рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ

Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ - раздел Иностранные языки, Міністерство Освіти І Науки, Молоді Та Спорту України   ...

МіНіСТЕРСТВО Освіти І НАУКИ, молоді та спорту УКРАЇНи





Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ


Навчальний посібник з англійської мови

для студентів 1 курсу всіх спеціальностей






радою університету,

протокол № 1 від 24.06.2010




ББК 81.2 Англ

Л 17

УДК 811.111:378.6

Рецензенти:В.І. Соляник, доцент кафедри практики англійського усного та писемного мовлення Харківського національного педагогічного університету iм. Г.С. Сковороди;

О.Л. Шапошнікова, доцент кафедри іноземних мов НТУ «ХПІ»



Лазарєва О.Я.

Л 17 English FOR TECHNICAL STUDENTS. Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ. Навчальний посібник з англійської мови для студентів 1 курсу всіх спеціаль-ностей / О.Я. Лазарєва, О.О. Ковтун, С.С. Мельник – Х.: НТУ «ХПІ», 2012 – c. 240.



Тематика посібника охоплює широке коло ситуацій, що виникають у повсякденному житті та у професійній діяльності. Кожний тематичний підрозділ містить блоки завдань з усного мовлення, читання, письма, граматики та підсумкові завдання підрозділу, а також ілюстративний мовний матеріал: прислів’я, приказки, жарти тощо. В додатку надано низку автентичних текстів з різних галузей науки й техніки, споряджених розмовними моделями та завданнями.

Призначено для студентів 1-го курсу технічних ВНЗ усіх спеціальностей.


Бібліогр. 17 назв

ББК. 81.2 Англ

ISBN © О.Я. Лазарєва, О.О. Ковтун,

С.С. Мельник, 2012 р.

© НТУ «ХПІ», 2012 р.




Навчальний посібник “English for Technical Students” («Англійська мова для студентів технічних ВНЗ») призначений для студентів, які починають навчання в технічному ВНЗ. Тому поряд з загальновживаною лексикою і повсякденними розмовними виразами, які, безумовно, необхідні фахівцям будь-якої сфери, студенти зможуть опанувати також і спеціальну лексику, набути навичок читання фахових текстів, підвищити рівень володіння усним та писемним мовленням за рахунок повторення граматичних структур і моделей.

Посібник відповідає програмі вивчення іноземної мови у технічному ВНЗ і вимогам необхідного кваліфікаційного рівня. Він складається з п’яти розділів (модулів), кожний з яких містить матеріал, об’єднаний загальною тематикою. Це «Персональна ідентифікація», «Соціальні контакти», «Україна в Європейському освітньому просторі», «Європейський та міжнародний освітній простір», «Екологія». Кожний розділ, в свою чергу, поділяється на декілька занять. У кожному підрозділі, що складає одне заняття, студенти знайдуть матеріали для вдосконалення усного мовлення, читання, письма, короткий граматичний довідник з вправами, а також домашнє завдання. Структура всіх занять є однотипною, що дозволяє студентам планувати свій час і зусилля.

Для підвищення привабливості посібник споряджений численними ілюстраціями, жартами, анекдотами, прислів’ями та приказками, а також додатковими автентичними текстами, пов’язаними з темою заняття. У розділі “Supplementary Reading” зібрано низку оригінальних текстів, які можуть бути використані для опанування спеціальної лексики та розмовних моделей студентами різних спеціальностей.

Автори вдячні викладачам кафедри іноземних мов НТУ «ХПІ» за допомогу в підборі матеріалів та цінні зауваження.

Unit 1. Personal Identification

G Active Vocabulary of the Unit:

name, surname, age, nationality, occupation, address, a first year student, to enter smth, department, major; relatives, uncle, aunt, cousin, niece, nephew, friendly, handsome, good-looking, senior, junior; appearance, to look like, hair-cut, grey hair, blue eyes, short, tall, helpful, sociable, hard-working; to finish school, to graduate from a university, wife, husband; to be famous for, outstanding, contribution, science, scientist, scientific, development, to discover, to invent, to found, to devote, to take part in, research work, in the field of; hostel, time-table, break, lecture, to miss classes, laboratory, to pass an exam; to be interested in, to be fond of, to prefer, to be crazy about, to hate, to dislike.

Lesson 1. Personal Presentation

1.1. Усна тема. Презентація студента НТУ ХПІ

G Active Vocabulary:

Mechanical Engineering Department – машинобудівний факультет; major – основна дисципліна.

I am Ivan Dmitrenko. I am 17. I am a first-year student of National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. I study at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. My major (speciality) is the Technology of Cutting. I am from Kharkiv.

Вправа 1. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Who are you? 2. What are you? 3. How old are you? 4. Do you work or study? 5. Where do you study? 6. What department do you study at? 7. What is your major? 8. Where are you from?

Вправа 2. Розкажіть про себе, взявши за зразок вправу 1.

I am ___ (name). I am ___ (age). I am a ___ year student of National Technical University. I study at ___ (department). My major is ___ (speciality). I am from ___ (town).


1.3. Письмові завдання

Вправа 3. Заповніть анкети за зразком.

Baker’s Hotel Registration form
Surname_____Johnson______________ First name_______Antony_____
Nationality_____the UK_____________  
Passport number___271895306_______ Date and place of issue ______ ____12.06.08_Leeds________
Address_17 Church Lane, LEEDS, LS6 4NR  
Date of arrival___07.06.2009__________ Date of departure__11.06.2009_


1) Surname; 2) First name; 3) Nationality; 4) Passport number; 5) Date and place of issue; 6) Address; 7) Date of arrival; 8) Date of departure.


Brighton School of English Enrolment form – please write in block letters
Mr/Mrs/Ms_MS__ Family name_BLANCA First name ___MARIA____ Date of birth _08.01.90_
Nationality_ITALY Languages____ITALIAN, FRENCH_________________
Address in your country_ Via Ponte, 21, Novi di Modena, Modena
Reason for learning English: business/pleasure/exams/other __________I WANT TO TRAVEL____________________________________
How many hours a day do you want to study?_______4__________________
How long are you going to stay at school?_________1 month____________
What date do you want to start?_______01.08.2009______________________

1) Mr/Mrs/Ms; 2) Family name; 3) First name; 4) Date of birth; 5) Nationality; 6) Languages; 7) Address in your country; 8) Occupation; 9) Reason for learning English; 10) How many hours a day do you want to study? 11) How long are you going to stay at school? 12) What date do you want to start?

☺ Smile!

· Teacher: “What is an autobiography?” – Pupil: “Er ... the life story of a car.”

· How old are you? – Thirty-three, but I don’t look this age, do I? – No, but you used to.


1.4. Розмовна тема. Знайомство

Greetings Привітання

How do you do? Доброго дня!
Hallo (hello, hullo)! Hi! Привіт!
Good morning! (Morning!) Доброго ранку!
Good afternoon! Добрий день!
Good evening! (Evening!) Добрий вечір!

Answers for greeting Відповіді на привітання

Haven’t seen you for ages! Давно не бачились.
It’s good to see you again. Nice to see you again. Радий Вас бачити.
I’m glad we’ve met! Радий, що ми зустрілися.
How are you? How are you doing? Як справи? Як поживаєте?

Words of parting Слова на прощання

Good-bye! Good-bye for the pres­ent! До побачення.
Bye- bye! So long! Бувайте.
See you soon! See you later! Побачимось.
See you tomorrow! До завтра.
I hope we’ll see some more of you! Сподіваюсь побачити Вас знову.
Remember me to ... Give my (kind) regards to ... Give my love to ... Передавайте вітання ...

Introducing people Представлення людей

– Nice party, isn’t it? – Yes, it’s great. – I’m Alison. What’s your name? – I’m Steve Brown. Nice to meet you. – Glad to meet you, too. Let me…   1.5. Граматика. Іменники


  · А також: a month’s holiday today’s party … Вправа 6. Запишіть речення іншим способом, використовуючи при-свійний відмінок іменників.

Young Organist

Karen’s parents, David and Anastasia, said they had known since a very early age that Karen was musically inclined. “She was very skilled on the… At first, she learned to play from her father. But within a year, Karen… At the age of 8, she gave her first public performance at the historic Christ Church in Philadelphia. Soon after, she…

Teen Scientist Gets High Honor from Obamas

In the fifth grade, Li Boynton built a device that removed salt from seawater. In the 11th grade she created a cheap method of testing for water… Along the way, the Bellaire High School senior racked up $50,000 in college… Biology teacher Anna Loonam, who taught Boynton as a freshman and again as a junior, called her “a top science…

Приклади (ствердна, заперечна та питальна форми).

