рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект


Part III CUSTOMS Unit VIII CUSTOMS TARIFFS, TAXES AND DUTIES - раздел Философия, Part Iii Customs Unit Viii Customs Tariffs, Taxes And Duties...

Part III



Customs Tariffs in Russia

In order to put these issues into practice2, the Russian government changed its import rates in 1994. The change of import duties3 affects mostly… The level of imposition by import rates4 was increased at an average of five… Apart from the duties on foodstuffs the duties on some types of industrial products have also been increased. This…

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 legal entities and individuals - юридические и физические лица.

2 to put something into practice - применять что-л. на практике.

3 import duties - ввозная таможенная пошлина.

4 the imposition by import rates - налогообложение на импорт.

5 completing articles - комплектующие,

6 consumer electronics - бытовая электроника.

7 to collect an interest - взимать проценты.

8 domestic consumption - потребление внутри страны.

9 long-term export deals - долгосрочные экспортные сделки.

Exercises on the Text

Read and translate the text.

inflation; intervention; imposition; consumption; resourses; entities; tariffs; vehicles; materials; status; electronics; energy; shortage;… 3. Match the verbs in the list close in meaning: to fulfil; to effect; to protect; to levy; to limit; to grant; to develop; to restrict; to compete; to influence; to…

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

1. All taxes, customs duties and other charges levied__connection __the performance__this Contract__Russia are to be paid__the Sellers and those… 2. The simplest form__a tariff is one which consists__a single column levying… 3. __addition__customs duties proper, many countries levy extra charges__one kind or another. The most common form is…

Free Econimic Zones (FEZ)

В: What actually interests you about them? A: Well, I have a lot of questions. What are they? Who organized them? What… В: Not so many questions at once, please. Free economic zones were formed on the initiative of local authorities with…

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 territory economic structural formations - территориально-экономические структурные образования.

2 technologies - технологические разработки.

3 scientific engineering zones - научно-технические зоны.

4 to achieve advanced gains - добиться больших достижений.

5 tax rates - налоговые ставки.

6 preferences - льготные таможенные пошлины.

Exercises on the Dialogue

Read and translate the dialogue.

по инициативе местных властей; с разрешения центрального правительства; независимые структурные образования; обеспечить наиболее благоприятные… 3. Answer the following questions: 1) How are free economic zones (FEZs)… 4. Retell the dialogue: a) on the part of the speaker A; b) on the part of the speaker B; c) on your own…

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

Read and translate the following dialogue. Report it as close to the text as possible.

A. What kind of taxes must be paid to the Customs Authorities before the goods are handed over to legal entities and individuals? В. Well, the taxes that must be paid on importation include as a rule customs… A. How can I know the rates of customs duties?

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 an important asset - важная особенность.

2 in transit - в пути.

3 a forwarding agent - экспедитор.

4 an unmarked consignment - немаркированный груз.

5 the goods become practically untraceable - товары практически невозможно отследить.

6 through a metal stencil - по металлическому трафарету.

7 weights and dimensions - размеры и вес.

8 both for the owner’s and the carrier’s benifit - в интересах как владельца груза, так и перевозчика.

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

React to the statements according to the pattens. Use the words and phrases given below the patterns.


Read and translate the text.

2. Translate the following words and learn their pronunciation:

carrier; cargo; assets; hazards; dimensions; transit; pilferage; theft; consignment; consignee; phenomena; acid; proximity; crate; stencil; infuriating; untraceable; forwarding; inflammable; perishable; regular; official; mislaid; distinctive; required

3. Translate the following English collocations:

to make something secure; to handle a problem; to be under regular control; to play the role of identification; to be mislaid; to become untraceable; to reveal excess information about something; to avoid the risk of theft; through a metal stencil; for somebody’s benefit

Use the collocations of the previous exercise in sentences of your own.

transport costs; a forwarding agent; destination; export distribution; an unmarked consignment; to give an excess information; a metal stencil; the… 6. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and expressions: … a) содержимое; природные явления; близость; баллон; решетчатая тара; связка (пачка); цилиндрический контейнер;…

Make up a letter from your firm to an English engineering firm ordering some special machine. Give packing and marking instructions.

