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Обучение в Англии (english)

Обучение в Англии (english) - раздел Лингвистика, Discussion.education In Uk. The Uk Education System. First I D Like To Criti...

Discussion.EDUCATION in UK. THE UK EDUCATION SYSTEM. First i d like to criticize John Major sposition about that a good educa- tion is not necessarily the key of success inBritish life.As far as i m concercerned i fully disagree with it.As far as Mr.Major is concerned i suppose that he did not pay great attentionto his school-life A school- leaver at the age of sixteen Mr.Major evenclaimed a recent television in- terview that he could not remember exactlyhis academic qualifications we- re.While the head of the goverment show ittheir nonchalant attitude towa- rds the education all British politicalparties are now talking about the education issue very seriously indeed.In factin recent years the subject has risen to the very top of politicalagenda.In the year 1989-90 spending on education consumed 14 of all publicexpenditure in the UK.And as far as our country s spending on education areconcerned - they are less then 1.5 of the whole public expenditure.As far asour primary schools are concerned they are not offering thesub-standart teaching in reading etc. The tests showed that the average Russian school-child is 4-5 yearsabove his or her American or Englishcontemporary.Just the 9-class middle educa- tion is enought to enter a good foreignunivercity.

As far as private scho- ols in UK are concerned i think that they are useful from one side and useless from the other.The costs are veryhigh.If i had 3000 pounds i wo- uld not spend them on my education inschool.perhaps i would spent them on the education in any univercity but not inschool.Nowadays in Russia a lot of private and independent schools wereopened.I suppose that they influe- nce better on the moulding the personalitybut the level of education is lower than in primary comprehensives.As far as education is concerned it must be free of charge from the state or anybany or company.I also suppo- se that it must be compulsory and every boy and girl MUST have a primary education.But the school must accept pupils on the selective basis with reference to aptitude or ability.In the UKchildern are accepted to school on non-selective basis but it is not correctto my mind intelligent,good, bright pupils must study with lazy andsilly ? No. Lets take the Soviet education system as example.There veryschools for bright children with a foreign language from the 2nd form and school for silly and lazy with techers,who are always ill.

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