1. He is a student. 2. He is not a student. 3. Is he a student?


Відмінювання дієслова to be в Past Indefinite Tense
Число Особа Однина Множина
І I was We were
ІІ You were You were
ІІІ He, she, it was They were


1. He was a student. 2. He was not a student. 3. Was he a student?


Відмінювання дієслова to be в Future Indefinite Tense
Число Особа Однина Множина
І I shall (will) be We shall (will) be
ІІ You will be You will be
ІІІ He, she, it will be They will be


1. He will be a student. 2. He will not be a student. 3. Will he be a student?



Структура There is ... There are ...

Є найбільш поширеною конструкцією з дієсловом to be (в різних часових формах). Вона використовується, коли треба повідомити, що деякий об’єкт знаходиться в певному місці. Англійське речення в такому випадку переклдадається з кінця (з обставини місця). Наприклад:

There is a printer on the desk. – На столі стоїть комп’ютер.

There are lots of formulae in this textbook. – В цьому підручнику багато формул.

Якщо обставина місця відсутня, то речення перекладдається, починаючи з дієслова:

There is only one solution of this problem. – Існує тільки одне рішення цієї проблеми.

Питальна форма.

Is there a printer in your office? – У вашому офісі є принтер?

Дієслово to have

Відмінювання дієслова to have в Present Indefinite Tense
Особа \ Число Однина Множина
І I have We have
ІІ You have You have
ІІІ He, she, it has They have

Приклади (ствердна, заперечна та питальна форми).

1. He has a dog. 2. He does not have a dog. 3. Does he have a dog?

Past Indefinite Tense – had


1. I had a bicycle. 2. Did you have a pet when you were a child? 3. They didn’t have any time to meet us.

Future Indefinite Tense – will have


1. I will have time to help you tomorrow. 2. Will you have musicians at your party? 3. They will not (won’t) have much money.


G Запам’ятайте!

to have = to have got


G Запам’ятайте! to have dinner (breakfast, lunch, supper) to have a cup of tea (a cigarette, a meal, a drink) to have a shower (a…    


  Багатозначність деяких прийменників Прий-менник Обставина…  


Вправа 1. Складіть розповідь про своє хобі, використовуючи такі фрази. When I have free (spare) time ...; I have chosen my hobby because ...; I… Прочитайте назви найбільш популярних хобі у додатку (Appendix I).

An Unusual Hobby

In a month, I could ride around the block (about half a mile) falling about 3 times. It took me several weeks to learn how to freemount. I taught my… Training for my first unicycling competition was interesting. My coach David… A few months later, I went with my father to Nassau County, in Long Island, New York. I never thought I was good…


as (прислівник) – як, у якості: He works as a doctor.
as (сполучник) – коли: As he came in, everybody stopped talking.
as (сполучник) – оскільки: I didn’t go to the cinema as I was too busy.

for (прийменник) – для, заради: He bought flowers for his granny.
for (прийменник) – протягом: I have been studying English for 10 years.
for (сполучник) – оскільки: He has missed the train for he got up late.


it (особовий займенник) – він, вона, воно: I have a car. It is red.
it (неособовий займенник) – не перекладається: It is raining.
it is (was) ... that (who) – саме: It is him who did it.


one (кількісний числівник) – один: I have only one English dictionary.
one (замінює іменник) –The new car runs faster than the old one.
one (неозначений займенник) – вживається в неозначено-особових реченнях, не перекладається: One can find any information in the Internet.


since (прийменник) – після, з: I have been waiting for you since 2 p.m.
since (сполучник) – відтоді, оскільки: He was absent since he was ill.


that (вказівний займенник) – той: That building is very old.
that (займенник) – замінює іменник, щоб уникнути повторення: The climate here is like that in France.
that (відносний займенник) – який: This is the letter that came yesterday.
that (сполучник) – що, щоб: I know that he is fond of roller-skating.

Вправа 3. Перекладіть речення.

1. As a rule one may determine the applied forces from the conditions of the problem. 2. Space flights prove that. 3. As I didn’t have enough money for a taxi, I went home on foot. 4. Jane dropped her bag as she was getting out of the car. 5. The work of the new device is much more efficient than that of the old one. 6. It is physics that has given us countless inventions. 7. By the street of by-and-bye one arrives at the house of Never. 8. The principle of conservation of energy states that energy is uncreatable and indestructible; it states that in everything that occurs in the world a transformation of energy is all that takes place.

Вправа 4. Вставте for, that, it, one, since, as.

1. ___ part of atmosphere which is higher than seven miles over the Earth is called stratosphere. 2. ___ is water ___ is the most common substance in our life. 3. Magnesium is a very light metal, ___ which we find more and more applications. 4. I haven’t seen him ___ that time. 5. A kettle half full of water can be boiled in half the time required for a full ___. 6. ___ mercury is commonly used in barometers, air pressure is often recorded in centimetres of mercury.

6.4.2. Словотвір

Утворення прикметників

іменник + суфікс
-al formal -ful useful -ous dangerous -y rainy -less– з заперечним відтінком: useless -ic magnetic


дієслово + суфікс
-able, -ible changeable -ant, -ent different -ive attractive


префікс + прикметник
in-, im-, il-, ir-(з заперечним відтінком) indefinite, impossible, illegal, irregular un-(з заперечним відтінком) unexpected dis-(з заперечним відтінком) disproportional

Утворення прислівників

Іменник + -ly Прикметник + -ly Числівник + -ly
weekly highly firstly

G Запам’ятайте! Буква у перед суфіксом -lу змінюється на і:

happy – happily.

Деякі прислівники в англійській мові збігаються за формою з прикметниками: fast – швидкий, швидко; early – ранній, рано; loud – голосний, голосно. Їх легко відрізнити, тому що прислівник, як правило, відноситься до дієслова або прикметника, а прикметник – до іменника.

Вправа 5. Утворіть прикметники за допомогою суфіксів.

To change, comfort, agriculture, history, biology, centre, nature, geography, industry, post, to type, talent, gift, skill, beauty, care, event, joy, peace, to act, atom, electron, history, hero, to create, to express, end, friend, hope, help, danger, victory, noise, cloud, wind, rain.

Вправа 6. Утворіть прикметники з протилежним значенням за допомогою префіксів.

Possible, known, mobile, interesting, obedient, probable, comfortable, usual, polite, expected, connected, happy, important, honest, healthy, skilled, legal, similar, regular.


6.5. Домашнє завдання

Вправа 7. Запишіть 10 англійських слів, які є одночасно і іменниками, і дієсловами, наприклад: work (праця працювати), study (кабінет навчатися), head (голова прямувати).

Вправа 8. Утворіть іменники від прикметників.

Distant, independent, scientific, creative, universal, practical, planetary, peaceful, mathematical, physical, electrical, chemical, biological, difficult.

Вправа 9. Перекладіть речення англійською. Зверніть увагу на переклад багатозначних слів.

1. Дайте мені той підручник, будь ласка. Він поряд з вашим портфелем. 2. Неможливо жити без води. 3. Хімія – такий же цікавий предмет, як і математика. 4. У мене немає словника. Я маю його купити. 5. Саме енергія руху часток у випадковому напрямку утворює тепло.

Вправа 10. Складіть розповідь про своє хобі, використовуючи активну лексику.

Unit 2. Social Contacts

G Active Vocabulary of the Unit:

traffic lights, block, passer-by, bus, trolley-bus, tram, taxi, underground, fare, to get to, to get off, to reach, to cross, to change, to miss, to go by bus, to go on foot; booking-office, ticket-machine, jet-plane, flight, seat belt, pilot, stewardess, to take off, to land, delay, carry-on, luggage, on board a plane (ship), compartment, berth, platform, passenger; customs officer, to declare, smuggling, to go through customs, entrance, visa, gift, to be liable to duty, duty free, currency; to cheek in, guest, reception-desk, accommodation, single / double room, suite, to reserve, to book, to sign in (out); receiver, dial, telephone directory, buzz, to ring smb. up, to telephone, to make a call, to put through, to disconnect, to leave the message; appointment, hand language, gesture, to signify, approval, insult.

Lesson 7. Asking the Way

7.1. Розмовна тема. Орієнтування в місті

G Active Vocabulary:

to cross – переходити; crossing – перехрестя; block – квартал; traffic lights – світлофор; subway station – станція метро; right down the street – в кінці вулиці; round the corner – за рогом; right across the square (street) – прямо через майдан (вулицю); to turn left (right) – повернути ліворуч (праворуч); to get to the post-office – потрапити на пошту; terminal – вокзал; to take (about kind of transport) – сідати; to get off – виходити; to take (about time) – займати.

