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The syllabic structure in English

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The syllabic structure in English

The syllable is a complicated phenomenon and like a phoneme it can be studied on four levels - articulatory, acoustic, auditory and functional. The… We could start with the so-called expiratory (chest pulse or pressure) theory… Another theory of syllable put forward by O. Jespersen is generally called the sonority theory. According to O.…

Nature of word stress

Stress is defined differently by different authors. B.A. Bogoroditsky, for instance, defined stress as an increase of energy, accompanied by an… If we compare stressed and unstressed syllables in the words contract… (a) the force is greater, which is connected with more energetic articulation;

Place of word stress in English. Degrees of stress

The word stress in English as well as in Russian is not only free but it may also be shifting, performing the semantic function of differentiating… There are actually as many degrees of stress in a word as there are syllables.… British linguists do not always deny the existence of tertiary stress as a tendency to use a tertiary stress on a…

Typology of accentual structures

The accentual types are: 1. ['___]. This accentual type marks both simple and compound words. The… 2. [ '_ '_ ]. The accentual type is commonly realized in compound words, most of them are with separable prefixes,…

Intonation: approaches, definitions, functions

There are two main approaches to the problem of intonation in Great Britain. One is known as acontour analysis and the other may be called… The first is represented by a large group of phoneticians: H. Sweet, D. Jones,… The grammatical approach to the study of intonation was worked out by M. Halliday. The main unit of intonation is a…

Components of intonation and the structure of English intonation group.

In the pitch component we may consider the distinct variations in the direction of pitch, pitch level and pitch range. According to R. Kingdon the most important nuclear tones in English are: Low… The meanings of the nuclear tones are difficult to specify in general terms. Roughly speaking the falling tone of any…

The phonological aspect of intonation.

The descriptions of intonation show that phonological facts of intonation system are much more open to question than in the field of segmental… M. Halliday supposes that English intonation contrasts are grammatical. He… D. Crystal presents an approach based on the view "that any explanation of intonational meaning cannot be arrived…

Classification of pronunciation variants in English. British and American pronunciation models.

According to British dialectologists (P. Trudgill, J. Hannah, A. Hughes and others), the following variants of English are referred to the… According to M. Sokolova and others, English English, Welsh English, Scottish…

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