; a book tucked beneath his arm; to

help one another on the homework; to add fractions; a test.


Exercise 9, p. 117

17, 2157. 2.... it was awfully funny to read words that were just printed there instead of moving as they always did. 3. When you finish the book, you just put it into the waste basket/you just dispose

Exercise 2, p. 118

стояли смирно, пока с ними говорил командир. 3. Пожалуйста, помоги вместо того, чтобы просто стоять и смотреть. 4. Ненавижу/Терпеть не могу людей, которые смеются

Exercise 3, p. 120

stands. 3. I stand my ground no matter what is said. 4. I would hate any ofyou if you mistreat an animal. 5. His careful concealment ofsuch hate/hatred was a characteristic feature ofa man

Exercise 4, p. 121

2. The arrangement remains unaltered (unchanged)/holds/ holds good. 3. Who’s going to pay the bill/foot the bill? 4. P.O. means post-office./P.O. is an abbreviation for post-office.

Exercise 5, p. 122

2. I should/would never have thought that this shy-looking man (that this man so timid in appearance) would stand up for his rights so firmly. 3. It stands to reason that these changes are

Exercise 6, p. 122.

поддерживать - to stand up for; выдерживать испытание (боль, жару) - to stand the test [(the) pain, (the) heat];

Exercise 10, p. 123

1. My sister was very ill and I had to sit upall night with her.

2. This little stream never dries up.3. You have worked very well

so far, keep it up.4. You have got the story all mixed up.

5. I brushed upmy recollections ofthe map ofEngland. 6. I’ll

clear upthis mess. 7. A heavy snowfall held upthe trains from

the North. 8. I came downto the country cottage for the weekend.

9. They went up/downthe squeaking stair. 10. A red tractor

crawled upand downa large field. 11. Don’t turn upthe corners

of the pages ofyour books.

Exercise 11, p. 124

time began working/got down to work. 2. Hang up your coat here and I’ll show you the way to his room. 3.I have picked up a handkerchief. Is it yours (by any chance)? 4. Her parents died



Basic principles. - Основные принципы.

to bring up (raise) children - воспитывать детей;

to avoid pitfalls - избегать опасностей/сложностей;


the formative years - годы, определяющие формирование


to progress (regress) in one’s development - продвигаться

вперед/делать успехи в развитии (регрессировать);

stunted development - затрудненное развитие;

physical and mental development - физическое и умственное


to encourage a child - поощрять ребенка;

to let children grow naturally - позволить детям развиваться


Basic qualities. - Основные качества,

security - безопасность; саге - забота; affection - любовь, привязанность;

Handling children. - Обращение с детьми.

to keep anger under control - держать гнев в узде, сдержи- вать. гнев; capacity to restrain anger - способность сдерживать гнев;

Praise. - Похвала.

direct praise ofpersonality - прямая похвала за личностные


realistic (idealized) picture ofsmb.’s personality - реалистическое

(идеализированное) представление о чьем-либо характере;

to exaggerate praise out ofall proportion - хвалить без


to give a realistic picture ofa child’s accomplishments - дать

правдивую/реалистичную картину достижений ребенка;

to concentrate on a child’s strength and not weakness - сосредоточить

внимание не на слабых, а на сильных сторонах


to keep away from general remarks about anyone’s personality

- не переходить на личности.

Punishment. - Наказание.

not to hit children - не бить детей; to be bound to lose - быть обреченным на неудачу; spanking - шлепки;

Discipline. Behaviour. Manner. - Дисциплина. Поведение.


a way ofteaching politeness - способ научить вежливости; to be punctual - быть пунктуальным/точным; to interrupt a conversation - перебить/прервать разговор,

Exercise 1, p. 137-138

Possible variants

as a mule. I can’t do a thing with her no matter how hard I try.    

Exercise 2, p. 138

болтать и топать ногами и для разнообразия занялся немного живописью 2. Мартин извинился, - перед обедом ему нужно было кое-что написать. 3. Сама миссис Стрикленд

Exercise 3, р. 138

1. One afternoon Beatrice asked me if I rode, and I explained i hat I had done some/a little riding but was far from proficient i n the art. 2. Mrs. Kettle is not the kind ofwoman to do the washing

Exercise 5, p. 139

home/When leaving the house (home) Rosemary never suspected that the next two hours ofher life would prove so unusual /extraordinary.


P. 144

1. jerkwater(Am. coll.) - маленький, незначительный; захолустный

(от полустанков, где поезд останавливается для

забора воды);

4. rot(coll., not si.) - вздор, чушь;

5. bosh(coll.) - вздор, чушь;

6. umph- хм! хм!

8. by gum- Бог ты мой;

7. poppycock(coll.) - вздор, чушь, глупость;

10.elfish- проказливый;

14.gob- комок (грязи, слизи, краски и т.п.);

15. admonish- 1)наставлять; 2) журить, корить; 3) убеждать.



The remedy relieved his pain at once. - Лекарство сразу же облегчило его боль. Nothing could relieve her anxiety. - Ничто не могло ослабить


в хорошей (плохой) форме; at a great sacrifice to one’s health - с большим ущербом для своего здоровья;

Exercise 4, p. 148

executed in ivory, and at his prayer Aphrodite gave it life. 2. The art dealer looked at the picture appraisingly but refused to promise that he would buy it at a certain price. 3. Another ofhis

Exercise 5, p. 149

that nothing could avert a disaster. 2. He was afraid ofbecoming the laughing-stock of the town. 3. The man you are calling/ you call a promising student is to my mind a mature artist

Exercise 8, p. 150

l hinking; at the expense ofone’s health - at a sacrifice to one’s health; to develop an interest in art - to take up art;

Exercise 9, p. 150

done some constructive thinking. 4. It was no ordinary case. 5. At a (great) sacrifice both to his health and his pocketbook. 6. I’ve got a proposition for you. 7. It proved too much for the

Exercise 10, p. 150

he was used to any information about the patients, however startling. 2. He had thought everything over carefully since his last visit. 3. The old man was quite fit/in a pretty good

Exercise 12 (b), p. 152

(ошибочный inattentive - невнимательный, небрежный incapable - неспособный;

Exercise 1, р. 153

сменяется караул. 2. Вор стащил у него часы. 3. Энн была благодарна ему за то, что он избавил ее от присутствия второй/ другой девушки. 4. Ее муж был раздражен/раздосадован

Exercise 3, р. 154

was a great relief to know that the children were safe. 3- He felt somehow relieved offurther responsibility. 4. I’m on duty until 2 p.m. And then Peter is coming to relieve me. 5. The little

Exercise 4, p. 155

2. Mallory no longer felt fear or anxiety and that was his chief reaction: he would have hated to have to speak to him again. 3. But Hilary couldn’t free himself/get rid ofhis own burdens

Exercise 5, p. 157

1. She placed the paper and pencil before me and said I could draw anything I liked. 2. The picture was painted so that the eyes seem to follow you no matter where you are.

Exercise 6, p. 157

снять напряжение - to relieve/ease the tension

облегчить боль - to relieve/ease the pain

усомниться в чем-л. - to doubt/question smth.

выбрать новогодний подарок - toselect/choose/pick

a New Year gift

воплощение здоровья - the picture ofhealth

отобрать лучших исполнителей - to select the best performers

разные по величине - different in size

иметь широкий ассортимент чего-л. - to have a good/

broad selection/choice of smth.

