рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

The English Alphabet

The English Alphabet - раздел Образование,        ...





The English Alphabet

I тип чтения гласных букв в ударном слоге.

Гласная буква читается так, как она называется в алфавите, в следующих положениях:

а) на конце слова, если она является единственной гласной буквой в слове;

b) перед одной согласной, за которой следует гласная буква, часто не читаемая.

Буква Е е

I тип чтения II тип чтения

[i:] [e]

Pete ten

Me pen

Be meddle


Буквосочетания ее, ea читается как [i:], например meet [mi:t]

Тренировочные упражнения

[i:] [e] [l]

dee – deed – deep ten – pen let – tell

be – been – beet den – men led –bell

me – meed –meet Ted – bed leep – peel

fee – feed – feet

1. Прочитайте вслух слова, объясните, по каким правилам они читаются:

Bee, dene, bet, dent, beet, end, men, bede, peep, dell, bent, den, mete.


1.Буква S, s [es] читается как [s]:

a) перед согласными, например: test [test]

b) в начале слова, например: sit [sɪt], send [send]

c) на конце слова после глухой согласной, например: lists [lɪsts]

d) в сочетании ss, например: Bess [bes]

как [z]:

а) на конце слова после звонкого согласного и гласного, например: pens [penz], bees [bi:z]

b) между двумя гласными буквами, например: visit [ʹvɪzɪt]

2.БукваZ, z [zed] всегда читается как [z], например size [saɪz]

3.Буквы I, i [aɪ] и Y,y [waɪ] в ударном слоге читаются:

I тип чтения II тип чтения

[aɪ] [ɪ]

life in

tie pin

my sit


Тренировочные упражнения

[ɪ] [i: - ɪ] [aɪ] [aɪ]

tin Pete – pit time – tie my – mine - type

pit bede – bid pine – pie by – five – life

in teen – tin life – lie


2. Прочитайте вслух слова, объясните, по каким правилам они читаются:

a) Type, tin, fine, pin, lip, pile, line, sit, fit, set, best, sin, miss, pens, less, lends, Bess, seems, size, zest, send.

b) Прочитайте вслух следующие существительные, обращая внимание на произнесение окончания множественного числа:

Pens, sets, beds, tips, bess, pits, lips, lies, bids, nets, seeds, tests, lids.




1.Буква А, а [eɪ] в ударном слоге читается:

I тип чтения II тип чтения

[eɪ] [ӕ]

plane plan

name man

2.Буквосочетания ai, ay читаются как [eɪ], например: main [meɪn], Spain [speɪn], May [meɪ], day [deɪ].

3.Буква C, c [si:] читается как [s] перед гласными e, i, y: nice [naɪs], city [sɪtɪ]; перед остальными гласными, согласными и на конце слова читается как [k]:cake [keɪk], cat [kӕt].

Тренировочные упражнения

[ӕ] [ӕ - e] [eɪ] [e - eɪ]

am Ann man – men main may men – name

man flat tan – ten pain pay pen – pane

map bad pan – pen name may let – late

lamp plan bad – bed date day met – mate


3. Прочитайте вслух слова, объясните, по каким правилам они читаются:

a) pale, date, ban, tape, fate, mad, say, same, fat, day, Sam, lane, land, tame, Spain, faint, aim, leave, bede, beat, deed, lean, mean, seat, nice;

b) line, pin, pine, dene, fine, man, dent, Ann, nine, same, Sam, bet, bed, dine, did, May, fit, style, vet, bay, sat, tilt, file, faint, ease, pet, tin, veal, slip, stay.




1.Буква K, k [keɪ]всегда читается как звук [k], например:Kate [keɪt], take [teɪk].

2.Сочетание ckчитается как звук [k] например: black [blӕk]

3. Буква G, g [dʒi:] имеет два чтения:

a) перед гласными e, i, yона читается как звук [dʒ],например: page [peɪdʒ], gin [dʒɪn], gym [dʒɪm]

b) перед остальными гласными, согласными и на конце слова она читается как [g], например: game [geɪm], glad [glӕd], bag [bӕg]

4. Буква J, j [dʒeɪ] всегда читается как звук [dʒ], например: Jane [dʒeɪn], jam [dʒæm]

5.БукваH, h [eɪtʃ] часто встречается в сочетаниях с другими согласными буквами:

