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Hobby - Travekkung (english)

Hobby - Travekkung (english) - раздел Лингвистика, Hobby Travelling Peopleon Our Planet Can T Live Without Travel Now. Tourism ...

Hobby Travelling Peopleon our planet can t live without travel now. Tourism has become a highlydeveloped business. There are express trains, cars and jet-air liners all ofthat provide you with comfort and security. What choose to make? It s up to youto decide.There is a great varieties of choose available for you. If youtravel for pleasure you would like by all means to enjoy picturesque places youare passing through, you would like seeing the places of interest, enjoying tosight seeing of the cities, towns and countries.

You will have a goodopportunity to enjoy wonderful monuments of cultural and historical places tolearn a lot about the history of your country, about the world around us, tovisit different countries, to meet people of different nationalities, to learna lot about their traditions, costumes, culture. In other words you willbroaden your mind. Nowadays people travel not only for pleasure but also onbusiness to home and international business is developing.You have to go toother countries to take part in different negotiators, to sigh contacts, toparticipate in different exhibitions, in order to exhibit the goods of yourfirm or company.

Travelling on business helps you to get more information aboutachievements of other companies, which will make your own business more successful.There are a lot of means of travelling by sea, by plane, by car, on foot tastes differ. That is why it is up to you to decide which means of travellingyou would prefer.No wonder one of the latest means of travelling is travellingby plane.

It combines comfort and speed and you will reach the place ofdestination very quickly. Before bordering the plane you must register at theairport. You are required to have your baggage weighed. Each passenger isallowed 20 kilograms of baggage free of charge. But if your baggage is heavieryou must pay an extra charge.Before the plane takes off the stewardess givesyou all the information about the flight the speed and altitude.

She asks youto fasten the felts and not to smoke. She will take care of you during theflight and will help you to get comfortable, in your seat. Inside the cabinsthe air is always fresh and warm. During the flight you can take a nap or achat, you can, you can read and relax. In some plains you can watch video orlisten to the music. When the plane is landing or taking off you have anopportunity to enjoy the wonderful scenery, the magnificent views or picturesand landscapes.While travelling by plane you fly past varies, villages, citiesand towns at the sight of which realize how majestic and tremendous is ourplanet. You enjoy the nature in the riches its splendor.

No doubt travelling byair is the most convenient, comfortable and the quietest means of travelling.But there are some disadvantages.If you are airsick the flight may seam a realfarther to you. Unfortunately sometimes the flights are delayed because of ourunfavorable weather conditions, and one inconvenient more it is the jet-lag, adifferent between the time you are accustomed to attend the new time.

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L Middle English Period in the History of the English Language Middle English Written...

Lecture 5. New English Period in the History of the English Language. Phonetic Features of Old English
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Water World as Another Home for English Nation Reflected in the English Folklore (english)
Москва, 5. Dictionary of the British Mythology, Oxford 6. Identities, 1993 The British are a most curious nation in many aspects.When a tourist… This very characteristics turned them into not only a curious nation, but also… It inspired a huge number of stories, tales, poems, superstitions and prejudicies and it has always been worshipped by…

Old English Period in the History of the English Language. Old English Written Records
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The Development of Vowel System in Middle English and New English.
The Development of Vowel System in Middle English and New English The Development of...

Historical Background of Modern English Spelling. Old English Morphology
Historical Background of Modern English Spelling Old English Morphology...

“Differences between American English and British English”
Later they borrowed other words from settlers from other countries - for instance, chowder and prairie from the French, scow and sleigh from the… Others can be explained only on the general theory that languages are always… For a long time most of the books read in America came from England, and a surprising number of Americans read those…

6 вопросов по иностранному языку для 11 класса (english)
That was surprisinglygood news. I do not usually believe in the supernatural and predestiny I was about fifteen or may besixteen. One day I was… He also told me many other unpleasant things about my current and futurelife… Each day I become one day older, 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month, 12months a year, and who knows how many years in life…

Топики и вопросы по иностранному языку (english)
When we want to send a letter, we must write the address on the envelopeand stick the required stamps on it. For a registered letter, an… The amount you have to pay depends on theweight of the parcel.MEANS OF… Thentrams, cars, buses, planes, underground and other means appeared.Many people like to travel by air asit is the…

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