на номер больше, чем нужно - a size too big/large

сделать большое усилие - to make a great effort

сомневаться в чьей-л. искренности - to doubt/question

smb.’s sincerity


сгущать краски - to paint smb./smth in dark colours, to

paint smb./smth black

заставить кого-л. разговориться - to draw smb.out

успокоить, утешить кого-л. - to comfort smb./to bring

Relief to smb.

заурядный человек - colourless man (person) неясный ответ - a vague answer дать выход своим чувствам - to relieve one’s feelings

Exercise 7, p. 158

had not recognized him. 2. How often are the sentries at/by the gate relieved? 3. What a relief!(What bliss!) At (long) last I can stretch my legs. 4. The young woman sighed with relief

Exercise 8, p. 159

relieves/eases anxiety. 3- We call such a person a Bachelor of Arts or a Master of Arts depending on the years of learning. 4. If the walls of a house are peeling off, it wants repainting/painting.

Exercise 9, p. 159

mean? They are quite different in size. 3. Oh, no! It was surely selected by someone else. 4. Thank God I won’t have to make any more efforts. 5. Yes, it is executed marvelously. 6. Well,

Exercise 12, p. 160

2. What country do you come from?3. You must try to look at the matter frommy point ofview. 4. Stop that boy fromspoiling the book. 5. Johnson never made any provision forthe

Exercise 13, P -161

a pity that you have to keep the child from going to school/to keep the child out ofschool,” said Andrew. 3. Poets and painters often draw inspiration from nature.



a fashionable/mature artist - модный/зрелый художник; a self-taught artist - художник-самоучка; a portrait painter - портретист;

Composition and drawing. - Композиция и рисунок.

in the foreground/background - на переднем/заднем


in the top/bottom/left-hand corner - в верхнем/нижнем/

левом углу;

to arrange symmetrically/asymmetrically - симметрично/

асимметрично расположить;



to arrange in a pyramid - расположить в виде пирамиды;

to arrange in a vertical format - расположить вертикально;

to divide the picture space diagonally - разделить пространство

картины по диагонали;

to define the nearer figures more sharply - более четко

прорисовать ближайшие фигуры;

to emphasize contours purposely - специально выделить


to be scarcely discernible - быть едва различимым;

to convey a sense of space - передать ощущение пространства;

to place the figures against the landscape background - расположить

(человеческие) фигуры на фоне пейзажа;

to merge into a single entity - слить(ся) в единое целое;

to blend with the landscape - гармонировать с ландшафтом/


to indicate the sitter’s profession - свидетельствовать о

профессии позирующего/модели;

to be represented standing/sitting/talking - быть изображенным

стоя/сидя/во время беседы;

to be posed/silhouetted against an open sky/ a classic pillar/

the snow - быть расположенным/вырисовываться на

фоне неба/классической колонны/снега;

to accentuatate smth. - усиливать, подчеркивать что-л.

Colouring. Light and shade effects. - Колорит. Игра

Света и тени.

subtle/gaudy colouring - изысканный/чересчур яркий


to combine form and colour into harmonious unity - соеди-

1 1ить форму и цвет в гармоническом единстве;

brilliant/low-keyed colour scheme - яркая/сдержанная

I (ветовая гамма;

the colour scheme where... predominate - цветовая гамма,

it которой преобладают...

muted in colour - приглушенных оттенков;

The colours may be cool and restful/hot and agitated/

soft and delicate/dull, oppressive, harsh. - Цвета могут

пить прохладными и спокойными/горячими и возбуждающими/

мягкими и нежными/тусклыми, угнетающими,



The delicacy of tones may be lost in reproduction. - При

воспроизведении (на репродукции) изысканность оттенков

может потеряться.

Impression. Judgement. - Впечатления. Суждения.

The picture may be moving, lyrical, romantic, original, poetic

in tone and atmosphere. - Картина может быть трогательной,

лиричной, романтичной, оригинальной, поэтичной

по тону и атмосфере.

an exquisite piece of painting - изысканное произведение


an unsurpassed masterpiece, distinguished by a marvelous

sense of colour and composition - непревзойденный шедевр,

отличающийся изумительным чувством цвета и великолепной


The picture may be dull, crude, chaotic, a colourless daub of

paint, obscure and unintelligible, gaudy, depressing, disappointing,

cheap and vulgar. - Картина может быть скучной,

неумело написанной, хаотичной по композиции, бесцветной

мазней, темной по смыслу и непонятной, кричащей,

вгоняющей в тоску, разочаровывающей, дешевой и вульгарной.



Exercise 1, p. 177

Possible variants

me out of them. 2. It was only when I came home that I noticed that I had been cheated out of fifty rubles in the shop. 3. Why on earth are you shouting? I’m not to be shouted at, I ’m not going to

Exercise 2, p. 178

Possible variants

1. Who are you that you should shout at me? 2. Who is he that

he should interfere in my affairs? 3. The moment I’m free, I’ll let

you know. 4. The moment he comes, tell him I’m in the library.

5.It will take her an hour or so to do the job. 6. It will cost about

2000 roubles to buy a ticket.

Exercise 3, p. 178

1. She tricked me out of the letter saying she already had

your permission to read it. 2. It was the first time he had given

way to his temper with her. 3. She hated giving way to (her)

tears in public. 4. Who is she that she should keep everyone

waiting? 5. Who is he that he should presume/think that everyone

should always stand up for him? 6. The moment he stirred,

the dog growled. 7. The moment George started playing the

banjo, Montmorency began howling. 8. I should never have

thought that it would take you so long to answer my letter. 9. It

takes skill to make a fire in the rain. 10. I did it out of pity for

her. 11. You needn’t stay just out of politeness. I’ll be perfectly

all right alone. 12. Why not be frank if you want my advice?

13. You can sell your piano the moment you feel you don’t really

need it.

Exercise 4, p. 178

can easily ivheedle/coax/cheat/trick/con/do you out of any amount of money. 2. Are you still angry with her? - I am. She shouldn’t have given way to her temper that way/1 am. She

Exercise 6, p. 179

“We stick/stay at home too much,” he said. “Why not ski some ten or fifteen kilometers in the forest/through the forest (woods)? It won’t take us much time, and we’ll feel fine all


Tut! Tut! - Ax! Фу! Полноте! (выражает нетерпение, досаду

или упрек)

Dalila [di'laila] - Далила (библ.; завлекла и предала своего

возлюбленного Самсона) (перен. - неверная, коварная



Не is a man of fine (strong, weak, independent) character. - У него хороший (сильный/твердый, слабый, независимый) характер.


to be under arrest - быть под арестом; to smile through one’s tears - улыбнуться сквозь слезы; to rob smb. of smth. - лишить кого-л. чего-л.;

Exercise 4, p. 189

2. On his first day in New York John was robbed of all his money, and he had no one to turn to for help. 3. Aren’t you ashamed of flinging stones at the dog? 4. I asked him to join us,

Exercise 5, p. 189

refused pointblank(flatly refused) to give evidence. 2. Out of/Through/From the carriage window John saw her smile i hrough her tears and wave to him. 3. They said old Tim had

Exercise 8, p. 190

to make an earnest request to smb. - to appeal to smb., to implore smb., to beg smb.; to hold tightly - to clasp;

Exercise 9, p. 190

умное лицо - intelligent face; избавиться от необходимости (делать что-л.) - to save oneself the trouble (of doing smth.);

Exercise 10, p. 190

chin” has either a chin which is more or less on a level with their lips or - more often - a protruding/jutting chin. It is widely believed that this is a sign of character. On the other

Exercise 14 (a), p. 191

extraordinary destiny, Napoleon Bonaparte quit the stage of history in July 1815. But for six more years the man who had outlived his glory

Exercise 2, p. 193

будто характер можно прочесть по лицу. 2. Ее обычно приглашали на характерные роли/Она обычно играла характерные роли. 3. Изображение этих двух героев

Exercise 3, р. 195

writer’s skill in creating vivid and original characters and scenes is combined with the refinement of language and style. 3. The characters in the writer’s book(s) are all very

Exercise 4, p. 196

match his disposition/nature. 3. I like the way the actor reveals the true nature of the character. 4. The old gentleman is decidedly/definitely a very interesting and unusual person.