а)буквосочетание sh читается как звук [ʃ], например: she [ʃi:], ship [ʃɪp]

b)буквосочетанияchи tchчитаются как звук[tʃ], например: chess[tʃes], teach [ti:tʃ], match [mætʃ]

6. Сочетание th может читаться как звонкий звук [ð] и как глухой звук [θ]. Как звук [ð] оно читается в следующих случаях:

а) в начале служебных слов, например: this [ðis], that [ðæt], these [ði:z];

b) в знаменательных словах между гласными буквами, например: bathe [beið]

Как звук [θ]сочетание читается в начале и в конце знаменательных слов, например: thick [θik], thin [θin], faith [feiθ].

Тренировочные упражнения

can cake gap bag back - bag came make gave beg lack - leg keep peak give big sick – big

Тренировочные упражнения

[h] [r] [a:]

he hay red read start tart

his hat rain risk arm cart

him hand rest rent large lark

farm park

[ɳ] [ɳ - n] [ɳ - ɳk] [j]

bang ring bang – ban bang – bank yes

sang sing fang – fan sang – sank yell

fang thing thing – thin sing – sink yelp

thing – think yarn

5. Прочитайте вслух слова, объясните, по каким правилам они читаются:

a) risk, red, ripe, read, rest, rally, hand, hay, hip, hate, heap, help, hide, yes, yell, easy, daddy, yet, yelp, my, by, myth, next, text, exam, sex, six, sixty, ring, thing, fang, bring, sing, gang, sling, drink, link, clink, pink, prank;

b) shelf, shy, sheet, dash, fish, chain, chick, change, catch, patch, mine, cage, fill, mile, Spain, miss, ice, page, back, space, click, game, gem, let, lest, gay, set, lay, say, lack, icy.




1.Буква O, oчитается:

I тип - [ou],например:no, note;

II тип - [ɔ],например: on, not, hot;

III тип - [ɔ:],например: or, fork.

2. Буквосочетание oo читается:

a) как [u:] перед любой согласной буквой, кроме k, r и в конце слова, например: spoon [spu:n], too [tu:]

b) как [u] перед буквой k, например: book [buk], to look [luk].

Исключение: good [gud].

Тренировочные упражнения

[u:] [u] [ou] [ɔ]

tool book go – tone odd

pool look no – note not

moon took so – smoke on

food hook


[ɔ:] [ou - ɔ] [ɔ: - ɔ - ou]

or go – got sport – spot – spoke

form note – not torn – top – tone

sport hope – hop lord – lot – lone

North coke – cock cord – cot – cope

North – not – note


6. Прочитайте вслух слова, объясните, по каким правилам они читаются:

a) note, lot, lone, nod, code, cot, tone, cope, dot, sock, hot, pope, doll, hop, bone, tool, moon, look, doom, took, fool, cool, shook, loop, cook, choose, hook, sport, torn, corn, gorge, cork, or, fork

b) lead, steel, meat, bet, lest, tip, tiny, type, myth, mice, stay, plain, star, farm, cart, cell, cod, sing, cling, bank, rank, spin



1.Буква U, u [ju:] в ударном слоге читается:

I тип чтения – [ju:],например:tune [tju:n];

II тип чтения – [ʌ],например:cup [kʌp], but [bʌt].

2.Буква W, w [ʹdʌblju:] в начале слова читается как звук [w], например: we [wi:].

3.Буквосочетания oi и oy читаются как звук [ɔi], например: point [pɔint], boy [bɔi].

4.Буквосочетание ow имеет два чтения:

a) под ударением в односложных словах оно читается как звук [au], например: now [nau];

b) в конце двусложных слов в безударном положении это сочетание читается как звук [ou], например: yellow [ʹjelou], Moscow [ʹmoskou].

5.Буквосочетание ouчитается как звук [au],например:out [aut], found [faund].

6. Буквосочетание er и or в конце слова в безударном положении читается как звук [ə], например: teacher [ʹti:tʃə], doctor [ʹdɔktə].

