рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Complete the table with the help of a dictionary (e.g. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English).

Complete the table with the help of a dictionary (e.g. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English). - раздел Образование, ...

Task 1.

Complete the table with the help of a dictionary

(e.g. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English).


Слово Денотативное значение Коннотация
  chair (n)      
  machine (n)    
  barrier (n)      
  nervous (adj)    
  quiet (adj)    
  drink (v)      
  laugh (v)      

Animal Expression Quiz

Animals bat elephant

Task 2.

  shine dark light up sunny lighten darken 1. I could tell Maria was in a good mood by the………….smile on her face. 2. The little boy’s eyes……………..when he saw his daddy approaching.

Task 3.

The Spell-Checker Poem

1. Rewrite this poem with appropriate homophones. Candidate for a Pullet Surprise by Mark Eckman and Jerrold H. Zar I have a spelling checker, It came with my PC. It plane lee marks four my revue Miss steaks aye can knot sea.

Task 4.

1. Select the word in each set that completes the sentence appropriately.

Aisle - isle

He grew up on the …… of Elba.

I quickly walked down the ……… and took my seat.


Bass - base

He sang …… in the church choir.

I think we need a new …… for that lamp.

Blew - blue

Her house is painted …….

She …….a lot of bubbles at her birthday party.


Coarse - course

The fabric is rather ……..

The English ……. will begin next week.


Creak - creek

The ……. winds through the beautiful valley.

The doors in the house all ……..

Dear - deer

My ……. Richard, you just don't understand!

We saw three ……on our hike in the mountains.

Foreword - forward

We moved ………. in the line.

Timothy Leary wrote the ………. to Ken's book.


Greece - grease

He put some …….. on the wheel.

……… is considered the birthplace of western philosophy.

Heal - heel

I hurt my …… playing tennis.

Doctors …… thousands of patients a year.

Knot - naught - not

He tied a ……. to secure the rope.

His efforts came to ……..


Leased - least

She was the …… successful of the candidates.

They ……. the office for three months.


Mail - male

His ….. friends are crazy!

I got a lot of ….. today.

Patience - patients

Success requires a lot of ……...

There are too many ……. waiting in the emergency room.

Plain - plane

The ……… took off at six in the morning.

The food was rather ……. in England.


Still - steal - steel

Most cars have some ……. in their body. 2. Choose the word in parentheses that completes each sentence correctly. 1. She worked harder (than, then) she had ever worked before.

Task 5. Synonyms and confusable words

  2. The dentist told me to shut/close my mouth. 3. I didn’t know what to do when I got into my car and couldn’t start/begin the engine.

Achieve beat earn gain make defeat win

1. I don’t have ambitions to………….a lot of money, I just want to be happy in life. 2. Jack has already…………….a very good reputation as a talented lawyer. 3. Kim has…………. several prizes for her singing.

Task 6.

1. Choose the opposite word.   1. high deep, little, small, low 2. …  

Task 7.


1. Write numbers next to these suffixes according to which part of speech they usually indicate. A few belong in more than one category. Give examples.


Adjective 2 noun 3 verb

  2. Match a prefix with a word to make a new word. Then choose the appropriate…  

Task 8.

  clue noun 1. s/he takes photographs 2. s/he plays the guitar 3. it washes dishes 4. the state of…   2. Add a correct prefix to the following words. 1……………dependent 2……………polite 3……………do …

Ance, ence, ment, ness, th.

5. Make adjectives from the following nouns. intelligence ugliness carelessness width …  

Task 9. (Prefixes)

Example: He's a very honest man. ...dishonest 1. I'msure she's discreet. 2. He's very efficient.

Task 10.

Example: ВВС The British Broadcasting Corporation The UN Unesco c/o Rd ID BSc FBI Fr ext. PIN e.g. asap dep. RSVP arr. MP CD … 2. What are the full forms of these shortened words?


Im good thx

duz ne1know how 2 make carrot cake?

thx 4 ur msg. how r u?

im fine. c u @ work




I k%d meet u @ 7



C u l8er


u r gr8!

u r 2 cute 2 be 4gotten!




Task 11.

Words from other languages

There are borrowings from a wide range of languages. For example, from Japanese, tycoon, karate, origami, judo, futon and bonsai. From Arabic,…    

Task 12.

A If the vowel sound in an onomatopoeic word is short, it usually signifies a short, sharp sound. If it is long (indicated in the International… B Certain combinations of letters have particular sound associations in… gr-at the beginning of a word can suggest something unpleasant or miserable, e.g. groan[make a deep sound forced out…

Task 13.



I. Денотативное и коннотативное значение

Как видно из таблицы, в каждой из трех пар общим является логическое значение, связанное с предметом сообщения (денотатом), а дополнительные оттенки…

II. Examples of metonyms

  a promise (to give/keep/break one's word); a conversation (to have a word with) sweat perspiration hard … 1. Technically, 10 Downing Street is the official residence of the First Lord of the Treasury, not the Prime Minister.…

III. Понятие паронимии

Паронимия и парономазия.Способность паронимов к смешению в речи привела к тому, что под термином «паронимия» нередко объединяются два понятия -…

Commonly Confused Words

adapt and adopt adverse and averse advice and advise

IV. Homophone List

  V. Prefixes are often used to give adjectives a negative or an opposite… • in- becomes im- before a root beginning with 'm' or 'p', e.g. immature, impatient, impartial, improbable. Similarly…

VI. Abbreviations and acronyms

Some abbreviations are read as individual letters. WHO[W-H-O] World Health Organisation IDIdentity [an identity card or passport]

Laser radar Esso

Within a written text some abbreviations are used as notes to organise the language and give extra information to the reader. etc./et'setra/ and so on [Latin et cetera] i.e. (1-Е): that is to say [Latin id est]

Chat abbreviation Dictionary

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: Complete, The, Table, with, The, help, dictionary, Longman, dictionary, Contemporary, english0.161

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