Exercise 5, p. 197

1. His friends warned him against approaching danger and cautioned him against running into it./His friends cautioned him against approaching danger and warned him against running

Exercise 6, p. 197

company we immediately felt/sensed the strength of his character (we felt how strong his character was right/straight away). 2. Public schools really build character

Exercise 7, p. 198

1. He has a weak character./He has no character. 2. He is

quite a character. 3. They are too sensitive (oversensitive).

4. They are revengeful/vindictive. 5. They have/get/take

(their) revenge. 6. Revenge/Vengeance. 7. Iwould try not

to stir an eyelid(turn a hair). 8. One must take precautions.

9. One must walk cautiously. 10. One may be injured. 11. One

may be/get injured. 12. Slippers. 13. People with no sense o f

humour. 14. This is characteristic of him. 15. A sink/a

kitchen sink. 16. A sensible person/A person of sense.

Exercise 8, p. 199

She is completely unpredictable. 2. I can see that now, but he had a good character. 3. Oh, I can assure you that it’s quite unlike her. Quite out of character. 4. Oh, yes, that’s

Exercise 12, p. 199

the quarrel and be friends,” he said holding outhis hand. 3. Let’s get out ofthe car and stretch our legs. 4. I really can’t walk atsuch a rate. I’m quite out ofbreath. 5. I remember that

Exercise 13, p. 200

slipped out of the house unnoticed. 2. I can’t make out some of the words, you have an awful handwriting. 3. The day turned out/proved fine, and we wished we hadn’t stayed in



Positive feelings. - Позитивные чувства.

admiration - восхищение;

enthusiasm - 1) энтузиазм, воодушевление; 2) (бурный)


excitement - волнение (часто приятное); энтузиазм;

elation - ликование, восторг, энтузиазм; приподнятое

настроение, душевный подъем;

joy - радость;

love - любовь;

pride - гордость;

zest - 1) жар, пыл; 2) энергия, живость.

Negative feelings. - Негативные чувства.

anger - гнев;

annoyance - досада;

irritation - раздражение;

anxiety - беспокойство, тревога;

despair - отчаяние;

humiliation - унижение, чувство унижения;

embarrassment - смущение; замешательство; смятение;

tension - напряжение, напряженность;

envy - зависть;

hate - ненависть;

jealousy - ревность;

fear - страх;

shame - стыд;

guilt - чувство вины, сознание вины;

rage - ярость;

terror - ужас.

Emotional condition. - Эмоциональное состояние.

быть в хорошем настроении; to feel great - чувствовать себя отлично, быть в отличном настроении;

Display of emotions. - Проявление чувств.

to hide one’s feelings - скрыть свои чувства; to disguise one’s feelings - скрыть свои чувства; to control one’s feelings - держать свои чувства под контролем,

Exercise 1, p. 212

Possible Variants

2. He did not hesitate to propose to her the moment she divorced that hateful husband of hers. 3- I shan’t touch upon the subject unless somebody else mentions it (brings it up). 4.

Exercise 2, p. 212

Possible Variants

hesitate to refuse if you think the plan is unwise. 3. Unless the weather is bad we ought to have a good trip there. 4. Unless ive hurry we shan’t get home before dark. 5. He had (some) difficulty

Exercise 3, p. 213

I think. 2. Don’t hesitate to call me if you need me. 3. Unless I’m mistaken this is but a temporary job. 4. Don’t do anything unless you hear from me. 5. We’re going on a hike next

Exercise 4, p. 213

(in) finding the time. 3. No one unless you have confided it to someone. 4 . I had some difficulty (in) getting here. My car broke down. 5. I did have difficulty (in) obtaining it. In all

Exercise 5, p. 214

hesitated to enter the room. 2. If you need my help, don’t hesitate to ring me up any time. 3. Unless I am mistaken, the meeting has been put off/postponed till Monday. 4. I would prefer


I can confide in him. - Я могу доверить ему свои секреты. 2) поверять, сообщать по секрету (smth. to smb.); Не confided his troubles/plans/fears to me. - Он рассказал

Word Combinations and Phrases

living) - изменить манеры (привычки, мнения, планы, свой образ жизни); to alter a dress - перешить платье, подогнать платье по

Exercise 4, р 223

alter one’s habits. 2. The coat is a size too large for you, you must have it altered. 3. I’m tired of altering my plans every time you change your mind. 4. She had scarcely finished

Exercise 5, p. 224

course of my life. 2. English spelling is appalling but in time ii will be partially altered. 3. He heard a ring at the bell and went to open the door. 4. She reached out for the letter.

Exercise 6, p. 224

don’t alter your way of living (change your way of life/ lifestyle). 2. I’m already ready to leave (ready for the departure), there’s just one dress to alter. 3. No sooner had they sat down to

Exercise 9, p. 225

to tell people how to live - to order the lives of others;

of the same kind - suchlike;

to thrust smth. on smb. - to force/to impose smth. on smb.;

to exchange views and ideas by speech or writing - to communicate


sometimes - on occasion;

to release one’s hold of - to let go of;

a totally unknown person - a perfect/total stranger;

hanging loosly - baggy (мешковатый);

to swell out - to bulge (выпирать);

to be ready - to be willing;

to slip one’s memory - to pass completely from one’s


a slight illness - a trifling indisposition;

fastidious - squeamish.

Exercise 10, p. 225

плохо знать самого себя - to know little of oneself;

одинокая башня - a solitary tower;

дать хороший совет - to advise well;

скромная квартира - a modest apartment;

бросить беглый взгляд - to give smb./smth. a cursory


коренастый, полный мужчина - a thick-set and stout man;

коротко подстриженные волосы - close-cropped hair;

средство существования - a means of livelihood;

отказаться от надежной работы ради неизвестности - to

give up a good safe job for an uncertainty;

решать самому - to decide for oneself;

медицинские приборы - medical appliances;

весело поблескивать - to twinkle gaily;

располагающая к себе внешность - sympathetic appear-


уже не первой молодости - no longer in her first youth.

