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Project of decoding of "The Stermer Effect" (Сигналы из космоса, серии Штермера)

Project of decoding of "The Stermer Effect" (Сигналы из космоса, серии Штермера) - раздел Лингвистика, Dear Sirs,the Information, Contained Inthe Project Is In My Opinion The Evide...

Dear Sirs,The information, contained inthe project is in my opinion the evidence of its extraterrestrial origin.Projectof decoding of The StermerEffect The phenomenon isdescribed by K.Stermer in his work The Problem of Aurora Borealis inthe chapter entitled The Echo of Short Waves, Which Comes Back in ManySeconds After The Main Signal .In 1928 the radioengineer Jorgen Hals from Birder near Oslo informed K.Stermer about an oddradio echo received 3 seconds after the cessation of the main signal besides,an ordinary echo encircling the Earth within 1 7 of a second was received.In July Prof.Stermer spoke to Dr. Van-der-Paul in Andhoven and they decided to carry outexperiments in autumn and send telegraphic signals in the form of undampedwaves every 20 seconds three dashes one after the other. On 11 October 1928between 15.30 and 16.00, K.Stermer heard an echo beyond any doubt thesignals lasted for 1,5- 2 seconds on undamped waves 31,4 meters long.Stermer and Halsrecorded the intervals between the main signal and the mysterious echo 1 15, 9, 4, 8, 13,8, 12, 10, 9, 5, 8, 7, 62 12, 14, 14, 12,83 12, 5, 84 12, 8, 5, 14, 14,15, 12, 7, 5.5, 13, 8, 8, 8, 13, 9, 10, 7, 14, 6, 9, 9Atmosphericdisturbances were insignificant at that time. The frequency of echoes was equalto that of the main signal.

K.Stermer explained the nature of echoes byreflection of radio waves from layers of particles ionised by the Sun. But!The Professor ofthe Stenford Electrotechnical University R.Bracewell suggested possibility ofinformational communication through space probes between more or less developedcivilisations in space.

From that point of view the information about decodingof Stermer series can be found in following journals Smena No.2 Moscow1966 , Astronautics and Aeronautics No.5 USA 1973, Technika Molodezi No.41974 and No.1977 Moscow, etc.The author of thiswork offers the following decoding let the numbers in the series be replacedfor chemical symbols of elements with corresponding nuclear charges 1 P F Be O Al O Mg NeF B O N C2 Mg Si Si Mg O3 Mg B O4 Mg O B Si Si P Mg NB B Al O O O Al F Ne N Si C F B5 FIt is easy to seethat the second series is repeated at the beginning of the forth series withthe only difference that in the forth series silicon is alloyed with boron andphosphorus, i.e. p-n transition of a diode is created.

The thirdseries describes receipt of pure boron through action on boron anhydrite bymagnesium B2O3 Mg B The author of theabove hypothesis wrote his degree paper on silicon carbide light-emitting diode, that is why the ending of the forthseries is the most simple- it is a modern light-emitting diode.

Silicon carbideis alloyed with nitrogen and boron with some participation of fluorine.

Approximately the same waydiamond is alloyed with participation of fluorine in laboratories of othercivilisations , as can be seen at the ending of the first series.

In the middleof the forth series corundum, the base of ruby, is also alloyed with boron,nitrogen and fluorine.In the fifth series simply fluorine is educed as auseful but very aggressive gas. Inert neon seems to divide optoelectronicdevices.In conclusion, somerepeated applications should be noticed fluorine favours in a way eitherdiffusion of boron or electronic processes in forbidden zones of diamond,silicon carbamide for some reason magnesium contacts are used.In 1928semi-conductor devices were not in use on Earth.Sincerely yours, 1978 year, G.GFilipenko. www.belarus.net discovery filipenkosci.materials 1999.

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: Project, decoding, The, Stermer, Effect, сигналы, космоса, серии, Штермера2.083

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