Прочитайте та перекладіть діалоги.

1.– I beg your pardon. Where’s the nearest subway station? – It’s right down the street. – Thank you. You’ve been very helpful. – That’s all right.

2.– Excuse me, please. What’s the way to the post office? – It’s two blocks from here. Go straight on, then turn right at traffic lights. – Thanks a lot. – You are welcome.

3.– Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me how to get to the bus terminal? – Turn round the corner.

4.– How can I get to the British Museum? – Cross the street and keep to the left.

5.– Will you show me the way to the University? – Take bus No. 34 and get off at the stop Derzhprom. – How long does it take? – It will take you about 10 minutes. – Thank you very much. – Welcome.

Вправа 1. Складіть коротенькі діалоги, використовуючи такі словосполучення.

Для ввічливого звернення:Excuse me, please; Pardon me, sir; Could you tell me; I beg your pardon.

Для запитання дороги: Is it far from; How to get to; How can I get to; Is this the right way to; Where is the nearest; What’s the way to.

Для відповіді: Cross the street; Go straight on; Right down the street; Across the square; Keep to the left (right); Turn left (right); Take bus (tram).

7.2. Читання

Прочитайте та перекладіть текст рідною мовою. Складіть власну розповідь про подорож літаком, використовуючи підкреслені вирази.

Travelling by Air

to travel – подорожувати; to fly – літати; a flight – peйc; to catch a plane – встигнути на літак; to miss a plane – запізнитись на літак; to board… Modern life is impossible without traveling. To understand whether it is…  

Some Murphy Laws For Frequent Flyers

· If you are running late for a flight, it will depart from the farthest gate within the terminal. · If you arrive very early for a flight, it inevitably will be delayed. · Flights never leave from Gate #1 at any terminal in the world.

Present Simple

Випадки вживання Приклади
Загальновідомі факти та істини The sun rises in the east. – Сонце підіймається на сході.
Повсякденні дії, що повторюються I wake up at 7.00 every morning. – Я прокидаюся кожного ранку о сьомій.
В складних реченнях після if – якщо, in case – у випадку, when – коли I’ll help you if I have time. – Я допоможу тобі, якщо матиму час.


Форма стверджувального речення

I (you, we, they, my parents) work.

He (she, it, my brother) works.


Форма заперечного речення

do not = don’t does not = doesn’t

I (you, we, they, my parents) do not work.

He (she, it, my brother) does not work.

Форма питального речення

Do I (you, we, they, my parents) work?

Does he (she, it, my brother) work?

Типи речень

1) Стверджувальне: The students work in the laboratory twice a week. 2) Заперечне:

Dialogue at a booking office

– Hello, I’d like to book a ticket to Kiev. – What date do you want to leave? – On the 25th of November.

The Benefits of a Cruise Holiday

to be faced – стикатись; prospect – перспектива; quandary – скрутне становище; available – що є в наявності; span – короткий відрізок часу;… Вправа 2. Знайдіть слова в тексті, що відповідають визначенням: 1) a period in which a break is taken from work or studies for rest, travel, or recreation; 2) a trip by sea in a…

The Past Indefinite (Simple) Tense

Випадки вживання Приклади
Дії, що відбувалися у минулому, або факт, що мав місце в минулому (показники минулого часу: last year, in 1999, yesterday, etc.). He was awarded a Bachelor’s degree in 2000. – Він отримав диплом бакалавра в 2000 році.


Форма минулого часу для правильних дієслів утворюється додаванням закінчення -ed. Форма минулого часу для неправильних дієслів утворюється різними способами (див. таблицю неправильних дієслів (Appendix II) другий стовпчик).

Форма стверджувального речення

I (he, you, we, they, my friend) studied at the University 10 years ago.

I (he, you, we, they, my friend) sent the letter yesterday.

Форма заперечного речення

I (he, you, we, they, my friend) did not study at the University10 years ago.

I (he, you, we, they, my friend) did not send the letter yesterday.

did not = didn’t


Форма питального речення

Did I (he, you, we, they, my friend) study at the University 10 years ago?

Did I (he, you, we, they, my friend) send the letter yesterday?

The Future Indefinite (Simple) Tense

Випадки вживання Приклади
Дія відбудеться у майбутньому (tomorrow, in a few days, next week, one day, etc.). One day I’ll get married. – Колись я стану одруженим.


Форма стверджувального речення

I (he, you, we, they, my friend) will study at the University next year.

Форма заперечного речення

I (he, you, we, they, my friend) will not study at the University next year.

will not = won’t


Форма питального речення

  Таблиця часових форм дієслова наведена у додатку (Appendix III). Увага! В сучасній англійській мові для формування майбутнього часу дієслів у першій особі частіше використовується…

Going Through the Customs

Here is my passport (visa, health certificate, certificate of vaccination, declaration form). Have you got anything to declare? Is there anything… Nowadays travelling abroad is very popular. Some people prefer travelling by… While travelling abroad you have to go through the customs and passport control, sometimes several times. As a rule…

The Past Continuous Tense (Минулий тривалий час)

G Запам’ятайте! Дієслова, які виражають почуття: (to love – любити), сприймання (to see –… ☺ Smile !

I. Прочитайте текст.

G Active Vocabulary:

telephone directory – телефонний довідник; receiver – телефонна трубка; buzz – гудіти; dial – диск телефону, набирати номер; engaged – зайнятий; to hold the wire (line) – бути на лінії; interrupt – переривати; avoid – запобігати.

The Procedure of Telephoning

If you hear a prolonged buzzing, hold the wire and your number will answer in a moment. A frequent high tone buzzing means that the line is engaged.… If you wish to interrupt a conversation for a couple of minutes, you say,… Дайте відповіді на запитання.

Telephone Conversation

– Hello? This is Mr. Warner’s secretary speaking. – Yes, Frolov here. – I’m sorry. Mr. Warner’s very busy at the moment. Can you tell me your…   10.2. Читання

Interesting Facts about Telephones

· Alexander Graham Bell suggested the word “ahoy” for telephone greeting (as used in ships), but it was later superseded by Thomas Edison, who… · The very first phone call was “Watson come here, I want you!”. It was made… · The first transatlantic telephone cable was used in 1956. A telephone cable was run across the ocean floor and lies…

The Past Perfect Tense (Минулий перфектний час)

The Future Perfect Tense (Майбутній перфектний час) Випадки вживання Приклади Дія, яка закінчиться до деякого моменту у… ☺ Smile! Doctor’s wife: “Now, my dear, you must forget your profession if you go to see our friends with me.”

Hotel Amenities

· Bar & Restaurant · Swimming Pool · Handicapped Facilities
· Luggage Room · Gymnasium · Pets Allowed
· Garage / Car-park · Sauna · Non-Smoking Rooms
· Laundry Service · Hairdresser · Internet Access
· Room Service · Tennis Court · Buffet Breakfast
· Jacuzzi · Terrace Solarium · Money Exchange

Room amenities

Вправа 1. Знайдіть англійські відповідники із списку: 1) камера схову; обмін валют; басейн; ресторан; гімнастичний зал; кімнати для… 2) тераса/балкон; міні-кухня; супутникові телеканали; фен; центральне опалення; міні-бар / холодильник; музика, що…

Some Tips on Staying at a Hotel

1. The first thing to do is to book a room in advance either by letter, telephone, fax or Internet. Otherwise you may arrive at the hotel and be… 2. On arrival at the hotel go to the reception desk in the lobby and confirm… 3. In large hotels you may ask for any service by telephone. You tell the operator if you wish to be called at a…

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Минулий перфектно-тривалий)

Вправа 4. Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи дієслова у Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous. 1. He (to run) now. He (to run) for ten minutes without any rest. 2. What they… Вправа 5. Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи дієслова у Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present…

Customs and Traditions around the World

G Active Vocabulary:

custom – традиція; queue – черга; appointment – призначена зустріч; chopstick – паличка; toe – палець ноги; social insult – соціальна образа.


The first thing you should remember when in England is always to say “please” and “thank you”. Never push into a queue of people or they will get angry. Don’t be late for appointments and don’t talk with your mouth full. Remember – always ask before smoking in someone’s house.


When in China, don’t kiss anyone in public – it’s very rude. Never be late for appointments, and don’t tell jokes to people you don’t know very well. Be careful when you are eating, too – never leave your chopsticks pointing upwards in your rice because this makes people very upset. A last tip – when you give someone a present, give it with both hands.