Exercise 11, p. 226

ideas and feelings by means more or less comprehensible to everybody. 2. an irreparable mistake - a mistake that can’t be  

Exercise 2, p. 227

был удостовериться, что ей не захочется рассказать по секрету всю эту историю Джервису, что она вполне могла сделать. 3. Кейертса чуть ли не до слез растрогала доброта

Exercise 3, р. 229

wished she hadn’t confided her secret to Ann. 2. It is equally wrong to confide in all and in none. 3. His confidence in success was infectious. 4. You seem to be very confident of his

Exercise 4, p. 230

her father/did not tell her father the personal details of her life (Stella did not confide in her father).2. You could not have imagined a more trustworthy person, everybody trusted

Exercise 6, p. 232

доверять (рассказать) что-л. кому-л. - to confide smth. to smb.; пользоваться доверием - to enjoy smb.’s confidence;

Exercise 7, p. 233

she had to solve herself/It was a question she had to settle herself. 2. If you had taken me into your confidence this trouble/unpleasantness might have been avoided. 3. From

Exercise 8, p. 234

2. Perhaps because I inspire confidence. 3. Come on, man! You should have more confidence. 4. Are you kidding? How can you fail to see the joke? 5. The thing is I didn’t read

Exercise 13, p. 235

3. That night (On that night) John was at his best (at his wittiest) and made us all laugh at his jokes. 4. At any rate (Anyway) we know that now he is safe. 5. The old man was indignant at

Exercise 14 (a), p. 236

1. Плохо не клади - вора в грех не вводи. 2. Это была (будет/

была бы) последняя капля. 3. Слова не должны расходиться

с делом. 4. Любишь кататься - люби и саночки возить.

5. Лицо - зеркало души.




affable - приветливый, учтивый, любезный; amiable - любезный, благожелательный, дружелюбный; good-natured - добродушный; добрый, благожелательный;



Exercise 1, p. 249

Possible variants

a tramp/a tour. 2. It’s too late to start on a tramp/hike. 3. Will you go with them on an excursion? 4. I am busy now, I have a lot to do/five written exercises to do. 5. It was growing dark

Exercise 2, p. 250

1. I had a kind of suspicion that he was cheating. 2. The

vines formed a kind of roof. 3. I didn’t know the kind of game

they were playing. 4. It was a deserted hut that could give


them a kind of shelter. 5. She had a kind of hat on her head.

6. The whole affair strikes me as queer. 7. It struck me as odd

that I found nobody at home. 8. The excuse he gave struck

me as ridiculous. 9. He strikes me as well-read in literature.

10. He turned the car towards a large house that struck him

as typically Swiss.

Exercise 4, p. 250

2. As soon as we came to/arrived in London we went/started on an excursion. 3. After the wedding Michael and Fleur went on a honeymoon trip. 4. The renovation/redecoration



to be on the track of smb.- 1) напасть на след, идти по чьему-л. следу;  

With postlogues

2) откладывать, копить; to putaway - убирать, прятать что-л. (в коробку, шкаф и т.п.);


проучившись на последнем (первом, втором) курсе колледжа (университета); according to smth. (their map, my watch, their orders or

Exercise 4, p. 258

made up their minds to go to work in the North. 2. According to his words he is not to blame. 3. The pebbles on the beach were smooth and shiny. 4. The smooth sea looked empty and

Exercise 5, p. 259

became great friends. 2. According to the directions/instructions we must get the camp ready for the tourists’ arrival by the first of June. 3. According to my watch it’s high time to put

Exercise 8, p. 260

добраться до (какого-л. места) - to make (some place);

питать склонность к - to have a bent for;

сорвать цветок - to pluck a flower;

говорить ерунду - to talk through one’s hat;

на фоне неба - against the sky;

башмаки потрескались - the shoes were split;

с откинутыми назад волосами - with the hair flung back;

поднять руку в знак приветствия - to put up one’s hand in

a salute;

остановиться на ночь - to stay the night;

без смущения - without shyness;

продолжать расспросы - to take up the catechism;

старый яблоневый сад - an old orchard of apple-trees;

комната для гостей - a spare room;

стоять отдельно - to stand by itself;

песчаное дно - a sandy bottom;

свисать над водой - to overhang the water;

глаза, сверкающие как роса - dewy eyes.

Exercise 9, p. 260

1. Frank Ashurst and his friend Robert Garton were travelling

on foot. 2. Giving the knee a rest and talking of the universe.

3. Like some wild prehistorical animal. 4. Garton’s dark curly

thick hair which looked as though its depths had never been

touched by a comb. 5. Robert was talking nonsense. 6. And

Ashurst who saw beauty without giving a thought to (speculat-


ing how) it could benefit him/how he could benefit/profit from

it... 7. His head was bare/He wasn’t wearing a hat, so how could

he take offwhat wasn’t there? 8. Garton went on asking questions.

9. The girl’s aunt’s neck was also long and graceful and

mobile and probably reminded one vaguely of a snake. 10. He

felt unreasonably happy.

Exercise 2, p. 261

привела их к главной дороге. 2. «Что вы знаете о вашем друге Пайле?» - «Весьма немного. Просто наши пути пересекаются, вот и все». 3. Сказать, что он замел свои

Exercise 3, р. 262

stumbled along the steep track that led up the hill. 3. The man was sure lie had covered up his tracks. 4. The mystery bored him and he could not keep track of the plot. 5. The

Exercise 4, p. 263

I completely forgot that there was such a thing as time./The fact that the time was passing and sooner or later this would end had slipped my mind. It was wonderful. 2. He was very

Exercise 5, p. 264

shy - timid

1. A bold man by nature, he was shyas a boy in the presence

of women. 2. “The soup is beastly!” old Osborn roared, in answer

to a timidlook of inquiry from his daughter.

shy - self-conscious

1. She was obviously wearing her best clothes and had the

self-consciouswooden smile on her face. 2. The girl looked at

the man with a shysmile.

rude - rough

1. Though roughin manner and speech the old soldier was

at heart kind and considerate. 2. Squire Western was rudeto the

servants and the women of his household.

rough - coarse

1. The surface of the stone is rough.It needs polishing. 2. The

fire gleamed on the coarsewhite tablecloth.

Exercise 6, p. 264

faster. 2. Sinking into the deep snow the hound was follow-   ing a hare’s tracks. 3. He is not the kind of man/person (He is

Exercise 7, p. 266

замести следы - to cover up one’s tracks; избитый путь - the beaten track; вырисовываться на фоне - to be outlined against;

Exercise 12, p. 267

her. 2. This little stream never dries up.3. You have worked very well so far; keep it up.4. You have got the story all mixed up.5. The home was burned downbefore the fire

Exercise 13, p. 267

time set to work/started working. 2. Hang up your overcoat here, I’ll show you the way to your room. 3. I’ve picked up a handkerchief. Is it yours? 4. Her parents died when she was



Natural resources and attractions. - Природные ресурсы

minerals - минералы; полезные ископаемые; (fresh) water supplies (reservoirs) - запасы (пресной) воды;

Environmental destruction and pollution. - Разрушение

land pollution - загрязнение грунта; derelict land - заброшенная земля; industrial waste - промышленные отходы;

Nature conservation and environment protection. -

a global imperative for environment - важнейшая задача охраны окружающей среды;  


Exercise 1, p. 362

point out individuals, so the proper nouns Peter (first name), Carl (middle name) and Faberge (surname) are used without articles.

Exercise 2, p. 363

2. Can I introduce the Margaret Diamond I told you about last week? 3. There is a Margaret Diamond waiting for you in the office.

Exercise 3, p. 363

a Hornby suit you? 2. You are a real Lovelace! - And you are a Don Juan. 3. I know nothing about painting. I can’t tell a Cezanne from

Exercise 4, p. 364

to sleep is an active non-perfect simple infinitive. It performs the function of the subject.  

