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International Raw Materials Market (english)

Работа сделанна в 1997 году

International Raw Materials Market (english) - раздел Лингвистика, - 1997 год - St-Petersburg State Technical University The Department Of Economic Managemen...

St-Petersburg State Technical University The Department of Economic Management The Chair of World Economics Work on subject International Raw Materials Market The Student A.E Epechourin Group 10782 The Tutor O.G. Lebedinskaj St-Petersburg 1997 Introduction I. Trade intermediates and natural resources I Middle products intermediates II Natural resources 3 3 5 II. Raw Materials 6 Summary 10 Addendum 12 Bibliography 13 Introduction 1. Raw Materials - A natural of semifinished god that is used in manufacturing or processing to make some other good. Bauxite is the raw materials ore from which aluminum is made aluminum is turn can be the raw material from which household utensils are manufactured.1 2. There is another definitions from the subject area of raw materials distinct from the above mentioned Raw materials are products immediately extracted from nature which have undergone a first processing through which they have become marketable and, consequently, a tradable commodity.

Raw materials include all energy raw materials crude oil, natural gas, coal, uranium, metals, semi-metals and industrial minerals kaolin, graphite, sulfur, salts, phosphates, rocks, water as well as all plant and animal products, whether they come from tropical regions coffee, jute, tropical timber or from temperate latitudes wheat, meat, wool, etc 2 Raw material economy It comprises all activities which are part of the planned handling of raw materials, i.e. explanation, evaluation, extraction, conversion into a tradable product, trade and forecasting.

Planned here means economically useful, ecologically and socially responsible activities.2 Resources are all natural material systems which as such are no commodities, but the intactness of which is a basic prerequisite for the continued existence of the earths chemical and physical equilibrium and, consequently, for the survival of mankind.

Resources include the ozone balance, the CO2 balance, the equilibrium of sea water, the tropical forest, the krill and fish population, etc.2 World resource balances are the planned i.e. ecologically useful and socially responsible handling of resources.

This comprises the explanation, evaluation, risk assessment and forecasting regarding world resources.2 Current research emphasis 2 international raw material balances supply problems of the industrial countries location disadvantages of the developing countries dumping problems in international raw material trade recycling as a source for raw materials raw material deposits and connected environmental problems in east Siberia addendum 1 structural questions and environmental problems of the Polish energy and metal economyI.

Trade intermediates and natural resources

With trade in intermediates allowed, the problems in predicting trade ... Trade intermediates and natural resources. Once international trade in more than final consumer goods is allowed,... I .

Middle products intermediates

The phrase middle-products was used by Sanyal and Jones 1982 to encomp... Fore example, a transfer payment which gives rise to a trade surplus r... Thus with two countries, the labor-abundant country will tend to speci... Chair of Raw Material Economy and World Resource Balances Prof. E.

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: International, Raw, Materials, Market, english0.081

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Еще рефераты, курсовые, дипломные работы на эту тему:

Lecture 5. New English Period in the History of the English Language. Phonetic Features of Old English
Lecture New English Period in the History of the English Language Phonetic... In the th th c the feudal system started to decay and bourgeois relationships and capitalism started to...

Water World as Another Home for English Nation Reflected in the English Folklore (english)
Москва, 5. Dictionary of the British Mythology, Oxford 6. Identities, 1993 The British are a most curious nation in many aspects.When a tourist… This very characteristics turned them into not only a curious nation, but also… It inspired a huge number of stories, tales, poems, superstitions and prejudicies and it has always been worshipped by…

L 4. Middle English Period in the History of the English Language. Middle English Written Records
L Middle English Period in the History of the English Language Middle English Written...

Old English Period in the History of the English Language. Old English Written Records
Old English Period in the History of the English Language Old English Written...

“Differences between American English and British English”
Later they borrowed other words from settlers from other countries - for instance, chowder and prairie from the French, scow and sleigh from the… Others can be explained only on the general theory that languages are always… For a long time most of the books read in America came from England, and a surprising number of Americans read those…

The Development of Vowel System in Middle English and New English.
The Development of Vowel System in Middle English and New English The Development of...

Read and translate the text: English - the International Language
Task Read and translate the text... English the International Language... English is part of the Germanic branch of the Indo European family of languages It is spoken as a native language by...

International company Middlesex (english)
Then in 1992 Phil Edmonds, the former English cricketer, bought this company and renamed it after at his countryside.But the company didn t involve… Since then, MiddleSex has remained committed to Russia and other CIS… In addition, it has trade investment in gold and insurance. Each of this these streams in particular I m going to…

Historical Background of Modern English Spelling. Old English Morphology
Historical Background of Modern English Spelling Old English Morphology...


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