When you visit someone in Japan, it is polite to take a gift. Remember to take your shoes off as you enter the house – hosts will give you special slippers to wear instead. Leave your shoes at the door, but make sure the toes are pointing towards the door. When you are in the living-room, don’t sit anywhere you like – wait until someone shows you where to sit. Also, don’t blow your nose in public – find a place where you can do it alone. Showing the soles of your feet is the height of bad manners. So, never put your feet on the desk as the Americans like to do. It is a social insult for Japanese people.


What advice can you give to visitors of England, China, and Japan? Give at least three pieces of advice for each country using the structure:When in ..., you should (shouldn’t) ...

Вправа 1. Визначте країну, в якій діють такі правила поведінки.

1. Ask before smoking in someone’s house. 2. When you visit someone, take a gift with you. 3. Take your shoes off as you enter the house. 4. Don’t put your feet on the desk. 5. Always say “please” and “thank you”. 6. Don’t blow your nose in public and never show the soles of your feet. 7. Never leave your chopsticks pointing upwards in your rice. 8. Never push into a queue of people. 9. Make sure the toes of your shoes are pointing towards the door. 10. Don’t be late for appointments. 11. Don’t tell jokes to people you don’t know very well. 12. Don’t talk with your mouth full.

G Запам’ятайте прислів’я!

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.


12.2. Читання

Gestures in Different Cultures

Nowadays people enjoy travelling throughout the globe getting to its farthest corners. It often happens that they are unfamiliar with the language of the country they are visiting. And then hand-language may appear rather helpful. But you should be aware that hand gestures in different cultures may imply different meanings. It is very important to understand the meaning of different gestures, if you happen to visit a new country.

Peace Sign

The peace sign, or victory symbol, is created when an individual balls up his hand, extending the index and middle fingers to form a V. The sign is usually shown with the palm facing outward. This sign was made famous by Winston Churchill during World War II, when he used it to signify victory. Americans in the 1960s used it to signify peace. If a European uses the sign, but turns the palm to face inward, the gesture becomes vulgar.

Signaling Okay

Place the thumb and the index finger in an “O” shape, and extend the rest of the fingers into the air. The resulting gesture means “Okay” or signifies approval in the United States. In Japan, however, it signifies money, and in Brazil or Germany, it’s downright rude. Nod head up and down to say “Yes.” In Bulgaria and Greece, this gesture means “No.”

Thumbs Up

The thumbs-up sign is simply a balled fist with the thumb extended into the air. Americans and Europeans use this gesture as a sign of approval. They also use this gesture to try to get a ride in a passing vehicle. Other cultures, however, find the sign insulting.

Pointing Finger

A pointed finger has mixed messages for many cultures, even Americans. When the hand is balled into a fist with the index finger extended, the gesture may be used to indicate an item at a distance. If the finger is pointed at a person, it is seen as accusatory for some Americans and for Middle or Far East cultures. Other cultures consider the person gesturing to be attempting dominance over the recipient of the gesture.

Crossing your Fingers

Вправа 2. Визначте, чи є вірними такі висловлювання. 1. In Greece, nodding your head means “come here”. 2. Winston Churchill used…  

Here are some final tips for travellers

· In Afghanistan you should spend at least five minutes saying hello. · In Pakistan you mustn’t wink. It is offensive. · In the Middle East you must never use the left hand for greeting, eating, drinking, or smoking. Also, you should…

Five Subatomic Particles in a Nutshell

After considerable research and experiments, we now know that atoms can be divided into subatomic particles – protons, neutrons and electrons. Held…   Виберіть правильний варіант.

Прочитайте текст без словника.

What are the Smallest Particles We Know about?

For many years, the only known subatomic particles were protons, neutrons and electrons. By the 1960s, however, advancements in particle accelerator technology had shown evidence of hundreds of smaller constituent particles. These particles fall into several main categories.

Fermions are the building-block particles. There are two types of material fermions: quarks, which work to hold the nucleus of an atom together, and leptons, which do not.

Hadrons are composite particles made of smaller particles. A proton, for example, is a hadron made from a combination of different quarks.

Bosons are subatomic particles that carry force.


Виберіть правильний варіант.

1. The existence of many elementary particles was proved in ___.

a) the middle of the 20th century b) in the 18th century c) last year

2. There are ___ of fermions.

a) hundreds of types b) two types c) five types

3. Bosons are elementary particles that carry ___.

a) light b) mass c) force

☺ Smile!

One student in Rutherford’s lab was very hard-working. Rutherford had noticed it and asked one evening:
– Do you work in the mornings too?
– Yes, – proudly answered the student sure he would be commended.
– But when do you think? – amazed Rutherford.


14.4. Граматика. Пасивний стан дієслова груп Indefinite

Пасивний стан (Passive Voice)

Стан – це категорія дієслова, яка демонструє відношення дії до суб’єкта чи об’єкта дії.

Пасивний станпоказує, що дія направлена на предмет або особу, які є підметом (статтю перекладено, дім будується).


Popov invented the radio. – активний стан (Active Voice) – Попов винайшов радіо.

The radio was invented by Popov. – пасивний стан (Passive Voice) – Радіо було винайдено Поповим.

Пасивний стан – це складна аналітична форма, яка утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to be у відповідному часі, особі та числі та дієприкметника минулого часу (Participle II):


to be + Participle II

G Запам’ятайте! Вживання часів пасивного стану відбувається за такими ж правилами, як і часів активного стану.

Приклади речень у Passive Voice

Стверджувальна форма

The letter is written (every day).

The letter was written (yesterday).

The letter will be written (tomorrow).

The letter is being written (now).

The letter was being written (at 5 o’clock yesterday).

The letter has been written (already).

The letter had been written (by 5 o’clock yesterday).

The letter will have been written (by 5 o’clock tomorrow).


Питальна форма

У питальній формі змінюється порядок слів: перед підметом ставиться перше допоміжне дієслово.

Is the letter written (every day)?

Was the letter written (yesterday)?

Will the letter be written (tomorrow)?

Isthe letter being written (now)?

Wasthe letter being written (at 5 o’clock yesterday)?

Hasthe letter been written (already)?

Hadthe letter been written (by 5 o’clock yesterday)?

Willthe letter have been written (by 5 o’clock tomorrow)?


Заперечна форма

The letter is not written (every day). The letter was not written (yesterday). The letter willnot be written (tomorrow).

Вправа 6. Передайте речення у Passive Voice.

Вправа 7. Перекладіть речення англійською. 1. Вже послали за ліками? – Так, їх зараз шукають. 2. Його виховала сестра. 3.… 16.5. Домашнє завдання

Прочитайте текст.

Classical physics is a branch of physics in which matter and energy are two separate concepts. Based primarily on Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of motion…   Виберіть правильний варіант.

Приклади утворення



Further information will be given later. – Наступну інформацію Ви отримаєте пізніше. He is 5 years older than me. – Він старший за мене на 5 років. He is my elder brother. – Він мій старший брат.

Industry, Science and Education in Kharkov

There are about 250 large industrial enterprises in the city, the most important of which are in mechanical engineering and metal working,… The products of Kharkiv companies are well known in Ukraine and abroad. They… Specialists from Kharkiv have contributed greatly to rocket engineering and space exploration. Control systems for…

Прочитайте текст.

Fiber optic technology allows humans to control the path of a beam of light by confining it within ductile, transparent materials, like cords of…   Виберіть правильний варіант.

Some Interesting Facts About Australia

· The first official world surfing championship was held in Sydney in 1964. · Over 90% of the world’s opals are mined in Australia. · A resident of Sydney is called a Sydneysider.

London Museums and Art Galleries

a fortress – фортеця; a manuscript – рукопис; contemporary – сучасний; armour – лати; twofold – подвійний; garrison – гарнізон; custody –… The best London museums and art galleries are in the West End. The British Museum in Russel Square comprises the National Museum of Archeology and Ethnography, the richest…

Universities in Great Britain

Good A-level results in at least 2 subjects are necessary to get a place at a university. However, good exam passes alone are not enough.… After three or four years of study a university graduate will leave with the… There are about 30 Polytechnics in Great Britain. The Polytechnics, like the universities, offer first and higher…

Вправа 8. Розгадайте кросворд.