Write a letter of order using the information given below and some other details about packing and marking given in the main text.

In case the consignment sent to a firm needs trans-shipment it will be necessary to mark the details required by the authorities of the country of…   SPEECH PRACTICE

Export-Import Documentation

Every exporter can recall a horror story related to problems with documentation. Of course, some problems may be unavoidable, but in too many cases… Errors in documentation cost money. The first consequence of a mistake is a… The storage charges have to be paid in full. The warehouse operator will simply refuse to release the goods3 until all…

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 to complete the documentation requirements - выполнить требования по оформлению документации.

2 storage charges - плата за хранение; складские расходы.

3 to release the goods - снять арест с товара; "выпустить", "растаможить" товар.

4 to exercise one’s power - воспользоваться своей властью (правами).

5 to seize goods - наложить арест на товары.

6 cash flow - баланс оборотных средств.

7 a packing list - упаковочный список.

8 the certificate of origin - сертификат происхождения.

9 the CMR form - транспортная накладная (Си-Эм-Ар-форма).

10 bill of lading - коносамент, морская (транспортная) накладная.

11 air waybill - авиагрузовая накладная.

Exercises on the Text

Read and translate the text.

acquisition; consequence; consignee; cycle; requirements; deferment; certificate; charges; contents; dimension; invoice; origin; weight; punctual;… 3. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases in English: cash flow; a certificate of origin; a commercial invoice; contents; a consignor; a packing list; storage charges; to…

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

1) The commercial invoice contains the names and addresses of the Sellers and the Buyers, a full description of the goods delivered including the… 2) The Sellers shall inform the Buyers by cable or telex within 48 hours since… 3) In every SAD, there is a box which requires the commodity code of the particular consignment to be inserted. The…

Customs Control of the Cargo

Captain: Good morning. My name is Brook. What can I do for you? Customs Officer: Customs control. Please be ready to complete customs… Captain: Machinery equipment and chemicals.

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 carbon oil - бензол.

2 with double hooping as reinforcement - скрепленные двумя обручами для крепости.

3 the Test Certificate - сертификат заводских испытаний.

4 the set of the documents - комплект отгрузочных документов.

5 within the customs regulations - в рамках таможенных правил.

6 DHL - "Ди-Эйч-Эль" - международная экспресс-почта.

7 turnround - время на оборот судна в порту разгрузки, выполнение формальностей и т.д.

8 demurrage - плата за простой судна; "демередж".

9 penalty - штраф.

Exercises on the Dialogue

Read and translate the dialogue.

таможенный контроль; выполнять таможенные формальности; маршрут; страховой полис; сертификат заводских испытаний; комплект отгрузочных документов;… 3. What do we call? 1) money paid to a shipowner in accordance with a charter-party if the charterer delays the sailing of the ship;

Reproduce the dialogue in parts.



Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

8. Explain the following terms in English: confiscation; concealment; customs declaration; customs inspection; currency;…  

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 shipping and forwarding - перевозка и экспедиторские операции.

2 transport arrangements - обязательства по транспортировке груза.

3 cased machinery equipment - крупное оборудование, упакованное в специальные ящики.

4 freight rate - фрахтовая ставка.

5 per metric tonne or per 10 cubic metres - за метрическую тонну или за 10м3.

6 an advice note - уведомление, извещение.

7 an advice of dispatch - уведомление об отгрузке.

8 a cover note - свидетельство о временной страховке груза, "ковернот".


Read and translate the text.

machinery equipment; voyage; vessel; merchandise; harbour; freight rates; quote; particulars; shipping instructions form; dates of loading;… 3. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and expressions: … a) железнодорожная станция; регулярные поставки; фрахтовые ставки; судовое расписание; бланк-инструкция по отгрузке;…

Write a letter to a firm of shipping agents in Finland and ask them to quote for the collection of some cases of tools from a firm in Helsinki and the shipment of them to your nearest port.

