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Sport is an Essential Part of Life

Sport is an Essential Part of Life - раздел Туризм, Contents. 1. Introduction …2. Sport In My Life … 3. Sports In Russia ….4. Sp...

Contents. 1. Introduction …2. Sport in my life … 3. Sports in Russia ….4. Sports in Great Britain ………….…… 7 5. The Olympic Games ….…….6. Sports and Healthy Way of Life ….… 7. Conclusion …8. Bibliography ….14 Introduction Sport is not only for champions. All over the world people of different ages are very fond of sports and games.Sport not only helps people to become strong and to develop physically but also makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities.

It makes healthy mind in a healthy body. People who go in for sports are always in good mood. Sports help them to keep in good health. Sport for different people means different things. Some people go in for sport seriously and achieve high results. They make sport their profession. They are professionals. All the others who go in for sports in their free time are amateurs.

Some of them jog in the morning, do morning exercises all the year round. They go in for winter and summer sports. Still others do not go in for sports. They are sport fans. They go to the stadium or sit in their armchairs at home shouting for their favourite teams or athletes. We all need to exercise. Even if you do not plan to make a career in sport you still have to practice. Regular exercises give you more energy. That is why many people who suffer from general tiredness should take more exercise than more rest. Exercise makes you feel and look better.

The best exercises are those which involve you in repeated movements. They are: walking, jogging or swimming. Bending and stretching will add flexibility and feeling of lightness. Skiing is a symphony of snow, sun and movement; the air is champagne to the lungs. No wonder skiing has conquered the world. It recruited millions of followers.

Sport in my life

But all the summer before going to school, I stayed in our yard, playi... I am also fond of volleyball, basketball, biathlon, but of course, I a... People all over the world know such names as Larisa Latynina, Valery B... Many qualified coaches left Russia, because of the material factor. The number of free sports clubs for children reduced greatly.

Sports in Great Britain

They think that summer without cricket isn’t summer. Cricket is the En... Then the International Table Tennis Association was formed and the int... Olympic Games The world’s greatest international sports games are know... All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to Olympia to compet... For the period of the Games all the wars stopped.


No.8 Первое сентября 2.2004.Page 21-26.. Sport is one of means of bringing up a healthy and harmonious person. Банкевич Л.В. Могильный Н.В. English.

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