Тренировочные упражнения

[ʌ] [ʌ - a:] [ʌ - æ] [w]

up –cup cut – cart hum – ham we

us – bus duck – dark fun – fan week

un – bun much – March bun – ban wine

ugly – hurry buck – bark cup – cap wake


[w - v] [ɔi] [r после согл.] [ə]

wet – vet boy – voice green price teacher

wine – vine coy – coin dream three doctor

west – vest toy – point brave tree seller

very - well Fred street reader


7. Прочитайте вслух слова, объясните, по каким правилам они читаются:

Cup, cube, but, nut, mute, butter, rung, huge, wake, weak, wig, waver, wine, wink, way, weed, wit, coin, boy, point, join, toy, noisy, joy, now, how, yellow, bow, Moscow, town, vow, window, gown, down, out, ounce, foul, noun, scout, count, seller, actor.




1.Буквы e, i, y, u по типу III типу чтения читаются как звук [ə:], например: her [hə:], firm [fə:m], Byrd [bə:d], turn [tə:n].

2.Буквосочетание waчитается как [wɔ], если ща ним седует сочетание согласных, например: want [wɔnt].

3.В буквосочетании wh буква h не читается, если за ней не следует буква o, например: what [wɔt], white [wait].

4.Если за буквосочетаниемwhследует букваo,то буква wне читается, например: who [hu:], whose [hu:z].

5.Буквосочетание ar после буквы w или буквосочетания wh читается как [wɔ:], например: war [wɔ:], wharf [wɔ:f].

Тренировочные упражнения

[ə:] [ə: - ɔ:]

fur – firm – first burn – born

sir – burn – burst turn – torn

her – turn – thirst cur – corn

[ə: - e] [ə: - ou] [wɔ - wɔ:]

burn – Ben burn – bone wasp – war

turn – ten turn – tone want – warm

bird – bed cur – cone what – ward


8. Прочитайте вслух слова, объясните, по каким правилам они читаются:

a) term, first, bird, third, stern, turn, Byrd, furs, curl, curt, serf, curb, herb; want, watch, watt; whale, wharf, wheat, ward, when, whether, which, whiff, whip, warn, whole, warp, why

b) cat, bunch, pinch, rice, will, chest, sister, frost, lick, sly, pace, lunch, rib, from, luck, cry, chat, shy, chill, sky, hale, rose, spine, till, spider, vine, till, sniff, maze, pan, reader.



1. IV тип чтения гласных. Сочетание типа гласная + r +гласная объединяют в IV тип чтения. По этому типу гласные имеют следующие чтение:

a) буква a читается как дифтонг [ɛə], например: Mary [ʹmɛəri], parents [ʹpɛərənts];

b) буква eчитается как дифтонг[iə],например:here [hiə];

с) буквы i и yчитаются как звукосочетание [aiə], например: fire [faiə], tyre [taiə];

d) буква oчитается как звук[ɔ:],например:more [mɔ:];

е) буква u читается как звукосочетание [juə], например: during [ʹdjuəriɳ].

2.Буквосочетаниеeerчитается как дифтонг[iə],например:engineer [ˎendʒiʹniə].

3. Буквосочетание airчитается как дифтонг [ɛə], например: chair [tʃɛə].

4. Буквосочетание our читается как звукосочетание [auə], например: our [auə].

5. Буквосочетание worперед согласной читается как звук[ə:],например:work [wə:k], word [wə:d].


Тренировочные упражнения

deer air care cure fire here pair Mary pure mire engineer fair parents during tired

Прочитайте и переведите текст

My name is Victor Belov. I was born on the 19th of October in 1989 in Volgodonsk, Rostov region. Two years ago our family moved to Samara where I… There are five people in our family. My father is a businessman. He is a very… My mother has much work about the house because I have a younger sister and a brother. They are both pupils. Lena is…


Talking about family and friends (рассказывая о своей семье и друзьях)

I've got two brothers and a sister. My brothers are twins (= two children born to one mother at the same time), and they are three years younger than me. I'm the oldest a take after my father (= I am similar to him in appearance and/or character). My sister takes after my father in some ways, but she looks like my mother (= her appearance similar to my mother's). We're a close family (= we have a good relationship/see each other a lot). My best friend Pete is an only child (= without brothers or sisters); he spends a lot of time with us and he's almost one of the family.

Family names (имена)

Your parents give you a first name, e.g. James and Sarah are common first names in Britain. Your family name, usually called your surname, is the one that all the family have e.g. Smith and Jones. Yourfull name is all the names you have, e.g. Sarah Jane Smith.

Changing times (времена меняются)

In some parts of the world, couples may live together but do not get married. In this relationship they often call each other their partner. Where the child or children live(s) with just one parent, especially after the parents have separated (= they don't live together any more), these are sometimes called single-parent families.