As a firm of forwarding agents you have been asked to advise on the forwarding of a consignment of textile machinery parts. Write a letter and ask by what route the merchandise is to be sent; give your advice on the matter.


1. Role-play. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons. Use these formulas:

For agreement For disagreement:
That’s right... Quite the opposite...
Exactly... That’s wrong...
Undoubtedly... I don’t think so...

1) The order cycle while selling goods abroad is complete after a consignee has physically received the consignment.

2) Errors in documentation cost money.

3) The storage charges must be paid in full.

4) A commercial invoice is obtainable from chambers of commerce.

5) The set of shipping documents should be complete with each consignment.

6) Money not declared while going through the customs control is detained and the traveller can collect it on his way back.

7) A customs officer has no right to ask a passenger to show him personal belongings.

8) If the consignor finds the rate of freight acceptable, he will send an advice of despatch.

2. Say a few words about:

  • 1) The formalities through which incoming/outgoing passengers must pass.
  • 2) The main points of the declaration.
  • 3) Dutiable, prohibited and restricted articles.
  • 4) The set of documents necessary to declare goods.

3. Express your views on the following statements:

  • 1) There are too many articles liable to Customs duties.
  • 2) It is very convenient to make previous transport arrangements.

Role simulation. Make up dialogues on the topics below and act them out.

1) Your friend is going abroad by air for the first time. Explain to him the system of going through the Customs.

2) You have just returned from a business trip to England. Compare the regulations valid for the English and the Russian Customs concerning luggage and money.

3) Explain to your friends how it is necessary to fill in the customs declaration.



Unit X


Transport Documentation

The bill of lading is one of the oldest documents used in international trade. Bills of lading used to be issued either by shipping lines4 or by… The B/L serves to fulfil three main functions. It’s first function is to act… The B/L is also the contract of carriage7 between the shipper and the shipping line.The bill is completed after the…

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 international road freight - международные автодорожные перевозки.

2 the consignment note - транспортная накладная.

3 a haulier - владелец грузовика (трейлера).

4 a shipping line - судоходная линия.

5 a freight forwarder - транспортный агент, экспедитор.

6 a receipt of goods - грузовая квитанция.

7 the contract of carriage - контракт на перевозку.

8 a document of title - товарораспорядительный документ.

9 to establish a document - дать юридическое подтверждение документу.

10 the Single Administrative Document - Единый административный документ.

Exercises on the Text

Read and translate the text.

a CMR form; a bill of lading; an air waybill; a carrier; a consignment note; a haulier; a freight forwarder; a document of title; a trailer 3. Translate into English: автодорожная накладная; коносамент; транспортная накладная; авиагрузовая накладная; грузовая квитанция;…

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

1) If your line of business involves__ __ __of goods, you will come into contact with the__ __. All goods must be__and presented__ __. 2) Declaring a__involves giving the Customs authorities information about the… 3) Some goods, for example foodstuffs, clothes or flowers may be subject to__; the other types of goods, such as…

Vocabulary Notes on the Dialogue

1 tne Customs Intelligence - таможенная разведывательная служба.

2 the Office of Intelligence - разведывательное управление.

3 to assume the helm of - взять на себя управление.

4 national guidance - руководство в масштабах страны.

5 field manager - ответственный за конкретное направление.

6 the Customs enforcement mission - правоохранительная деятельность таможенной службы.

7 the Intelligence Operations Centre - оперативный центр разведывательного управления.

8 to be placed on lookout - взять под контроль.

9 the TECS (the Treasury Enforcement Communications System) - банк данных, содержащихся в компьютерной системе управления.

10 modus operandi - лат. способ действия.

Exercises on the Dialogue

Read and translate the dialogue.

взять на себя управление таможенной разведывательной службой; понимание роли разведывательного таможенного управления; отвечать за общее руководство… 3. Answer the following questions: 1) What are the roles of the Office of Intelligence within Customs?

