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Higher Education in the U.K. (english)

Higher Education in the U.K. (english) - раздел Лингвистика, Higher Education In Theu.k. There Are More Than 60 Universities In The U.k. ...

Higher Education in TheU.K. There are more than 60 universities in the U.K. The leadinguniversitiesare Cambridge, Oxford and London. English universitiesdifferfrom each other in traditions, general organization, internalgoverment,etc. British universities are comparatively small, theapproximatenumber is about 7-8 thousand students.Most universitieshaveunder 3000 students, some even less than 1500 ones. London andOxforduniversities are international, because people from many partsof theworld come to study at one of their colleges.

A number ofwellknownscientists and writers, among them Newton, Darvin, Byronwereeducated in Cambridge. A university consists of a number of departments art, law,music,economy, education, medicine, engineering, etc. After three years of study a student mayproceed to a Bachelor sdegree,and later to the degrees of Master and Doctor. Besidesuniversitiesthere are at present in Britain 300 technical colleges,providingpart-time and full-time education.The organization system of Oxford andCambridge differs from thatof allother universities and colleges.

The teachers are usuallycalledDons. Part of the teaching is by means of lectures organized bytheuniversity. Teaching is also carried out by tutorial system. Thisis thesystem of individual tuitio organized by the colleges. Eachstudentgoes to his tutor s room once a week to read and discuss anessaywhich the student has prepared.Some students get scholarship but thenumber of these students iscomparativelysmall.

There are many sociaties and clubs at CambridgeandOxford. The most celebrating at Cambridge is the Debating Sociatyatwhich students discuss political and other questions with famouspoliticiansand writers. Sporting activities are also numerous. The work and games, the traditionsand customs, the jokes anddebates- all are parts of students life there.It should be mentioned that not many children from theworking-classfamilies are able to receive the higher education as thefeesare very high more than L1000 a year . Besides that special feesaretaken for books, for laboratory works, exams and so on.

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