Вправа 9. Складіть розповідь про систему освіти у Великій Британії з використанням активних слів та виразів. Lesson 22. The United States of America 22.1. Розмовна тема. Сполучені Штати Америки

Los Angeles

Often known by its initials, LA, and nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a world center of business, international trade, entertainment,… Los Angeles enjoys a Mediterranean climate and sunny weather. It’s a modern…  

The Fascinating World of Crystals

Crystals can be used in many ways. Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds have been the showiest use of crystals for thousands of years. They… Each different crystal vibrates at a specific frequency when an electric… Vibrating crystals can be used for time keeping. A quartz clock uses the vibration of a quartz crystal to measure…

Harvard University

prominent – видатний; distinctly – виразно; outlook – світогляд; clergy – духовенство; scope – масштаб; to diversify – урізноманітнювати; to command… Harvard is more than a university – it’s a tradition. No other American… Harvard is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in a campus just across the Charles River from Boston. This is a…

How we use up water

(22 March – world day for water)

· 30 litres of water go down to the drain when you shower for five minutes.

· 80 litres are used in the average bath.

· 5 litres are wasted by running the tap while brushing your teeth.

· 1,000 litres an hour are used by a garden sprinkler.

· 4 litres a day are wasted by a dripping household tap.

· 650 litres of water are used per guest per day in a hotel.

· 10,000 litres a day irrigates an 18-hole golf course.

· 1 flush of the lavatory uses as much water as the average person in the developing world uses for one day’s washing, drinking, cleaning and cooking.



26.3. Читання

Прочитайте текст та поставте п’ять запитань до його змісту.

The Black Sea Pollution

But in the 1990s, this important natural resource has been brought at the brink of destruction. Once rich biodiversity became only a fond memory,… The Black Sea is full of different pollutants such as toxic metals and… Many tanker accidents caused oil pollution, while coastal industries continue to discharge waste products directly,…


1. Nobody expected that he would ever be able to do it. 2. It seemed that everything was quite all right. 3. He told them what had happened to him…   Вправа 3. Поставте дієслова у дужках у необхідній формі.

Вправа 3. Передайте речення непрямою мовою.

27.5. Домашнє завдання Вправа 4. Запишіть речення непрямою мовою. 1. The physicist said to the journalist: “We have already finished the experiment”. 2. The young chemist said, “The…

Land Pollution

B: Yes, but some of them are not aware of how much pollution exists. A: So, do you know where it comes from? B: As far as I know, most land pollution is caused by industrial and commercial sources, such as factories, oil…

Here are a few land pollution facts how to reduce your own waste.

Buy Used

· Many of the items that you use every day can be found used. This includes clothes, furniture, household items and many more.

· You should also donate all of your old items to a local thrift store rather than throwing them away. This will not only cut down on what ends up in a landfill, but will give someone else a chance to find what they need used rather than having to buy new.

· Of course, you won’t be able to find everything you need used, but you should always start your search looking for used items and only buy new when you must. This will not only help the environment, but it will save you money as well.

Eat Organic

· Organic foods will cost a bit more, but they are better both for the environment and for your health. Watch the Packaging · When you do need to buy something new, try to find products that do not use unnecessary packaging. Such packaging…

Вправа 5. Передайте речення непрямою мовою.

1. She asked me, “What are you doing?” 2. He asked her, “Are you angry with me?” 3. I asked him, “Where do you work?” 4. We asked them, “Have you made up your minds?” 5. They asked us, “Did you see the monument?” 6. She asked him, “Can you promise me that?” 7. He asked me, “Where will you go?” 8. I asked her, “When will you join our team?”

Вправа 6. Складіть розповідь про забруднення вашого міста, району, вулиці, під’їзду тощо.

Lesson 29. Ecological Dangers

29.1. Усна тема. Екологічні загрози

Знайдіть у словнику підкреслені слова. Складіть розповідь про одну з екологічних загроз, використовуючи активну лексику.

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is the new side effect of our technological age. Day or night, various sounds fill the air. Between sunrise and sunset, streets and highways are a constant source of noise from cars, buses, and trucks. You can pass any factory or construction site and the roar of its machinery will make your ears ring. Music is played in every supermarket, most restaurants and many offices and homes.

Big cities of the world such as Los Angeles (California, USA), Osaka (Japan) are well-known for their noisiness.

We are realizing, finally, that silence is a natural resource and must be protected by law.

Global warming

Other effects could happen later this century, if warming continues: sea levels are expected to rise between 7 and 23 inches (18 and 59 centimeters)…  


The current effects of overpopulation are as follows: to build new settlements 16 million hectares of forest are chopped down each year; the…    

Jet Planes Keep Us Warm at Night

Scientists have discovered an unexpected reason for climatic change: airplanes. New research has revealed that vapour trails from jet aircraft flying across the country make nights up to 10С (1.80F) warmer, and days 10С cooler. The study was conducted by checking the records at 4,000 weather stations when aircrafts were grounded across the US in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. When compared with historical averages, they discovered that those nights were colder and the days warmer, with the temperature difference between night and day rising by an average of 1.80C. The vapour trails, which can turn into high altitude cirrus clouds in the right conditions, reflect sunlight back during the day reducing air temperature at ground level and act as an insulating layer at night helping keep warm air in.

29.3. Читання

Прочитайте текст. Знайдіть у словнику підкреслені слова.

Cruise Liners Are Contaminating Our Oceans

Вправа 2. Визначте, чи правильними є висловлювання. 1. Cruise liners often pollute seas and oceans. 2. Big liners can accommodate…  

Planet Earth Is 4,600 Million Years Old

Dinosaurs and the great reptiles did not ___ until one year ago, when the planet was 45. Mammals arrived only eight ___ ago. In the middle of the… Modern ___ has been around for only four hours. During the last hour Man ___… 30.3. Читання

Bees Are in Danger

Scientific experts blame a combination of stress factors, including climate change, the use of neurotoxic insecticides, viral and fungal infections,… Thanks to pollinators such as insects, birds and bats, the world’s flowering… 30.4. Граматика. Повторення підрядних речень

Вправа 4. Передайте непрямою мовою.

30.5. Домашнє завдання Вправа 5. Розкажіть про тварин з тексту (30.1), використовуючи такі фрази. Не… 1. I learned that ... 2. It was reported that ... 3. It turned out that ... 4. Scientists warned that ... 5. It…

My family

There are five members in my family: my mom, dad, grandmother, brother and myself. My dad works for a golf company. My mom is a housewife. My…   Daniel (USA)

Albert Einstein

Even as a small boy Albert Einstein was self-sufficient and thoughtful. According to family legend he was a slow talker, pausing to consider what he… Albert Einstein’s first job was that of patent clerk. In 1933, he joined the staff of the newly created Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. He accepted…

Marie Curie

Marie Curie (Polish Maria Sklodowska-Curie, born November 7, 1867, died July 4, 1934) was a chemist pioneer in the early field of radiology and a… After finishing high school, she suffered a mental breakdown for a year. Due… At the Sorbonne she met and married another instructor, Pierre Curie. Together they studied radioactive materials,…

George and Robert Stephensons

Father and son were always very friendly. Robert was born in 1803, and his mother died before he was three years old. This brought the boy nearer to… One thought above all others was in George Stephenson’s mind: at all costs… Robert’s first period of schooling ended when he was twelve, but during his few years of schooling he was a teacher as…

Thomas Alve Edison

his teacher thought him very stupid – вчитель вважав його дуже дурним; boxed his ear – сильно вдарив його у вухо: on the track – на рельсах. Edison was a thoughtful little boy. He was very in­quisitive and always wanted… When he was twelve years old, he started to earn his living and became a newsboy on the train which ran from Port…

The Most Popular Hobbies in the World

General Hobbies

Indoors: Aquarium keeping; Computer programming; Creative writing; Dancing; Drawing; Genealogy; Amateur radio; Music; Scrapbooking; Woodworking; Painting; Knitting; Sewing; Jewelry making; Cooking; Baking; Singing

Outdoors:Air sports; Motor sports; Water sports; Mountain biking; Cycling; Rock climbing; Fishing; Surfing; Rowing; Jogging; Swimming; Sailing; Sand castle building; Breeding your pet responsibly; Photography; Graffiti; Yoga.