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

Abridged from Pulcovo Aviation Enterprise Inflight magazine. The struggle against smuggling and violation of Customs regulations has always… A common reason for violation of customs regulations has always been and still is foreign currency; an enormous…

Give the main ideas of the text of Exercise 5 in the form of a dialogue between an interveiwer and a customs official. Use the collocations of Exercise 6.

8. Complete the following dialogue:

At the Air Terminal

Robert Davis is returning from Europe. His plane has just landed
at Heathrow Airport.

Customs Officer: ___________________________________?

Davis: Yes, I am.

Customs Officer: __________________________________?

Davis: Yes, of course.

Customs Officer: __________________________________?

Davis: No, only three days.

Customs Officer: _____________________________________?

Davis: Oh, only in Europe. Germany, France and Belgium, actually.

Customs Officer: __________________________________?

Davis: Nothing, actually. I’ve been on a business trip, not a holiday.

Customs Officer: __________________________________.

Davis: Oh, I see.

Customs Officer: __________________________________?

Davis: No, nothing. I went to the wrong gate, that’s all.

9. Translate into English:

а) Таможенник: Приготовьте, пожалуйста, ваш багаж для досмотра.

Пассажир: Мне показывать весь багаж?

Таможенник: Да, таковы наши правила. Иногда пассажиры скрывают нелегально провозимые вещи в одежде, игрушках, книгах. Наша обязанность предотвращать контрабанду. А это что такое?

Пассажир: Это образцы тканей, которые я везу на выставку.

Таможенник: У вас есть на них грузовая декларация?

Пассажир: К сожалению, у меня только разрешение от моей фирмы.

Таможенник: В таком случае я вынужден задержать ваш багаж до тех пор, пока вы не предъявите декларацию.

b) Таможенник: У вас есть вещи, подлежащие декларации?

Пассажир: У меня есть несколько предметов из золота, которые я везу в качестве подарка своим друзьям.

Таможенник: Согласно нашим таможенным правилам, вы можете ввозить в нашу страну золотые изделия, но вы обязаны указать их в декларации.

Пассажир: Мне нужно платить на них пошлину?

Таможенник: Нет. В настоящее время пассажиры платят пошлину в основном на ввозимые товары. Таким образом государства защищают свой рынок.

10. Conduct a two-way translation:

A. Мы хотели бы обсудить сегодня с вами вопрос о таможенной очистке оборудования.

B. I am at your service, but I’d like to remind you that the construction is being carried on a "turn-key" basis.

A. Да, вы правы. Наша ответственность в строительстве велика.

B. That’s why I believe it would be logical if you were responsible for customs clearance of the equipment.

A. Мы хотели бы объяснить вам свою позицию. Вы, конечно, понимаете, что объем оборудования очень большой и у нас уйдет много времени и средств на выполнение таможенных формальностей.

B. We agree that it will take a lot of time. And what would you suggest?

A. Было бы неплохо, если бы вы смогли получить разрешение на беспошлинный ввоз груза для нашего объекта. Тем более что это предусмотрено таможенными правилами для объектов подобного типа.

B. Well, it sounds quite reasonable. We agree to see to customs clearance ourselves.


Chartering of Ships

The chartering of ships, being a highly specialized business, is usually done through the intermediary of brokers. In London, for example, there is… Ship brokers have an expert knowledge of rises and falls in rates for… The contract between the shipowner and the charterer is called a charter party4, and it is a long and rather…

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 the Baltic Exchange - Балтийская биржа.

2 line companies - линейные судоходные компании.

3 a tramp - "трамп" - грузовое судно, не работающее на фиксированных рейсах.

4 a charter party - договор на чартерное фрахтование; чартер.

5 a voyage charter - рейсовый чартер.

6 a time charter - тайм-чартер.

7 turnround - время, необходимое на оборот судна.


Read and translate the text.

shipowners; brokers; crews; bulk; cargo; exchange; tramp; fleet; slowness; apparatus; chartering; intermediary; raw; sucking; fluctuate; secure 3. Give English equivalents of: а) гавань; судовладелец; насыпной или наливной груз; биржевой маклер; фондовая биржа; рейсовый чартер; тайм-чартер;…

Write to some ship brokers and ask them to charter a ship for loading of a cargo of oil; give them necessary particulars about port and time.