Exercise 5, p. 365

2. David is known to have taken part in the campaign. 3. I won’t have you say it behind my back. 4. Ever since Simon came here he has been made to look like

Exercise 6, p. 365

to receive and two meetings to attend. 2. I’ve got no time to relax at all. And there is still so much to do! 3. Janice is very hard/difficult to get in touch with. She seems

Exercise 7, p. 366


Sentences 1, 2,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,16,17, 18 are

cases of a metonymic transfer.


1. The change of meaning from glassto a glassis quite considerable.

Whereas glassis an uncountable noun of material

meaning a transparent solid substance used for making windows

bottles, etc. - стекло, a glassis a container made of that material

and used for drinking - стакан, бокал.It takes an article.

2. Whereas paperis an uncountable material meaning material

in the form of thin sheets that is used for writing on, wrapping things

etc. - бумага, a paperis a sheet of paper with print or writing on it.

It is countable and means either a newspaper or a document or a letter

or a piece of paper with writing on it that one uses in one’s work.

As such it is countable and if it is singular it takes an article.

3. Woodis an uncountable noun of material which in its general

sense takes no article. It is the material trees are made of -

дерево, древесина. A woodis a small forest.

4. Ironis an uncountable material noun meaning a common

hard metal used to make steel - железо. An ironis a device

made of this metal and used for making clothes smooth - утюг.

It is countable and as such can take articles.

5. Stringis an uncountable material noun used in such word

combinations as “a piece of string”, “a ball of string” etc. It means

a thin strong thread made of several threads twisted together

used for tying things - бечевка, шнур. A stringis a piece of the

above - кусок бечевки, бечевка.In this sense it can be used

with the indefinite article.

6. Coffeeis an uncountable material noun and as such can’t

take the indefinite article. A coffee isa portion of the above,

most probably a cup. In this sense the noun is countable, it can

be used with the indefinite article.

7. Clothis an uncountable material noun meaning material

used for making things such as clothes - ткань, материя.

A clothis a piece of cloth used for a particular purpose, e.g.

A wet cloth, a clean cloth, a tablecloth, a dishcloth.

substance used to make tyres, boots etc. - резина. A rubber(Br: Eng.) is the same as the American eraser- a small piece of rubber or other material used for rubbing off pencil marks from


1. What terrible weather! What a terrible climate!
2. What (a) beautiful language! What a beautiful suitcase!
3. What elegant clothes! What an elegant dress!
4. What heavy rainfall! What a heavy shower!
5. What a healthy cow! What healthy cattle!
6. What awful rubbish! What an awful mess!
7. What clever people! What a clever person!
8. What a difficult job! What difficult work!
9. What fresh bread! What a fresh loaf.
10. What delicious food! What a delicious meal!
11. What a horrible song! What horrible music!
12. What tough beef! What a tough steak!

Exercise 8, p. 367


1. a lottery – lotteries, 2. a fisherman – fishermen, 3. a fish - fish, fishes, 4. a series – series, 5. a Japanese - the Japanese(the entire nation), two, three etc. Japanese (people/men/women ), 6. progress, 7. a person - people, persons, 8. a woman – women, 9. advice, 10. a mouse – mice, 11. petrol, 12. a chef – chefs, 13. information, 14. a foot – feet, 15. weather, 16. a tomato – tomatoes, 17. a means – means, 18. a photo – photos, 19. a leaf – leaves, 20. an ox – oxen, 21. a species – species, 22. a carp - carp, carps, 23. a tooth – teeth, 24. a cuckoo – cuckoos, 25. a taxi – taxis, 26. a menu – menus, 27. toast, 28. a mongoose – mongooses, 29. a disco – discos, 30. a Swiss - the Swiss (the entire nation), two Swiss (people/ men/ girls),




1. a class-mate -class-mates, 2. a forget-me-not- forget-me-nots, 3. a man-of-war -

men-of-war, 4. a man-servant - men-servants, 5. a merry-goround - merry-gorounds, 6. a mother-in-law - mothers-in-law, 7. a passer-by - passers-by, 8. a woman-driver- women-drivers, 9. a grown-up - grown-ups, 10. a hanger-on- hangers-on, 11. a boy-friend - boy-friends, 12. an officeblock - office-blocks, 13. a cupful – cupfuls, 14. a court-martial – courtsmartial, 15. a school-inspector – schoolinspectors.

Exercise 9, p. 367

origin have regular plurals. Singular Plural Singular Plural 1. cactus cacti, cactuses 13.…  

Exercise 10, p. 368

are used without articles because in a general sense such nouns take no article. It is notworthy that all these nouns: information, advice, neivs, weather, money, work (in the meaning a job or an

Exercise 11, p. 368

1. Play and no work will make you lazy.

2. History repeats itself.

3. Grammar is taught deeply in this school.

4. My father has an old French grammar.

6. Nature should be protected against pollution.


7. He was a man who lived for pleasure.

8. He has a nature like his grandfather’s.

9. It was a pleasure to talk to you.

10. Can you do me a favour?

11. Get down to business, all of you!

12. Charity begins at home.

13. You should study law at university.

14. Language is unique to humans.

15. To succeed in life you need a will.

16. In her youth she was a beauty.

17. We are looking for people with experience.

18. I need a study where I can work quietly.

19. They are looking for work at the moment.

20. Speech is a manifestation of language.

Exercise 12, p. 369

2. What is the latest news? - It is very interesting. 3. There is a piece/bit of news I’d like to discuss. 4. Be careful! Such fatal news can kill the old man.

Exercise 13, p. 369

so the noun cheese has become a class countable one. 2. Material uncountable nouns used in a general sense (food in this case) take no article. The presence of a descriptive attribute

Exercise 14, pp. 370-371


1. A singular invariable noun.

2. If the word fruit is used in the botanical sense, that is the

part of a plant, bush or tree which contains the seeds, it can be

countable ( ruiod).

3. The fruits of nature or of the earth are those plant or vegetable

products that may be used for food. These are set expressions

and the word fruit in them is countable.

4. In this sentence the noun fruit is singular and is used in its

botanical sense (See 2). Most oftenfruit has no plural but it doesn’t

mean that it can’t be used with the indefinite article like

advice or toast.

5. To bear fruit is a set phrase meaning to yield results.

Although here the word fruit is used in its figurative sense and

when used figuratively fruit is countable, originally to bearJruit

must have had only a literal meaning and was used with reference

to fruit trees and bushes, so fruit in this sentence is a singular


6. A singular invariable noun.

7,10,12. Here fruits is a countable noun which means sorts of

fruit. 8. See 1. As fruit is a singular invariable noun it is used with

singular verbs.

11,13,14. See 1 and 4.




I . I spend a lot of money on fruit because I like it.

2. What shall we have for dessert?

3. Fruit is cheap this season, especially apples, bananas and


4. Formerly/In the past fruit was brought from the Crimea

and the Caucasus/Fruit used to be brought.... Now it is mostly

brought from Latin America, Africa and Italy.

5. They say that you should eat the fruits that grow where you


6. What’s the English for “the fruits of learning”?

7. Fruit salad should consist of different fruits.

8. A lot of exotic fruit can be seen nowadays in our markets.

9. There isn’t much fruit this year. But this is no problem. It

will be imported from abroad.

10. The play “The Fruits of Enlightenment” was written by

Leo Tolstoy.

11. His knowledge is a result/a fruit of long learning.

12. The apricot is a very wholesome food, it is especially good

for the heart.

