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Татарстан (english)

Татарстан (english) - раздел Лингвистика, Tatarstan Kazan Iwant To Tell You About Tatarstan, One Of The Biggest Republ...

Tatarstan Kazan Iwant to tell you about Tatarstan, one of the biggest republics of Russia. It islocated in the Eastern part of Europe at the junction of the Volga and Kamarivers. Its population is about three million people. Climate ismoderate-continental with warm, sometimes hot summers and moderate coldwinters.The main wealth of Tatarstan is oil, the stock of which is about onebillion tons a year. There are two state languages in Tatarstan Russian andTatar. Besides these languages there are a lot of languages spoken in therepublic the Chuvash language, the Mary language, the Mordova language andetc.

All these language belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. Thecapital of Tatarstan is Kazan. It is located on the left bank of the Volgariver and was founded in 1177 by the Bulgar tzar Ibrahim. It is a bigpolitical, economic and cultural centre. It is the Seat of the Republicgovernment, the high court, the Academy of sciences and many administrativebodies.Kazan is also the cultural centre.

There are many libraries, theatres,museums, monuments and other places of interest in it. One of the mostbeautiful Cathedrals in Kazan is St. Paul s Cathedral.Theattraction of historical places is not only in their architecture, but in thenames of people or events which are connected with them. One of the places ofhistorical interest in our country is the Central Park of Recreation and Rest.It is noticed for its landscape and architecture. The usual tourists attractions are the Kremlin and the University of Kazan. Besides they visitTatar Drama Theatre.

Another attraction is the Riverport of Kazan. In summer itis a crowded place but in winter it is visited very seldom.Our government andthe city magistrate in Kazan do everything in their power to preserve buildingof the architectural value.Kazanis also famous for its classical and modern writers, scientists, who made avaluable contribution to literature and science M. Djalil, Butlerov . I m veryproud of my Motherland and I ll be very happy to show it to my foreign friends.

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L Middle English Period in the History of the English Language Middle English Written...

Lecture 5. New English Period in the History of the English Language. Phonetic Features of Old English
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Water World as Another Home for English Nation Reflected in the English Folklore (english)
Москва, 5. Dictionary of the British Mythology, Oxford 6. Identities, 1993 The British are a most curious nation in many aspects.When a tourist… This very characteristics turned them into not only a curious nation, but also… It inspired a huge number of stories, tales, poems, superstitions and prejudicies and it has always been worshipped by…

Old English Period in the History of the English Language. Old English Written Records
Old English Period in the History of the English Language Old English Written...

Historical Background of Modern English Spelling. Old English Morphology
Historical Background of Modern English Spelling Old English Morphology...

The Development of Vowel System in Middle English and New English.
The Development of Vowel System in Middle English and New English The Development of...

“Differences between American English and British English”
Later they borrowed other words from settlers from other countries - for instance, chowder and prairie from the French, scow and sleigh from the… Others can be explained only on the general theory that languages are always… For a long time most of the books read in America came from England, and a surprising number of Americans read those…


2 топика по английскому языку (english)
For a change they can have aboiled egg, cold ham, or fish.English people generally have lunchabout one o clock. At lunch time in a London… It is a substantial meal only in well-to-do families. It is between fiveand… He takes our temperature and our pulse.He examines our heart,our lungs, our stomach or the part where we have pain,…

2 сочинения по иностранному языку для 9 класса (english)
Different birds and animals live onthe hills and in the forest.Grandfather knows and loves them all. He knows alot of things about animals where… Healways says that the forest is full of wonders. We like to listen… We went there by taxi. Granny s house is very neat and nice. There are two floors. The kitchen and theliving-room are…

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