Write a letter from a ship broker concerning the shipment to the USA and point out the need for speed because of the probable closing of certain ports due to ice.



1. Agree with the following statements. Enlarge upon the matter:

1) Every mode of transport has its own specific document.

2) The bill of lading serves to fulfil three main functions.

3) SAD replaces many of the existing customs forms.

4) If your line of business involves exporting or importing of goods, you will come into the contact with the Customs Authorities.

5) A common reason for violation of customs regulations has always been foreign currency.

6) The chartering of ships is a highly specialised business.

2. Discuss the following points:

  • 1) Customs regulations are too strict in our country.
  • 2) A Customs officer should have a special training to carry his work efficiently.

3. Speak about:

  • 1) the procedure of customs clearance;
  • 2) the role of Customs Intelligence.

4. Make up dialogues and act them in pairs:

1) between an interviewer and a Customs official working at the Customs Investigation Department;

2) between a customs officer and a passenger trying to carry out restricted and prohibited articles.



Unit XI


Types of Payments in Foreign Trade

The matter is different in foreign trade because a great deal of time is spent on correspondence, despatch and delivery. It is here that banks play… Payments in foreign trade are usually made by: 1. banker’s transfer; 2.… As well as in the local trade, payment may be made a) in advance; b) on open account.

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 legal action - судебное разбирательство.

2 unquestionable reputation - безупречная репутация.

3 at a current rate of exchange - по текущему курсу обмена валюты.

4 to accept - акцептировать (принимать).

5 legally binding - имеющий обязательную силу.

6 "dishonoured" - не оплаченный в установленный срок, букв. "обесчещенный".

7 to protest the bill - опротестовать вексель.

8 to prosecute - преследовать в судебном порядке.

Exercises on the Text

Read and translate the text.

acceptor; creditor; debtor; discredit; failure; reputation; transference; transaction; binding; fundamental; urgent; isolated; unquestionable;… 3. Give English equivalents of the following: а) акцептор; дебитор; кредитор; банковский счет; банковский перевод; переводной вексель; аккредитив; текущий курс…

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

1) Payment__goods__the home trade is made either__advance or__a reasonably short period__delivery. 2) There is little time lost__correspondence and__delivery. 3) A bill__exchange is an order__written form addressed__one person__another, to pay__demand or__a named date a…

Discussing Terms of Payment Over a Phone

Supplier: That’s a good piece of news. In what way have you chosen to pay? Customer: We have instructed The General Bank of Russia to open credit for… Supplier: What shipping documents should we attach to our draft?

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 valid - имеющий силу, действительный.

2 draft... at 30 days for the amount of - чек (тратта) сроком на 30 дней на сумму.

3 to cover the bank commission on the draft - заплатить банку комиссионные по чеку.

4 irrevocable letter of credit - безотзывной аккредитив.

Exercises on the Dialogue

Read and translate the dialogue.

2. Explain the meaning of the following terms:

valid; confirmed; attached; acceptable; to accept a draft for the amount of...; bank commission on the draft; irrevocable letter; to open a credit

3. Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases:

действительный; прилагаемый; подтвержденный; приемлемый; не превышающий (о сумме); сделать заказ у кого-л.; принять к сведению что-л. как можно раньше; открыть кредит на сумму в ... на чье-л. имя; заплатить комиссионные банку; оплата услуг; безотзывной аккредитив; чек (тратта)

4. Use the following collocations in sentences of your own:

to place an order with smb; to give smth early attention; to open a credit for the sum of…; in smb’s favour; to cover bank commission on...; despatch and marking instructions

Report the dialogue in indirect speech.

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

6. Fill in the necessary prepositions:

When the debtor has to settle his account__delay, he can buy a cable transfer__ a bank, paying the equivalent amount__the current rate__exchange plus the cost__the telegram to be sent__the bank. The bank will then send their correspondent__the creditor’s town a telegram__a secret code instructing the correspondent to pay the creditor the amount__the debt. This method is called Т.Т. (telegraphic transfer).