13. Now I can fully enjoy the fruits of my labour.

14. What fruits do you sell? - Whatever you like.

15. In the north cold-resistant fruit is cultivated.

16. Fruit and vegetables are vegetarians’ main food.

17. We’ve run out of fruit. Someone has to go to the market.

18. Different fruits are used for cosmetic purposes.

Exercise 15, pp. 371-372


1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 18. The noun fish and its derivatives

such as starfish (5) have identical forms for the singular and for

the plural. When it is plural it is used with plural verbs.

4, 8. The form fishes denotes different kinds and species of


In 4 and 11 both forms are used. See above.

14. The plural of the noun fish identical to its singular is used.

The sentence is a set expression which in this case means “There

are many other men you can have a relationship with.”

15. The formfishes is used here just to rhyme with wishes. The

noun fish is singular in the first sentence and plural in the sec-



ond. An odd fish is an old-fashioned expression meaning someone

slightly strange or crazy. A pretty kettle of fish is trouble.

13, 16. Here fish is the flesh of a fish which one eats as food.

It is an uncountable material noun and takes singular verbs.

II. 1. I usually prefer fish to meat.

2. Fish is necessary for our health/for the functioning of our


3. Sushi is a popular Japanese food consisting of fish and rice.

4. Fish contains little fat.

5. Amanda swims like a fish.

6. Henry has a large collection of minerals, fishes and birds.

7. My favorite dish is fish and chips.

8. There are very many ways to cook/of cooking fish.

9. There are a lot of fish in this river, but we haven’t caught

any today.

10. There is a lot of meat on the table but little fish.

11. The fishermen were happy, they had caught a lot of fish.

12. Stop thinking about Maxim. There are many other fish in

the sea.

13. How much fish shall I buy? - Two or three fish.

14. The boy was given an album about exotic fishes as a present.

15. He catches fish for pleasure.

16. A shark is a fish which is dangerous for other fish.

17. She is breathing like a fish out of water.

18. The fish is delicious! It melts in the mouth.

Exercise 16, p. 372

takes a singular predicate verb. 2. Here the group of people denoted by the collective noun familyis considered as a collection of individuals doing personal

Exercise 17, p. 373

British Isles. 2. All my family are good musicians. 3. The dregs on/at the bottom of the glass looked suspicious.

Exercise 18, p. 374

3. Non-perfect active gerunds. Thinkingis a subject and knowingis an object. 4. Non-perfect active gerunds. Proposingis a subject and

Exercise 19, pp. 374-375

Possible Variants

smoking/gambling. 2. I don’t mind most housework, but I can’t stand cooking/ washing up/ironing.

Exercise 20, p. 375

because we need to order some traveller’s cheques. 2. Could you stop typing for a moment? I need to concentrate on this letter.

Exercise 21, p. 376

2. This is a specifying genitive denoting subjective relations (a subjective genitive).  

Exercise 22, p. 377

I.1. my neighbour’s dog,2. a boy’s school,3. Keats’s poems (Keats’poems),4. a fortnight’s holiday,5. the girl’s dresses,6. the girls’ clothes,7. the boss’s car,8. policemen’s uniforms,9. children’s education,10. the country’s problems,11. secretaries’ working hours, 12. an actress’s life, 13. Mr. Davies’s office (Mr. Davies’ office), 14. France’s foreign police, 15. women’s liberation, 16. a year’s time,17. nature’s way, 18. the princess’s dress, 19. the sun’s rays, 20. the Church’s work.


1. To one’s heart’s content - сколько душе угодно, в свое удовольствие, вволю, всласть, вдосталь; 2. То be at one’s wit’s/wits’ end - стать в тупик, не знать, что делать; 3. То have smth. at one’s fingers’ ends/at one’s fingertips - иметь что-л. под рукой, знать что-л. как свои пять пальцев; 4. Out of harm’s way – от греха подальше; в надежном месте; 5. То a hair’s breadth (to a hair, to a hairbreadth) точь-в-точь, точно, тютелька в тютельку; 6. For comfort’s (friendship’s) sake - ради удобства (дружбы); 7. At arm’s reach - под рукой; 8. At arm’s length - 1) на расстоянии вытянутой руки; 2) на почтительном расстоянии; 9. At a stone’s throw – рукой подать, в двух шагах, очень близко; 10. At sword’s point - под дулом пистолета (перен.); 11. on the razor’s edge – на острие ножа, на краю пропасти; to be on the razor’s edge/razor edge - ходить по острию ножа, по краю пропасти; 12. one’s money’s worth - справедливая цена. I’m at my wit’s end what to do with my son, how to make him study instead of what he is doing now - going to discos and the movies all the time. He is quite unlike his twin sister who has all the subjects at her fingers’ ends, especially English and French. How

on earth is he going to pass the winter exams? I keep telling him he is on the razor’s edge but he won’t listen to reason. Sometimes I think o flocking him up out of harm’s way and throwing the key away and paying the school teachers to give him lessons at home.



Exercise 23, p. 377


1. To McDonald’s 2. To the greengrocer’s 3. To the doctor’s 4. To the ironmonger’s 5. To the hairdresser’s 6. To the (dry) cleaner’s 7. To the tobacconist’s 8. To the jeweller’s 9. To the stationer’s 10. To the confectioner’s 11. To the supermarket 12. To the dentist’s 13. To the chemist’s 14. To the butcher’s 15. To the florist’s 16. To the travel agent’s 17. To the watchmaker’s 18. To Harrods 19. To the vet’s 20. To the dressmaker’s (the tailor’s)

Exercise 24, p. 378

world’s computers is in English. 2. Don’t touch anything until the police arrive. - They have already arrived. And who is it they are chasing?

Exercise 25, p. 379

attribute. 2. A non-perfect active Participle I serving as part of an adverbial modifier of manner.

Exercise 26, p. 379


1. a brother - a sister. 2. a father - a mother 3. a man - a woman 4. an uncle - an aunt 5. a nephew - a niece 6. a son - a daughter 7. a bachelor - a spinster 8. a king - a queen 9. a lord - a lady 10. a monk - a nun 11. a male - a female 12. a lad - a lass, a girl 13. husband – wife 14. a gentleman - a lady, a gentlewoman 15. Mr. - Mrs. Miss, Ms. 16. grandfather – grandmother 17. Sir - Madam; Lady


a baron - a baroness, a count - a countess, a god - a goddess, a duke - a duchess, an emperor - an empress, an usher - an usherette (old-fashioned) - an usher, a monitor - a monitor, a manager - a manager, a steward - a stewardess, a waiter - a waitress, a widow - a widower, a poet - a poet- a poetess (old-fashioned), a prince - a princess, a tiger - a tigress, a lion - a lioness, a hero - a heroine, a tzar - a tsarina


Male Female Young
1. bull cow calf
2. boar sow piglet
3. buck (Am. E.) doe fawn
4. stag (Br. E.) hind fawn
5. fox vixen cub
6. dog bitch pup
7. gander goose gosling
8. drake duck duckling
9. stallion mare foal
10. cock hen chick



Exercise 27, p. 380

2. I saw her switch on the light and come/walk into the room. 3. For a while she stood and watched the men pulling trees.

