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ERRORS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING - раздел Лингвистика, Contents Introduction 1. Error Analysis In English Language Teaching 1.1Ident...

CONTENTS Introduction 1. Error analysis in English language teaching 1.1Identification of notions error and mistake 1.2 Error Analysis 1.3 Description of Errors 1.4 Error correction .2. Practical assignment of common errors in English language .2.1 Writing and grammar errors 2.2 Spoken errors 23 Conclusion .31 Summary .33 References .34 Appendices INTRODUCTION For years, there have been many studies on the process of first language acquisition and second language learning.

Children learning their native tongue make plenty of mistakes are a natural part of language acquisition process. As they get feedback from adults, they learn how to produce grammatically and semantically acceptable sentences in their native language. It is inevitable that all learners make mistakes and commit errors. However, that process can be impeded through realizing the errors and operating on them according to the feedbacks given.

The steps that learners follow get the researchers and language teachers realize that if the mistakes and errors of language learners in constructing the new language system are analyzed carefully, the process of language acquisition shall be understood. The analysis of errors thus has become a field of linguistics in that sense. In foreign language learning, error correction has become one of the important teaching processes.

But actually, few teachers know a lot about error analysis and some related theories. They often take so negative attitudes toward errors that they could not tolerate any errors and tend to correct them as soon as they could find any. Learning English language is not an easy task. According to Brown 4, p.5 , in order to master the English language, learners have to be adequately exposed to all of the four basic skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing.

The field of language teaching benefit from the findings of linguistics in many cases including error analysis. Many of the teachers complain that their students are unable to use the linguistic forms that they are taught. Lengo 14, p.15 states this situation is due to the teacher s false impression that output should be an authentic representation of input. This belief ignores the function of intake- that knowledge of language the students internalize.

Intake may be different from the teacher s syllabus being subject to be internalized. Error analysis enables teachers to find out the sources of errors and take pedagogical precautions towards them. Thus, the analysis of learner language has become an essential need to overcome some questions and propose solutions regarding different aspects. In foreign language learning, error correction has become one of the important teaching processes. This study concerns the error analysis and its contribution to English language teaching at both linguistic and methodological levels.

The work consists of Chapter I and Chapter II. Chapter I deals with theoretical notions of error analysis and the importance of error correction. In this part we distinguish between notions error and mistake and make a classification of basic types of errors. Chapter II deals with the practical application of errors in writing and communication in English. Objectives of the course paper attempt to identify and analyze the errors in English teaching language, to devise teaching procedures to help the students deal with these problems. The task of course paper is to give an answer for all questions about errors in teaching language, to develop students self realization and correction their own mistakes.

Why errors occur and how they should be dealt with in the classroom have been puzzling teachers for ages. We have put the blame on the mother tongue, the foreign language, the teacher, his her training, the materials, the learners and their ears. Some kind of enjoyment is experienced by learners when they identify their own mistakes.

This awareness contributes to success. 1.

Error analysis in English language teaching

According to Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics 1... 183 presented a completely different point of view. Corder 8, p.186 states that errors are visible proof that learning is ... He refers to an error as a deviation. Stark 18, p.19 in his study, who also explained that the teachers need...

Description of Errors

Overt errors are unquestionably ungrammatical at the sentence level an... Error analysis does not regard them as the persistence of old habits, ... As to what kind of errors should be corrected, it needs teachers intui... Skill in correction seems to lie in determining the necessary data to ... The type of the feedback- form or content should be decided on accordi...

Practical assignment of common errors in English language

Practical assignment of common errors in English language 2.1

Writing and grammar errors

Some are correct, some wrong. Students in groups have to try to buy th... Again, practising this in a teaching workshop can be useful, as can el... Give a number of points This is probably best saved for part of a game... The aims of the studies regarding error analysis can be summarized as ... Виправлення помилок також є важливим, як ідентифікація так і їх опис, ...


Вища школа, 2001. Candling, R B. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1996. This is because the students always throw tissues, plastic bags, tissu... 38 I feeled it is difficult stuying English for me, yet.

– Конец работы –

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L 4. Middle English Period in the History of the English Language. Middle English Written Records
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Old English Period in the History of the English Language. Old English Written Records
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Water World as Another Home for English Nation Reflected in the English Folklore (english)
Москва, 5. Dictionary of the British Mythology, Oxford 6. Identities, 1993 The British are a most curious nation in many aspects.When a tourist… This very characteristics turned them into not only a curious nation, but also… It inspired a huge number of stories, tales, poems, superstitions and prejudicies and it has always been worshipped by…


Word-formation of the English language. Conversion
The theme of my course-paper is Word-formation. Conversion. At the first part of the work Ive wrote some lines about the term word as the smallest… It is necessary to mention here about productivity and conversion as syntactic… It is taken to denote the smallest independent, indivisible unit of speech, susceptible of being used in isolation.A…

English as an Indo-European Language
This is a process when a language splits intoseveral people who formerly spoke one language stop to understand each other.Of course, it takes long… One of philologist, August Schleicher, noted thatdivergence has its own laws,… According to Schleicher, atfirst subfamily of Germanic, Baltic, and Slavic split from their relatives. Ascalculated…

Historical Background of Modern English Spelling. Old English Morphology
Historical Background of Modern English Spelling Old English Morphology...

Word-formation of the English language. Conversion
The theme of my course-paper is Word-formation. Conversion. At the first part of the work Ive wrote some lines about the term word as the smallest… It is necessary to mention here about productivity and conversion as syntactic… It is taken to denote the smallest independent, indivisible unit of speech, susceptible of being used in isolation.A…

Подготовка к TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language
С одной стороны, он основан на сложнейших темах английской грамматики и фонетики, с другой стороны ему присущ определенный психологический аспект… Убедиться в этом несложно достаточно открыть любое справочное издание о… Подсчитано, что только в США и Канаде около 2400 колледжей и университетов требуют от поступающих представления…

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