Read and translate the following dialogue. Act it out in pairs.

B. Yes, we have. We know that you are carrying out a wide program of national development and are ready to extend credit for the construction of the… A. Glad to hear that. And on what terms? B. The credit will be granted for five years at 10% per annum.

Settlement of Accounts

The commercial invoice will contain the details of the customer’s name, goods ordered, order number, terms and prices of the various items ordered.… The invoice is sent to the customer by post, or through an agent or a bank. In… But if the customer has an open account with the seller, the latter will keep a record of all invoices sent out to the…

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 Accounts - бухгалтерия (отдел).

2 payment on invoice - платеж по счету-фактуре.

3 payment on statement - платеж по выписке из счета.

4 in due course - своевременно.

5 overdue - просроченный.

6 remittance - денежный перевод.

7 to clear the amount of - произвести расчет на сумму...

8 sound reasons - убедительные причины.


Read and translate the Text.

accounts; cheque; concession; non-payment; remittance; settlement; due; overdue; valuable; notifying; totalling; acknowledged; punctually;… 3. Give English equivalents for the following: a) бухгалтерский отдел; отдел по отправке (доставке) товаров; канцелярская работа; выписка из счета; коммерческий…

Send a short letter to a foreign customer, enclosing quarterly statement.

8. Write a tactful letter to your foreign customer the business with whom you value highly. The customer usually settles his account by banker’s transfer, but has failed to pay the latest account and has not given you any explanation; payment is now a week overdue.

Write a letter to which the letter of Exercise 5 is the answer.

1. Disagree with the following statements. Use all possible formulas of disagreement. Enlarge upon the matter: 1) The banker’s transfer is a written order from a creditor to a debtor to pay… 2) The bill of exchange is a mere transference of money from the bank account of a buyer in his own country to the…

The Reason For Insuring Goods

Insurance has become more and more significant as commerce has developed. Neglecting to insure goods either warehoused or in transit is all very… Goods are normally insured for the full amount of their value, which is… against all risks7. This type of insurance involves a W.A. clause (= "with average"8, where the word…

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 to gain indemnity - обеспечить возмещение убытков.

2 insurance premium - страховое вознаграждение, премия.

3 insurance coverage - страховое покрытие.

4 insurance against fire - страхование от пожара.

5 theft/burglary insurance - страхование на случай кражи.

6 accidence insurance - страхование от несчастных случаев.

7 against all risks - страхование от всех рисков.

8 "with average" - включая аварию.

9 "free of particular average" - свободно от частной аварии.

10 general average - общая авария.

11 a floating policy - генеральный страховой полис.

12 a cover note - "ковернот", свидетельство о страховании.

Exercises on the Text

Read and translate the text.

indemnity; burglary; threat; premium; coverage; average; pilferage; vibration; hazards; adventure; financial; particular; towing; warehoused;… 3. Answer the following questions: 1) What is the general idea of… 4. Explain the meanings of the following terms in English:

Use the terms of Exercise 4 in sentences of your own.

6. Reproduce the situations from the text where these collocations were used:

to gain indemnity; to go wrong; to disappear without trace; to cause damage; to put out a fire; to act as a contract; to cover goods up to a large sum of money; to give proof of smth

7. Give English equivalents of the following:

страховка (страховая сумма); страховое дело; страховая премия; страховое покрытие; страхование от пожара/на случай кражи/от всех рисков; генеральный страховой полис; воровство; мелкая кража; плохое обращение (с товаром); риск

Sum up the contents of the text according to your own plan.

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

1) Nowadays carrying__goods can be effected__sea,__air,__rail and__road. One transaction may involve both land and sea transportation, that is first… 2) Usually exporters insure their goods__all kinds__risk__professional… 10. Read and translate the text using the dictionary if necessary:

Ask eight questions about the previous text.

Страхование - неотъемлемая часть повседневной жизни американцев. В семейном бюджете различного вида страховкам обычно отводится значительное место.… Есть страховки обязательные: например, страхование автомобиля. Есть страховки,… Если вы приобретаете автомобиль, то закон обязывает вас купить и автомобильную страховку, в противном случае ваша…

Speak about insurance in Russia, using the vocabulary of Episode 1 and Exercise 12.