Exercise 28, p. 381

1. Several lovely old English tables.

2. A lot of pretty young French girls.

3. These few last valuable Regency dining-room chairs.

4. His three first really important impressionist paintings.

5. All my best dark blue silk shirts.

6. Many young German factory workers.

7. All these old-fashioned oval marble-popped washstands.


8. All Mike’s latest black-and-white wildlife photographs.

9. A few carefully-chosen plain hand-woven dresses.

Exercise 29, p. 382

1. tinier – tiniest, 2. handsomer – handsomest, 3. livelier – liveliest, 4. dryer – driest, 5. pleasanter – pleasantest, 6. simpler – simplest, 7. mellow – mellowest, 8. better – best, 9. worse – worst, 10. farther/further - farthest/furthest, 11. sadder – saddest, 12. heavier – heaviest, 13. grayer – grayest, 14. later - latest (for time),

the latter - (the) last (for order), 15. quieter – quietest, 16 . politer – politest, 17. cleverer – cleverest, 18. bigger – biggest 19. fatter – fattest, 20. wider – widest, 21. foggier – foggiest, 22. abler – ablest, 23. more ill - most ill (used predicatively), sicker - sickest (used attributively), 24. commoner – commonest, 25. sooner – soonest, 26. thinner – thinnest, 27. calmer – calmest, 28. healthier – healthiest, 29. truer – truest, 30. wider – widest, 31. earlier – earliest, 32. narrower – narrowest, 33. freer – freest, 34. rarer – rarest, 35. flatter – flattest, 36. prettier – prettiest

Exercise 30, p. 382

2. It is not always the brightest students who do well in tests. 3. Terylene shirts are harder-wearing, but cotton shirts are much more comfortable.

Exercise 31, p. 383

1. true - truthful a) This play is based on a true story. b) I believe her: I think she is a truthful person.


1. a) we have known for a long time

b) who has lived for a very long time

2. a) diligent, industrious, sparing no effort

b) difficult, requiring a lot of effort

3. a) having recently arrived

b) recently bought or made

4. a) smoking a lot

b) weighing a lot

5. a) sure, without any doubts

b) used to talk about someone you do not know but whose

name you have been told

6. a) existing now

b) being in the place in question

7. a) worried

b) involved in smth. or affected by it

8. a) right, suitable

b) strictly so called

9. a) complex, complicated

b) mixed up in the accident or connected with it

Exercise 32, p. 384


1. a half-hour programme

2. a five-hour drive

3. a fifteen-ton lorry

4.a three-and-a-half-hour flight

5. a twelve-inch ruler

6. a three-and-a-half litre engine

7. a five-year-old child


8. a six-foot man

9. an eight-hour walk

10. a sixteen-gallon tank

11. a three-hundred-millimetre telephoto lens

12. a five-star hotel


1. a second-year student

2. a third-floor flat

3. a second-generation computer

4. a last-minute decision

5. a first-class meal

6. a third-rate production

Exercise 33, p. 385

1. Attributes

2. Part of an attribute

3. Attributes

4. Attribute

5. Parts of attributes

6. Predicatives

7-10. Parts of objective participial constructions with

Participle II

11. An adverbial modifier of reason

12. The participle II expresses a second action accompanying

the action of the predicate verb.

13. Part of an adverbial modifier of comparison.

14. Part of an adverbial modifier of reason.

15. See 12.

16. Part of a prepositional absolute construction with

Participle II.

Exercise 34, p. 385

2. Never sign anything withoutreading it carefully. 3. The door was wide open, and we entered withoutknocking. 4. The clerk was fired withoutbeing given any explanation.

Exercise 35, p. 386

with participle II. 1. Майкл проколол себе ухо. Он сделал это, чтобы досадить родителям.

Exercise 36, p. 387

(very) much,far, a lot and lots (the latter, two are informal). 3. Dead meaning completely can be used with the positive degree of adjectives. Dead is more emotional than completely.

Exercise 37, pp. 387-388

I. Possible variants

2. The bigger the car, the more gas/petrol it guzzles. 3. The more I get to know him, the less I like him. 4. The more chocolate she ate, the more zits she had.

Exercise 38, p. 388

1,2. Verbs. 3. Adjectives. 4. Adjective. 5. The impossibleis a substantivized adjective andthe accusedis a substantivized past participle. 6. Adjective. 7. Conjunctions. 8,9. Adjective. 10. Numeral. 11. Adjectives. 12. Numerals. 13. Adjectives. 14,15. Preposition. 16. Pronouns. 17. Adjective. 18. Past participle. 19, 20, 21. Adjectives. 22. Numerals. 23. Numerals. (Мы с тобой не ладим, Фред.)

Exercise 39, p. 389

2. His hair was already gray, her own was still a rich honey brown. 3. Bali is a heaven where the famous, the rich and the privileged

Exercise 40, p. 390

1. Слепой ведет слепых/слепого.

2. Золото и в грязи блестит./И в мусоре сверкает бриллиант.

3. Умный понимает с полуслова./Умному намек, глупому


4. В стране слепых и кривой - король./На безрыбье и

рак - рыба.

5. В темноте все кошки серы.

6. Если слепой ведет слепого, оба свалятся в канаву./Сле-

пой слепца водит, оба ни зги не видят.

7. Нет худа без добра.

8. Смелость города берет.

9. Открыл Америку!

10. Придорожная пыль небо не коптит./И в мусоре сверкает


11. Чужим грехом своего не искупишь.

13. Где двое, там третий - лишний.

14. Что знают трое, знает и свинья.

15. Когда рассердишься, считай до ста.



Exercise 41, p. 391


Exercise 42, p. 391

2. Most Danes speak good English which can’t be said about the French. 3. Don’t speak ill about the absent.

Exercise 43, p. 392

her engagement now (object to/are against her making her engagement public now). 2. I remember Mom often reproaching me when I was a child

Exercise 44, p. 393

2. Could you tell me where the nearest post-office is? 3. You will know further details next time. 4. It is very/most important information.

Exercise 45, p. 393

2. The cosmonauts are reported to have landed. 3. The results were impossible to predict. They patiently waited for the scientists to make/carry out the experiment.

Exercise 46, p. 394

2. Secondis a simple ordinal noun. In most cases nouns premodified by ordinals take the definite article. In these cases they show the order of persons or things in a series.

Exercise 47, p. 394

four, fourteen, forty, fifty, fifth, nine, ninth, ninetieth, eight,

eighth, eighteenth, eightieth.

Exercise 48, p. 394

2. The workers of this plant/This plant’s workers work in a night shift. 3. Our students begin to learn a second language in their second

Exercise 49, p. 395

do: to have my hair cut, to have my nails manicured, to have my shoes fixed/mended/repaired and to take the clothes to the cleaner’s.

Exercise 50, p. 395

2. I see, they have invented a bomb which will kill people without damaging property. What will they think of next? 3. They’M kill us all with these dangerous weapons they are

Exercise 51, p. 396

her hair. 2. “Do you want to put your/the coat on?” “No, I’ll just put it round my shoulders.”

Exercise 52, p. 397

I. Choose the right word

1. Stop patting me on the shoulder as if we were old


2. The snake bit him on the leg.

3. Munchausen pulled himself out of the water by the hair.

4. I argued with Sarah till I was blue in the face.

5. She looked me straight in the eye and told a lie.

6. He has a thorn in his foot.

7. Lena is always wearing a bracelet on her wrist.

8. Look me in the face and tell me what is wrong.

9. Grandpa has a constant pain in the back.

10. The President had an operation on the heart.

11. I stepped on his foot.

12. I shook him by the hand.

13. She shook his hand.

14. Don’t take it in your head.

Translate into English

2. His face suddenly changed expression/He suddenly changed in the face/The expression on/of his face suddenly changed.

Exercise 53, p. 397

1. Don’t tell me your problems. I’ve got enough problems of

my own.