Collection hobbies

Indoors:Coin collecting; Stamp collecting; Art collecting; Vinyls; Vintage books, clothing; cars

Outdoors:Antiquities; Fossil hunting; Insect collecting; Mineral and rockcollecting; Seashell and seaglass collecting; Leaf and petal collecting and pressing

Competition hobbies

Indoors:Billiards; Bridge; Bowling; Boxing; Chess; Cheerleading; Darts; Fencing; Gaming; Table football; Handball; Martial arts

Outdoors:American football; Soccer; Archery; Auto racing; Badminton; Cricket; Golf; Equestrianism; Figure skating; Gymnastics; Ice hockey; Kart racing; Paintball; Rugby; Shooting; Squash; Surfing; Swimming; Tennis

Observation hobbies

Indoors:Microscopy; Reading; Shortwave listening; Home theater

Outdoors:Amateur astronomy; Amateur geology; Bird watching; Meteorology; People watching; Travel; Parkour

To Lesson 8


Travelling by Train

Travelling by train is generally much cheaper than any other fast means of travelling. Moreover, train is one of the most efficient and reliable vehicle in which you don’t have to go through any traffic jams. Travelling by train may be a quite unique and leisurely experience, as you can do so many things while travelling such as: making new friends, taking a walk, chatting with other travelers, playing cards, looking at the views, reading or just sleeping. In short you can have a lot more fun in train than you would have if you were travelling by car which requires you to be alert all the time.

Some tips for rail travel in Europe.


· Be aware that it can be very expensive in some countries to travel by train. Especially high speed trains can be as expensive as – but more convenient than – flying.

· If you can, book in advance. In many countries you may benefit from a substantial discount.

· Many countries offer passes, allowing several journeys to be made within a region. Inter Rail (for Europeans) and Eurail (for others) are good value for those who qualify and wish to travel extensively through Europe.

· Please buy your ticket through the Internet, in a ticket office or a ticket machine before joining the train or otherwise you may have to pay a higher price or a fine.

Boarding and accommodation on board

· Many trains have first class accommodation. This can be available in some cases, or very expensive in others. You are paying (typically) for a… · Normally, the doors of a train do not open automatically. So to enter or… · Tuck away your luggage as much as you can. Don’t let it block the way or the seats for other passengers.

Tipping in America

Americans take tipping more seriously than any other nationality, and of all Americans, no one takes tipping as seriously as hotel bellboys do.

Tip your bellboy generously, and you will have the perfect holiday. Do not tip him, and you will have the worst holiday of your life!

Guests who do not tip well at hotels often find that the heating in their room “accidentally” stops working in the middle of winter, or that they receive strange phone calls in the middle of the night.

Sometimes the keys for their room “disappear” and it seems that no one can find the spare keys.

It is a good idea to tip a bellboy at least 5 dollars and, for tips of 20 dollars or more, your bellboy will be your friend forever. So, anyone who is planning to stay in an American hotel should remember – bellboys can make sure you have the holiday of your dreams ... or they can make your visit a nightmare!


To Lesson 16


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering

Our department presently consists of 28 faculty and senior research staff, 101 graduate and 48 undergraduate students. The curriculum includes over… Fission Engineering and Nuclear Energy Fusion and Plasma Physics

University of Oxford

The Department of Chemistry

The Oxford Chemistry course is second to none in quality. It has been judged to be excellent following a Teaching Quality Audit (TQA) by… Her Majestythe Queen opened the new £60 million Chemistry Research Laboratory on 20th February 2004. This state…

University of Cambridge

The Department of Physics at the Cavendish Laboratory

The Department of Physics, housed in the Cavendish Laboratory, is large. Currently there are 65 teaching staff, approximately 150 postdoctoral… Research activities span all the areas of physics, and are organised under…  

School Life for a British Boy (Written by Erik)

I am in Year 8. I am presently having to decide what GCSEs I would like to start working towards. I am sitting for my GCSE exams next year instead… Some subjects are compulsory like Maths, English, Science and a foreign… My School Day

A Dying Technology

In the linear model of the human economy, materials are first extracted from nature, then processed into goods, then consumed, and finally… Alternative approaches must begin by questioning the fundamental assumptions… Waste management must therefore be replaced by materials management: creating a closed loop economy that neither…

Spray-On Solar-Power Cells Are True Breakthrough

Like paint, the composite can be sprayed onto other materials and used as portable electricity. A sweater coated by the material could power a cell… The researchers envision that one day “solar farms” consisting of the plastic… “The sun that reaches the Earth’s surface delivers 10,000 times more energy than we consume”, said Ted Sargent, an…

Infrared Power

Plastic solar cells are not new. But existing materials are only able to harness the sun’s visible light. While half of the sun’s power lies in the visible spectrum, the other half lies in the infrared spectrum.

The new material is the first plastic composite that is able to harness the infrared portion.

“Everything that’s warm gives off some heat”, Sargent said. “So there actually is some power remaining in the infrared spectrum, even when it appears to us to be dark outside”.

The researchers combined specially designed nano-particles called quantum dots with a polymer to make the plastic that can detect energy in the infrared. With further advances, the new plastic “could allow up to 30 percent of the sun’s radiant energy to be harnessed, compared to 6 percent in today’s best plastic solar cells”, said Peter Peumans, a Stanford University electrical engineering professor, who studied the work.

Electrical Sweaters

“A sweater is already absorbing all sorts of light both in the infrared and the visible”, said Sargent. “Instead of just turning that into heat, as… Other possibilities include energy-saving plastic sheeting that could be… Складіть діалог до тексту (3–4 репліки кожний партнер).

Active Voice

Passive Voice

Appendix IV. Supplementary Reading

Text 1. What Are Fossil Fuels?

Fossil fuels form from the remains of plants and animals that died millions of years ago. Over time, these remains sank to the bottom of the seas and oceans, and as layers grew on top of them they were subjected to enormous pressure and heat, causing the remains to break down into hydrocarbons, or compounds made of hydrogen and carbon. When these hydrocarbons are burned, the energy they release can be used to power cars, produce electricity and heat homes.

Speech Patterns

Millions of years Мільйони років
Hundreds of people Сотні людей
Thousands of books Тисячі книжок


Choose one of the options.

a) ancient plants and animals b) carbon c) water 2. Chemically fossil fuels are ___. a) compounds of oxygen b) acids c) hydrocarbons

Speech Patterns

Kharkov is often referred to as a first capital. Харків часто називають першою столицею.
This law is referred to as a “thumb rule”. Цей закон називається правилом буравчика.


Choose one of the options.

a) shining b) dissolution c) bending 2. When light passes through a prism, one can see different ___. a) pictures b) colours c) movies

Speech Patterns

He comes from Spain. Він родом з Іспанії.
Milk cows. Молоко дають корови.
The word “wall” the Latin “wallum”. Слово «wall» походить з латинського «wallum».


Choose one of the options.

a) ore b) ear c) air 2. Ore always contains ___. a) all the chemical elements b) some impurities c) only pure metal

Speech Patterns

There is (was) nothing to rely on. Нема на що покластися.
nobody Ні на кого покластися.


Choose one of the options.

a) a computer virus b) a system software c) an input device 2. Early computers used ___ cards to receive data. a) punched b) playing c) credit

Speech Patterns

will + Verb (іноді) для посилення
Most computer addicts will completely withdraw from their friends ... Більшість комп’ютерозалежних часто повністю відсторонюються від своїх друзів ….
In difficult situations he will always support his friends. В скрутних ситуаціях він завжди підтримує своїх друзів.


Choose one of the options.

a) writes computer programmes b) spends most of his time at a computer c) can add well 2. The most important things for computer gamers are those which happen ___.

Speech Patterns

as well as … а також
He studies physics as well as other natural sciences. Він вивчає фізику, а також інші природничі науки.
as high as … висотою аж до
This tree is as high as a five-storey building. Це дерево висотою аж з п’ятиповерховий будинок.


Choose one of the options.

a) cities b) islands c) continents 2. Molten rock deep below the Earth’s crust is called ___. a) enigma b) sigma c) magma

Speech Patterns

As far as I know Наскільки я знаю
I understand я розумію
I can judge я можу судити

Choose one of the options.

a) in the late 1960s b) last year c) at the beginning of 20th century 2. Observations proved that Mars is ___. a) cold b) warm c) hot

Speech patterns

He is expected to arrive tonight. Очікується, що він приїде сьогодні ввечері.
is known to be a good driver. Відомо, що він добрий водій.
is sure to pass the exam. Він напевно складе екзамен.

Choose one of the options.

a) an electric motor b) a diesel engine c) an internal combustion engine 2. Batteries are recharged ___. a) only at service stations b) from another car c) from household electric grid

Speech Patterns

І. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false. 1. Bearings help to prevent wearing of parts caused by friction. 2. The… ІІ. Answer the following questions.

Speech patterns

І. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false. 1. Diamonds are a form of sodium. 2. Diamond is the hardest mineral we know.…  

Speech Patterns

І. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false. 1. Cell phones emit big amount of electromagnetic radiation. 2.… ІІ. Answer the following questions.