Making an Insurance Claim

- The most reasonable action of yours in this situation is to make an insurance claim1. - What do you mean by making an insurance claim? - This procedure includes two essential steps. The first one is to call in a properly qualified and disinterested…

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 to make a claim - предъявить претензии, возбудить иск.

2 an insurance surveyor - страховой инспектор.

3 a report on the damage - отчет о понесенном ущербе.

4 to put in a claim for compensation - выдвинуть требование о компенсации.

5 the nature and extent of the damage - характер и размеры понесенного ущерба.

6 indemnity - возмещение, компенсация.

7 to jeopardise a claim - оспорить в суде предъявленный иск.

Exercises on the Dialogue

Read and translate the dialogue.

circumstances; procedure; nature; replacement; compensation; indemnity; surveyor; qualified; disinterested; scratched; jeopardised; reasonable;… 3. Find in the list below the verbs close in meaning: to damage; to agree; to inspect; to report; to spoil; to claim; to change; to demand; to survey; to state; to…

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

1) Goods are normally insured__certain risks. They are usually insured__the full amount__their value. If they are found__arrival__the… 2) Details__the agreement__the client and the insurance agency are to be… 3) When a Lloyd’s agent examine a damaged consignment, he will also look__the bill__lading signed__the captain__the…

Complaints and Replies to Compalaints

If a customer is unsatisfied with the execution of his order, he will complain. While doing so he should refer to the articles in question, by… Below are the examples of the sentences which may be used in complaints of… 1. Unfortunately, we discover you have sent us the wrong goods.

Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 to short-ship - недопоставить.

2 to have reliable grounds - иметь серьезные основания.

3 to repudiate a claim - оспорить претензию, отказаться признать претензию обоснованной.

4 to put the matter right - исправить положение вещей.

5 in reverse transport - при обратной транспортировке.

6 to go into a long story - долго объяснять.

7 to be beyond one’s control - выйти из-под контроля кого-л.


Read and translate the text.

1) What may complaints arise from? 2) In what case do we complain of the quality of goods? 3) What should you mention in your complaint if you are unsatisfied with the execution of your order?

Give sentences of your own to illustrate the meaning of the expressions from the previous exercise.

товары второго сорта; недопоставленные товары (2 варианта); при обратной транспортировке; небольшая задержка; поломка оборудования; проведя… 7. Fill in the necessary prepositions or adverbs: Dear Sirs,

Write a leter of reply to the previous letter on behalf of the suppliers.

Reply to the letter of Exercise 7 on behalf of the producers.

Write a letter to your suppliers to inform them that some articles in three cases have been broken due to bad packing; you have the report of the insurance surveyor confirming this.


1. Role-play. Disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons. Use the formulas of disagreement:

Far from it. You are mistaken. I don’t think so.

1) The basic document used in insurance is a cover note.

2) General average means partial loss or damage accidentally caused to a particular lot of goods.

3) An insurance policy is issued for each shipment of goods.

4) Normally goods are insured for the CIF value of the consignment.

5) An insurance premium is the name given to the sum of money paid to the insured by an insurance company if something goes wrong to the goods.

6) If a customer is unsatisfied with the execution of his order he may sue the seller.

7) If the quality of goods is unsatisfactory, the customer sends the goods back to the seller.

8) If the supplier sends the wrong articles he asks the customer to sell them at a reduced price.

2. What do you think could happen if:

  • a) imported goods were not insured?
  • b) insurance companies didn’t demand the report on the damage?

3. Role simulation. Discuss in the form of the dialogue:

  • 1) advantages of buying goods on the CIF terms for the seller;
  • 2) the way of calculating the insurance premium;
  • 3) the order of making a claim.

4. Speak on the following topics:

  • 1) Main insurance documents.
  • 2) Main types of goods insurance.
  • 3) Main types of social insurance in the USA and Russia.



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