2. Who is that man? Is he a friend of yours?

3. Come and sit beside me.

4. It belongs to an old friend of my father’s.

5. She prefers to live by herself.

6. She prefers to live on her own.

7. A friend of my father’s is a painter. He painted this portrait

of mine when I was only sixteen.

8. Is that car yours or is it your wife’s?

9. He has his own business.

10. What I would really like is a car of my own.

11. If a letter starts “Dear Sir”, it should finish with the words

“Yours faithfully”.

12. Louisa’s work is much tidier than mine or Anna’s.

Exercise 54, p. 398

1. commit suicide - kill yourself.

2. have a good time - enjoy yourself

3. feel guilty - blame yourself

4. wonder - ask yourself

5. take as much as you want - help yourself

6. do only what you want - please yourself

7. believe in your own importance - take yourself seriously

8. behave as if you were in your own home - make yourself

at home

9. surrender (e.g., to the police) - give yourself up

10. make an effort to regain you self-control - pull yourself


11. relax - let yourself go

12. do what you should do/not do anything wrong - behave




Exercise 55, p. 398

Her blood ran cold and she began slowly crossing herself/ making the sign of the cross. 2. He devoted himself to science and never reproached himself

Exercise 56, p. 399

himself. 2. Please yourself. It’s entirely up to you. 3. They are in love - they only have eyes for each other.

Exercise 58, p. 401

2. There is something I do not understand about this. 3. She only eats vegetables which have been organically grown.

Exercise 59, p 401

1. The man who invented the ball point pen.

2. The girl he wants to marry.

3. People who go jogging.

4. The woman who interviewed you.

5. The policeman who won the medal for bravery.

6. The women you talked to.

7. A man I once met.



8. The couple who live next door.

9. Everyone who is involved.

10. The boy you saw.

11. All the people who would like to meet you.

12. All the people you would like to meet.

Exercise 60, p. 401

want? 2. - Give me the money. - What money? 3. - Could I have my books back, please? - Which are your

Exercise 61, p. 402

change? 2. - Did you leave it to Anna? - No, I gave it to somebody else. 3. - Is that all you need? - No, I want something else as well.

Exercise 62, p. 403

1. We need someone who knows about statistics.

2. I’m looking for a man who I can do business with.

3. They are pop group you do not hear very often.

4. Have you seen the girl who usually sits here?

5. She is the last person whom you would tell!

6. I am talking to those of you who have actually experienced


7. What about the ones who cannot fight for themselves?

8. Do you know the girl I was with the other night?

9. These are the sorts of people the company should employ.

10. He is the kind of man who really knows what is going on.

11. Do you know anyone who can play as well as he can?

12. He is the only one the men will listen to any more.

Exercise 63, p. 403

student (non-identifying clause). 2. I went to see the flat which/thatshe lived in when she was a student (identifying clause).

Exercise 64, p. 404

for! 2. Is that what you really mean? 3. I greatly doubt that what you say is true.


Exercise 66, p. 405

Нэнси, Capa и Барбара - распространенные английские имена. 2. The subject is expressed by /, a personal pronoun in the

Exercise 67, р. 406

Они смотрели на меня с сильнейшим неодобрением. 2. have been travelling is a simple verbal predicate and are homesick is a compound nominal predicate.

Exercise 69, p. 407

2. Ali won the race easily. 3. The flowers looked fresh to me. 4. We thought that “Streetcar” was a real/really good play

Exercise 70, p. 408

heart is through his stomach. 2. Ravens had gone from the Tower: the Kingdom would fall. 3. She asked Mum for advice and she got it; she asked her

Exercise 71, p. 409

2. Anything is better than going to another movie tonight.    

Exercise 72, p. 410

2. Each of them has a complete set of maps. 3. Most of the milk is gone. 4. Neither of the cars has/have a radio (hasis formal Brit.;

Exercise 73, p. 410

that their feet hurt. 2. Either Camille or Rose will bring her cassette player. 3. Everyone at the campground will need to bring their own

Exercise 74, p. 411

2. None of the motor boats was damaged during the storm. 3. By two o’clock Antonio, as well as the other singers, was ready for the competition.

Exercise 75, p. 411

only one who can speak Arabic really well. b) The sentence has an ambiguous meaning. If the speaker puts the stress on “speak” it means that John can only speak the

Exercise 77, p. 413

1. Under no circumstances should you go away.

2. Never in my whole life have I felt so angry.

3. Rarely do you see so many Russian ships in the harbour.

4. Not only does she play, she composes as well.

5. Not until then did I realize how much she wanted to go.

6. Only much later did I realize what he was trying to


7. Scarcely had he time to take his coat off when the phone


8. No sooner had they said “yes” than they ran upstairs to


9. Only recently have I begun to think about politics.

10. Seldom have I heard such rubbish.

11. Not until the others had left could we talk freely.

12. Only in special circumstances will you be able to extend

your visa.

Exercise 78, p. 413

jumped up/sprang up and ran out of the room./Hardly/Scarcely had I finished speaking/talking when Molly jumped up/sprang up and ran out of the room.

Exercise 80, p. 414

way back/Bitterly as we regretted our decision there was no way back. 2. Far, far away in a thick forest there stands a small log hut in

Exercise 83, p. 418

2. It’s high time we went/to go. 3. I’d rather stay in tonight. 4. There is no point in arguing with him.

Exercise 84, p. 418

2. I had a stick, which I defended myself with. 3. "four brother, to whom I was introduced yesterday, surprised me with his learning.

Exercise 85, p. 419

conditions of thehouses, thenarrowness of thestreets, the dirty habits of thepeople, all helped to spread thedisease. The people died in thousands, and every day carts used to go round

Exercise 86, p. 420

having let him down. After all he had been within a hair’s breadth (hairbreadth) of dying/he had escaped death by a hair’s breadth (hairbreadth) and had been saved by a miracle.

Учебное издание

Елена Сергеевна Татищева


к учебнику

«Практический курс английского языка»

3 курс

Под редакцией В.Д. Аракина

2-е издание, исправленное

Художник В. Сонкин

Подписано в печать 28.12.2007 г. Формат 60x90/16.

Бумага офсетная. Объем 18,5 п.л. Тираж 3000 экз. Заказ № 3266.

Гигиеническое заключение № 77.ФЦ. 15.953.П.000001.01.03

от 01.01.2003 г.

ИД № 05363 от 12 июля 2001 г.

Издательство «ГИ С» 129090, Москва, а/я № 31

тел/факс (495) 621 3880; 621 1615

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Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качеством

предоставленных материалов в ОАО «Дом печати — ВЯТКА».

610033, г. Киров, ул. Московская, 122.


– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: ключи, вариантами, учебнику, Практический, курс, английского, языка, курс0.106

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ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЙ КУРС АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА... курс Под редакцией В Д АРАКИНА Издание четвертое переработанное и дополненное...

Практический курс английского языка
ББК Англ Т Татищева Е С...


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Бурая Е.А., Галочкина И.Е., Шевченко Т.И. Фонетика современного английского языка: Теоретический курс. – М., 2006. – С. 9-14
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