Speech Patterns

1. The Internet is a global system of computer networks connected by a wide range of electronic and optical networking technologies. 2. TV programs… ІІ. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the Internet? 2. What traditional communication media give rise to services such as Voice over Internet…

Speech Patterns

І. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false. 1. The researchers have been stretching strands of DNA for ages. 2. The… ІІ. Answer the following questions.

Speech Patterns

  І. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false. 1. Transgenic technologies have been known since ancient times. 2. Genetically modified food is very useful for our…

Speech Patterns

І. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false. 1. Nanoparticles are very big. 2. Nanotechnology has a great potential. 3.… ІІ. Answer the following questions.

Speech Patterns

1. Energy balance depends on heat level. 2. GHGs can not cause the rise in the level of the Earth’s energy balance. 3. The average temperature on… ІІ. Answer the following questions. 1. What is an energy balance? 2. What error information is spread all over the world? 3. What is the difference…

Speech Patterns

  І. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false. 1. UN specialists discovered that some rare metals are thrown away together with food wastes. 2. Gallium is used in…

Speech patterns

І. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false. 1. Karel Chapek was a Czech engineer. 2. Robots are used to perform boring…  

Speech Patterns

1. Raphael made only one work. It is “Madonna and the Child”. 2. Using massicot was widely spread during the Renaissance period. 3. Scientists have… ІІ. Answer the following questions. 1. Where is the portrait of Madonna and the Child now? 2. What is massicot? 3. What did the scientists do to detect…

Speech Patterns

І. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false. 1. Toxic inorganic arsenic could cause cancer. 2. The rice-derived products… ІІ. Answer the following questions.

Appendix V. Units Conversion Tables

Length Conversion


Appendix VI. Розмовні формули I. Прочитайте зразки розмовних формул і складіть діалоги. Positive requests (Ввічливі запитання) № Pattern Example Translation 1. …


1. Will you help me to move the table? – Yes, of course. – Sorry, I can’t.

2. Could you lend me 5 bucks till Saturday? – Sure. – Sorry, but I’m rather short of money at the moment.

3. Would you fill in this form, please? – All right. – I’m afraid I can’t. I’m illiterate.

4. Would you be so kind as to show me the way to the railway station? – No problem. You should go straight on and in five minutes you’ll be there. – I wish I could but I’m a foreigner myself.

5. Will you call him tomorrow? – OK. – Never. We fell out with him.


II. Прочитайте зразки розмовних формул і складіть діалоги.

We may agree or disagree when somebody states something. E.g.:

This is an interesting book. The weather is bad today.

Agreement (Згода)

Patterns Translation
1. Yes, of course Так, звичайно
2. You are (quite, absolutely) right Ви абсолютно праві
3. It goes without saying Безперечно
4. It’s (absolutely) true Абсолютно правильно
5. I agree with you Я з вами згоден
6. I think so Думаю, що так
7. I believe so Надіюся, що так
8. Exactly Звичайно, саме так
9. Just so! Цілком правильно
10. Quite so! Цілком правильно

Disagreement (Незгода)

Patterns Translation
1. Certainly not Звичайно, ні
2. I can’t agree with you Я не можу з Вами погодитись
3. I don’t think so Я так не думаю
4. Not exactly Це не зовсім так
5. I think you are not right Я думаю, ви неправі
6. It may not be true Можливо, це не так
7. It’s not absolutely true Це не зовсім так
8. Nothing of the kind Нічого подібного
9. Nonsense Маєчня, дурня
10. Stuff and nonsense! Маєчня, дурня
11. Rats! Маєчня, дурня

Our emotional reaction to some statements like these: We age going to London in two days. There will be no English lesson next week. –may be positive or negative.

Emotional replies (Емоційні відповіді)

Positive Negative
Good Добре I don’t like the idea Мені це не подобається
Nice Чудово I hate the idea Мені це дуже не подобається
I like the idea Мені подобається ідея It’s awful! Жахливо!
Excellent! Відмінно It’s terrible! Жахливо!
Marvelous! Пречудово Can it be true? Невже це правда?
Superb! Неперевершено It’s a pity! Як жаль!
Fantastic! Фантастика It’s too bad! Погано!
Incredible! Неймовірно    
Unbelievable! Неймовірно    
I can’t believe it! Не можу повірити I can’t believe it! Не можу повірити

Список літератури


1. Богацкий И.С. Бизнес-курс английского языка / И.С. Богацкий, Н.М. Дюканова. – К.: ООО «ИП Логос-М», 2007. – 352 с.

2. Качалова К.Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами / К.Н. Качалова, Е.Е. Израилевич. – М.: Юнвес Лист, 1998. – 718 с.

3. Медведева Л.М. Английская грамматика в пословицах, поговорках, идиомах и изречениях. / Л.М. Медведева – К.: Изд-во при Киев. ун-те, 1990. – 240 с.

4. Почепцов Г.Г. Язык и юмор (на английском языке) / Г.Г. Почепцов – К.: Вища школа, 1974. – 318 с.

5. Тичина Н.В. Англійська мова: навчально-методичний посібник. Ч 1. / Н.В. Тичина, С.Т. Лоповок, О.Ю. Ільченко, Г.І. Колеснікова, Г. А. Маковецька – Х.: НТУ «ХПІ», 2005 – 108 с.

6. Хведченя Л.В. Практическая грамматика современного английского языка / Л. В. Хведченя, Р. В. Хорень, И. В. Крюковская. – М.: Высш. шк., 1997. – 300 с.

7. Шмелёв В.М. Времена в английском языке: учебно-методическое пособие / В.М. Шмелёв – Казань, 2000. – 75 с.

8. Advanced Grammar in Use: a self-study reference and practice book for advanced learners of English; with answers / M. Hewings. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. – 340 p.

9. Beaumont Digby. The Heinemann ELT English Grammar: учеб. пособ. / Digby Beaumont, Colin Granger. – К: Методика, 2005. – 352 с.

10. Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary / John Sinclair. – London: Collins ELD, 1987. – 1703 p.

11. English Grammar in Use: with answers / R. Murphy. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. – 181 p.

12. English Grammar in Use. Supplementary Exercises with answers / L. Hashemi, R. Murphy. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. – 140 р.

13. English Phrasal Verbs in Use: with answers. Intermediate / McCarthy. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. – 351 p.

14. Enterprise 1. Beginner Coursebook / Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. – Newbury: Express Publishing, 2006 – 166 p.

15. New Headway English Course. Elementary Student’s Book / Matt Castle, Liz and John Soars. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. – 145 p.

16. New Headway English Course. Pre-Intermediate Workbook / J. Soars, L. Soars. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. – 119 p.

17. New Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus of the English Language / Bernard S. Cayne. – Danbury: Lexicon Publications, Inc. – 1149 p.


Вступ. 3

Unit 1. Personal Identification. 4

Lesson 1. Personal Presentation. 4

1.1. Усна тема. Презентація студента НТУ ХПІ. 4

1.3. Письмові завдання. 5

1.4. Розмовна тема. Знайомство. 6

1.5. Граматика. Іменники. 7

1.6. Домашнє завдання. 9

Lesson 2. My Family. 10

2.1. Усна тема. Моя сім’я. 10

2.2. Письмові завдання. 12

2.3. Граматика. Артиклі 13

2.4. Домашнє завдання. 14

Lesson 3. My Biography. 15

3.1. Усна тема. Моя біографія. 15

3.2. Читання. 15

3.3. Письмові завдання. 18

3.4. Граматика. Дієслова to be, to have. 18

3.5. Домашнє завдання. 21

Lesson 4. Outstanding Scientists. 22

4.1. Усна тема. Біографія видатної людини. 22

4.2. Письмові завдання. 24

4.3. Граматика. Числівники. Прийменники. 24

4.4. Домашнє завдання. 28

Lesson 5. Students’ Life. 29

5.1. Усна тема. Моє студентське життя. 29

5.2. Читання. 31

5.3. Письмові завдання. 32

5.4. Граматика. Займенники. 32

5.5. Домашнє завдання. 36

Lesson 6. Hobby. 37

6.1. Усна тема. Моє хобі 37

6.2. Читання. 38

6.3. Письмові завдання. 39

6.4. Граматика. Багатофункціональні слова. Словотвір. 40

6.5. Домашнє завдання. 42

Unit 2. Social Contacts. 43

Lesson 7. Asking the Way. 43

7.1. Розмовна тема. Орієнтування в місті 43

7.2. Читання. 44

7.3. Письмові завдання. 45

7.4. Граматика. Система видових та часових форм англійського дієслова. Present Simple Tense. Типи речень. 46

