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Путешествие (english)

Путешествие (english) - раздел Лингвистика, Travellingmillions Of People Allover The World Spend Their Holidays Travelli...

TravellingMillions of people allover the world spend their holidays travelling. There are two view points ontravel. Some people like to go to one place and spend their holidays there. Theplace may be an interesting city, a picturesque village, a remote island orsome other attractive place.Others believe in seeing as much as possible inthe time they have. People travel be train, by boat or by car. All means oftravel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one accordingto their plans and destinations.

As for me I prefertravelling by car. I travel to see other countries and modern cities and ruinsof ancient towns, I travel just for a change of scene. It is always interestingto discover new things, different ways of life, to try different food, tolisten to different musical rhythms. I think that every sightseeing tour of abig city includes visit to place of historic interest. I would advise myfriends to visit Moscow, the capital of our Motherland.What impressed me mostof all it was the Tretjakov Gallery.

The Tretjakov Gallery is a majorresearch, artistic, cultural and educational center.The Gallery takes its namefrom its founder, the merchant Pavel Tretjakov, who began to collect Russianpaintings in 1856. The collection was donated as a gift to the city of Moscowin 1882. Later it was supplemented by collections from other museums andprivate citizens. The Tretjakov Gallery has a rich collection of old RussianIcons from the 11th to the 17th century, many fineexamples of Russian paintings from 18th to the early 19thcentury. The Gallery contains halls devoted to old Russian paintings, to greatmaster such as Ivanov, Serov, Surikov, Repin and Levitan.

Levitan was one ofthe first painters of the Russian scenery to reveal its beauty. He is a realpoet of the Russian countryside. Levitan is a veryspecial sort of painter.There is something in his landscapes that reflects ourmoods. He deeply felt what he wanted to depict.

A master of landscape, he neverintroduced figures into it. Though if you look at The autumn inSokolniky you will notice the figure in the center. Everything seems tounderline the loneliness of this figure the trees loosing their leaves, theremote indifferent sky, the path going off into the distance. But the fact isthat it was not Levitan who painted this figure. It was Chekhov s brotherNikolay who did it. Levitan s influence over lyrical landscape painters can tbe over estimated.His paintings have won the love and gratitude of people.

The Tretjakov Gallery isreally worth visiting. Other attractions for me are shopping areas or streetsthat are intended mainly for pedestrians and where cars are not usuallyallowed. Such areas and streets can provide people with facilities they needfor leisure, sports, education and sightseeing.I like to take a camera with meand take pictures of everything that interest me the sights of the city, oldchurches and castles, views of mountains, lakes, waterfalls, different kinds oftrees, flowers and plants, animals and birds.

Later I will be reminded by thephotos of the happy time I have had. In my opinion adventure is necessary forus all. It keeps us from growing old, it develops our imagination. One of the aimsof travel is to go in search of beauty. And then there is for the traveler thegreat joy of coming home again. So the traveler besides the delight of travelhas the warmest feeling of returning home.

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