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Famous People of Belarus

Famous People of Belarus - раздел История, Famous People Of Belarus. There Are Many Famous People In Our Republic.among...

Famous People of Belarus. There are many famous people in our republic.Among them you can find the names of politicians andpublic figures, intellectuals and scientists, heroesof war and labour, sportsmen and artists. Firstof all I d like to mention the name ofour outstanding national writers Yanka Kupalaand Yakub Kolas. They created a new BelarusianLiterature and a Belarusian literatury language.Both are considered to be the classics of Belorusianliterature.These names are followed by a number ofother well-known writers and poets, such asK.Krapiva, Chorny, Brovka, Shamyakin, Tank, Bykov,Korotkevich, Gilevich, Loyka, Adamovich known bothin our country and abroad.

Their works are translatedinto many European languages. Many Minsk streets are named after theBalarusian writers. Thecultural life of Belarus has always beenvery interesting and varied. Among the leadingcomposers of the present centure were Tikotsky,Aladov, Bogatyrov, Smolsky.Otherwell-known composers of the older generation includePukst, Lukas, Luchenok, Alovnikov, etc. Manyprominent names in the history of Belarusof the 20thcentury are connected with the two mainevents, the Second World War and space exploration.The Belarusians fought heroically defending theirMotherland.

But we are especially proud of theheroes of the last war K.Zaslonov, E.Osipova,N.Gastello, V.Talalikhin, the defenders of BrestFortess and many others. In the family of cosmonautsthere are also two Belarussians, A.Kovalyonok andP.Klimuk.

At thepresent day time, the time of revolutionof values, it sdifficult to find heroes especiallyamong politicians. Time will put everything in itsplace and giveeverybody his due. But one thing isobvious great times are created by great men. Theirnames are sure to become history whatever it may be.

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