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Искусство (english)

Искусство (english) - раздел Лингвистика, The Artnobodycan Imagine His Life Without Art. The Role Of Art In Our Life I...

The ArtNobodycan imagine his life without art. The role of art in our life is tremendous.Art develops the sense of beauty, such qualities as kindness and sympathy. Arthelps us to live and makes our life more interesting, it develops our culturallevel. History of arts dates back to ancient times. Now we enjoy the best worksof ancient masters of many countries.Each nation has its own unique art.People try to express through their works their attitude to life and describethe world around them. All kinds of art painting, music, literature andtheatre are closely connected with each other.

Talkingabout art, I would like to start with the theater. What is theater? During thelast 30 years the theater has had to meet three challenges - from radio, cinemaand television. All possess important advantages. Radio and TV can be enjoyedat home. Already many people tell us that with their TV at home they no longerneed the theater.Such people do not understand that the theater is the parentof these three dramatic forms.

In a very good restaurant we have a dinner thatis specially cooked for us. In a canteen you are served with a standard portionof a standard meal. And this is the difference between the living theater andthe mass entertainment of films, radio and TV. People regard theater not onlyas an entertainment, theater always had and still has an amazing influence onthe development of people s and society s life. People appreciate it highlybecause it has a great effect on the way they think, feel or act and it alsohelps to form moral values.

One of the most remarkable events in my life wasthe evening when I went to the Kachalov theater with my classmates. We went tosee a play Bankrot . The advertisement made it sound quiteinteresting so we thought we would go along. The majority of the cast triedtheir best to please the audience. The scenery was so splendid that we couldn ttake our eyes off the stage.What impressed me the most of all was the wayactors played.

The play provided a glimpse in which imaginary crafted world wascrashed by reality. The Bankrot had indisputably become therepublic s most popular play, having been seen by over two million peoplecountrywide. From its celebrated opening in Kazan in October 1999, thisstunning adaptation of Ostrovsky s masterpiece immediately captured theimagination and enthusiasm of the theater-going public. The Bankrot had earned itself an unique place in theater history.I think this play willhave a successful run for many years.

Myfavorite actress is Julia Roberts, one of the most famous people in the world.Julia Fiona Roberts, born in Georgia, USA, never dreamed she would become themost popular actress in America. As a child, due to her love of animals, Juliaoriginally wanted to be a veterinarian, but later studied journalism.She firstappeared in the movie Mystic Pizza and the audience instantly fellin love with this actress. Julia s biggest success was in the movie Pretty Woman, for which Julia got an Oscar nomination.

Even thoughJulia would spend the next few years either starring in serious movies, orplaying fantasy roles, the movie audiences would always love Julia best inromantic comedies. Julia is one of the most popular and sought-after talents inHollywood.Her most famous works are also The best friend swedding , Runaway bride , Stepmom , Nottinghill and I love troubles .Whento speak about world literature, then the name of William Shakespeare is thebest to explain the real value of literature in the world of art. WilliamShakespeare is generally regarded as the greatest poet and dramatist of Englishliterature.

He wrote 37 plays which continue to be read widely and producedfrequently throughout the world. Shakespeare was a master at creating a certainatmosphere of a play, its general mood or feeling. It could be melancholy,lively or frightening, tragic or mystical.The power and beauty of his languagehelped build the prevailing mood in each play. Shakespeare s genius lays in hispower of understanding human nature which is the same today, tomorrow andforever.

He showed the world of men in its complexity and variety. His playshave the same powerful impact an audience today as they did when they werefirst staged.There is no writer who has touched the depth and height ofcharacters as Shakespeare did. There is a great joy in moving through aShakespeare s play, living through the emotions of the characters, whilereading a play or watching it. One experiences in one own being the troubles,tragedies, absurdities of the creatures created by that Great Imaginer.

Ithink people can t live without music. When we hear music we live. I likedifferent kinds of music. I can t say with sure that I don t understandclassical music and prefer pop only. I don t really choose between music of60-s or nowadays modern groups, because in my opinion there always was andthere will be great masterpieces.But of all kinds of music I prefer that one,which is really popular among lovers.

I think it is very romantic and sweet andthis is the reason why it fascinates me greatly.Some of my favorite groups andsingers are the Beatles, the Rolling stones, Shakespeare s sisters, Elton John,Julianne Werding and Sting. But now I would like to draw your attention toEnglish composer, singer and musician Sting, whose real name is Gordon Sumner.His musical career began in early 70-s when he took part in the group Police . Later he left the group and showed his real gift. His firstsongs proved his independence and the scale of his abilities.

Englishmanin New-York , Sister Moon , Desert Rose becameworld hits. They were not a week s charted hits, they became people s hopes andthoughts. I really admire his songs and can say that the name of Sting willalways have its place in music history.Painting is an importantpart of the national heritage, it broadens our horizons and enriches our mind.I really enjoy visiting art galleries and the dearest artists for me areLevitan, Stanley Spencer, William Hogarth, John Constable and Andrew Wyet. Heis one of the prominent living American painters.

He was born in 1917. The sonof illustrator Andrew is the leading member of the dynasty of painters thatincludes his sisters, their husbands and his own two sons. He won fame at theage of 12 for his illustrations of Robin Hood . He was 20 when hefirst exhibited his paintings.Andrew studied with his father and was stronglyinfluenced by him. His father s style of illustration expresses sentimentality.But very early the young artist gravitated a way from his teacher.

Wyet s styleis both precise and minute in detail, he is a realist influenced byphotography. He painted portraits, landscapes, seascapes and domestic scenery.His favorite media are tempera and water colors.His works are easilyrecognized by dimly lit and deserted landscapes in tones of grey and brownwhich convey the feeling of loveliness and solitude.

His famous works are Christina s world and Inland shell.

– Конец работы –

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