7.5. Домашнє завдання. 48

Lesson 8. Travelling. 49

8.1. Розмовна тема. Подорожі 49

8.2. Читання. 50

8.3. Письмові завдання. 52

8.4. Граматика. The Past Simple Tense. Regular and Irregular Verbs. The Future Simple Tense 52

8.5. Домашнє завдання. 55

Lesson 9. At the Customs. 55

9.1. Розмовна тема. На митниці 55

9.2. Читання. 56

9.3. Письмові завдання. 57

9.4. Граматика. The Present, Past, Future Continuous Tenses. 58

9.5. Домашнє завдання. 60

Lesson 10. Speaking Over the Telephone. 61

10.1. Розмовна тема. Телефонна розмова. 61

10.2. Читання. 62

10.3. Письмові завдання. 63

10.4. Граматика. The Present, Past, Future Perfect Tenses. 63

10.5. Домашнє завдання. 65

Lesson 11. Staying at a Hotel 66

11.1. Розмовна тема. Реєстрація в готелі 66

11.2. Читання. 68

11.3. Письмові завдання. 68

11.4. Граматика. The Present, Past, Future Perfect Continuous Tenses. 69

11.5. Домашнє завдання. 70

Lesson 12. Cross-cultural Communication. 71

12.1. Розмовна тема. Традиції та звички іноземців. 71

12.2. Читання. 72

12.3. Письмові завдання. 73

12.4. Граматика. Повторення часових форм дієслова. 74

12.5. Домашнє завдання. 74

Unit 3. Ukraine in European Educational Environment 76

Lesson 13. Ukraine. 76

13.1. Розмовна тема. Україна. 76

13.2. Письмове завдання. 78

13.3. Читання. 79

13.4. Граматика. Повторення часових форм дієслова: групи Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous. 80

13.5. Домашнє завдання. 81

Lesson 14. Education in Ukraine. 82

14.1. Розмовна тема. Освіта в Україні 82

14.2. Письмове завдання. 83

14.3. Читання. 83

14.4. Граматика. Пасивний стан дієслова груп Indefinite. 84

14.5. Домашнє завдання. 87

Lesson 15. Our Alma Mater 87

15.1. Розмовна тема. Наш університет. 87

15.2. Письмове завдання. 90

15.3. Читання. 91

15.4. Граматика. Особливості вживання пасивного стану. 92

15.6. Домашнє завдання. 93

Lesson 16. My Department 94

16.1. Розмовна тема. Мій факультет. 94

16.2. Письмове завдання. 94

16.3. Читання. 94

16.4. Граматика. Особливості перекладу пасивних конструкцій. 95

16.5. Домашнє завдання. 97

Lesson 17. My Major 98

17.1. Розмовна тема. Моя спеціалізація. 98

17.2. Письмове завдання. 98

17.3. Читання. 99

17.4. Граматика. Ступені порівняння прикметників і прислівників. 100

17.5. Домашнє завдання. 102

Lesson 18. The City of Science and Education. 103

18.1. Розмовна тема. Місто науки та освіти. 103

18.2. Письмове завдання. 104

18.3. Читання. 105

18.4. Граматика. Порівняльні конструкції as ... as, not so ... as, the ... the та інші 106

18.5. Домашнє завдання. 108

Unit 4. European and International Educational Environment 110

Lesson 19. Great Britain. 110

19.1. Розмовна тема. Велика Британія. 110

19.2. Письмові завдання. 112

19.3. Читання. 113

19.4. Граматика. Модальні дієслова can, may та їхні еквіваленти на позначення можливості, дозволу, здатності 114

19.5. Домашнє завдання. 116

Lesson 20. London. 117

20.1. Розмовна тема. Лондон. 117

20.2. Письмові завдання. 118

20.3. Читання. 119

20.4. Граматика. Модальні дієслова must, should, ought to, need та їхні еквіваленти на позначення необхідності, обов’язку, поради тощо. 120

20.5. Домашнє завдання. 122

Lesson 21. Education in Great Britain. 123

21.1. Розмовна тема. Освіта у Великобританії 123

1.2. Письмові завдання. 124

21.3. Читання. 125

21.4. Граматика. Модальні дієсліва з Perfect Infinitive. 126

21.5. Домашнє завдання. 127

Lesson 22. The United States of America. 129

22.1. Розмовна тема. Сполучені Штати Америки. 129

22.2. Письмові завдання. 131

22.3. Читання. 131

22.4. Граматика. Повторення модальних дієслів з перфектним інфінітивом.. 132

22.5. Домашнє завдання. 133

Lesson 23. Washington. 134

23.1. Розмовна тема. Вашингтон. 134

23.2. Письмові завдання. 135

23.3. Читання. 136

23.4. Граматика. Функції дієслів to be, to have. 137

23.5. Домашнє завдання. 139

Lesson 24. Education in the USA.. 140

24.1. Розмовна тема. Освіта у Сполучених Штатах Америки. 140

24.2. Письмові завдання. 142

24.3. Читання. 142

24.4. Граматика. Повторення Passive Voice, Modal Verbs. 144

24.5. Домашнє завдання. 144

Unit 5. Environmental Protection. 147

Lesson 25. Ecology. 147

25.1. Розмовна тема. Екологія. 147

25.2. Письмові завдання. 148

25.3. Читання. 148

25.4. Граматика. Складне речення. Типи підрядних речень. Безсполучникові підрядні речення 149

25.5. Домашнє завдання. 151

Lesson 26. Water Pollution. 152

26.1. Усна тема. Забруднення води. 152

26.2. Письмові завдання. 153

26.3. Читання. 154

26.4. Граматика. Узгодження часів. 154

26.5. Домашнє завдання. 156

Lesson 27. Air Pollution. 157

27.1. Усна тема. Забруднення повітря. 157

27.2. Письмові завдання. 158

27.3. Читання. 159

27.4. Граматика. Пряма та непряма мова. 159

27.5. Домашнє завдання. 161

Lesson 28. Land Pollution. 161

28.1. Усна тема. Забруднення землі 161

28.2. Письмові завдання. 162

28.3. Читання. 162

28.4. Граматика. Питання в непрямій мові 163

28.5. Домашнє завдання. 165

Lesson 29. Ecological Dangers. 165

29.1. Усна тема. Екологічні загрози. 165

29.2. Письмові завдання. 167

29.3. Читання. 167

29.4. Граматика. Повторення узгодження часів та непрямої мови. 168

29.5. Домашнє завдання. 169

Lesson 30. Other Ecological Problems. 170

30.1. Усна тема. Інші екологічні проблеми. 170

30.2. Письмові завдання. 171

30.3. Читання. 172

30.4. Граматика. Повторення підрядних речень. 172

30.5. Домашнє завдання. 173

Appendix I. Supplementary Reading to Lessons. 175

To Lesson 1. Departments and Specialities of NTU “KhPI”. 175

To Lesson 2. 179

To Lesson 4. 180

To Lesson 6. 185

To Lesson 8. 186

To Lesson 11. 188

To Lesson 16. 188

To Lesson 21. 190

To Lesson 28. 193

To Lesson 30. 194

Appendix II. Irregular verbs. 197

Appendix III. Tables of Tenses. 200

Appendix IV. Supplementary Reading. 202

Text 1. What Are Fossil Fuels?. 202

Text 2. Where do Rainbows Come from?. 202

Text 3. Where Does Metal Come From?. 203

Text 4. How Did the Computer Mouse Come into Being?. 204

Text 5. What Are the Negative Social Effects of Computer Addiction?. 204

Text 6. What Is Lava?. 205

Text 7. What do we know about the surface of Mars?. 206

Text 8. What Is An Electric Car?. 207

Text 9. How Bearings Work?. 208

Text 10. The Properties of Diamonds. 210

Text 11. Are Cell-phones Harmful?. 212

Text 12. The Internet 214

Text 13. DNA Stretching Mystery is Solved. 216

Text 14. Status of Genetically Modified Products. 217

Text 15. The Big Future of Nanotechnology. 219

Text 16. The Greenhouse Effect 221

Text 17. Essential “Green” Metals are being Thrown Away. 222

Text 18. Robots. 224

Text 19. Raphael Revealed by Raman Spectrography. 226

Text 20. How Much Arsenic do You Drink?. 227

Appendix V. Units Conversion Tables. 229

Appendix VI. Розмовні формули. 230

Список літератури. 233

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