Friends (друзья)

an old friend (= someone you have known for a long time)

a close friend (= a good friend/someone you like and trust)

your best friend (= the one friend you feel closest to)

classmates (= other people in your class)

flatmates (= people you share a house/flat with, who are not your family)

colleagues(= people you work with; they may or may not be friends)


We use this for a relationship that we had in the past but do not have now:

The children stay with my ex-husband at the weekend. I saw an ex-girlfriend of mine at the disco last night.



Посмотрите на семейное древо и дополните предложения

    John + Susan Jill + Paul Barry + Sheila

Заполните пропуски подходящим по смыслу словом

1. Did you say his __________ name was Boris?

2. He looks like his mother but definitely takes_________his father in character.

3. There is an increasing number of single-_____________families in Britain.

4. Most of my__________at work are married, and I don't see them socially.

5. I've known him for years; he's an_________friend.

6. They're not married any longer, but she still sees her______ -husband.


Ответьте на вопросы о себе.

1. What's your first name?

2. What's your surname?

3. Are you an only child?

4. Are you part of a very close family?

5. Do you look like your father or mother?

6. In character, who do you take after?

7. Do you know any twins?

8. Who is your best friend?

9. Do you work? If so, how many of your work colleagues are also your friends?

10. Do you have any ex-boyfriends or girlfriends who are still close friend?



4. Нарисуйте собственное семейное древо. Есть ли в нем родственники названия которых на английском языке Вам неизвестны?




Прочитайте диалог, затем послушайте и заполните пропуски.

A:Nice party, isn’t it?

S:Yes, it’s great?

A: I’m Alison, by the way. 1) ……………….your name?

S: I’m Steve, Steve Blair. Nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you too. 2) ………………..are you from?

S: I’m from Scotland.

A: Where exactly?

S: Glasgow. What about you?

A: I’m from Birmingham. 3) ……………….your job?

S: I’m a doctor. And you?

A: I’m a student.

S: Really? 4) ………………..old are you?

A: I’m twenty-one. And you?

S: Well, I’m thirty-five.

A: Thirty-five! And you really?

S: Yeah!!!


А. Послушайте диалог и составьте собственный.

Tony:Excuse me. Are you Rita Brian?

Rita:Yes, I am.

Tony:Hi, I’m your new neighbour, Tony, Tony Brown.

Rita:Oh, hello, Tony. Nice to meet you.

Tony:Nice to meet you, too.


B. Послушайте диалог и расставьте реплики в правильном порядке.

Jane:Hello, Patrick. Patrick, this is Lucy. She’s my friend from America.

Lucy:Pleased to meet you, too.

Patrick:Hi, Jane.

Patrick:Pleased to meet you, Lucy.

Впишите предложения в соответствующие реплики на картинках, затем послушайте диалог и проверьте.

· Pleased to meet you.

· Pleased to meet you, too.

· Mr. Potter, this is Mr. Jackson.

· I’m Gillian Jones, but please call me Gill.

· Hello! I’m Frank Smith. What’s your name?


4. Послушайте и заполните пропуски недостающей информацией, затем, используя данный пример, расскажите о преподавателях, которые работают в колледже Мортимер.

This is Mary Stuart. She’s from Dublin, Ireland. She’s thirty years old and she’s an English teacher at Mortimer College.



Прочитайте и переведите

I’m cold. 2 I’m 32 years old. My sister is 29. 3 John is afraid of dogs.

Прочитайте и переведите.

2 ‘Are books expensive in your country?’ ‘Yes, they are.’ 3 ‘How old is Joe?’ ‘He is 24.’ 4 ‘What colour is your car?’ ‘It’s blue.’

Дайте краткие ответы.

1 Are you married? No, I’m not. 2 Are you tall? ______________ 3 Is it cold today? ____________


Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями I, he, she, it, we, you, they.

e.g. John is a student. Heis not a teacher.

1. The pencil is in the box ____ is not on the desk. 2. The windows are not open ____ are shut. 3. Ann is here _____ is not there. 4. What colour are the desks? ____ are brown. 5. Put the match under the box. Where is ____? 6. Put the pieces of paper on the table. Where are _____? 7. The boy is in the classroom. Where is ____? 8. Where are the pencils? ____ are in the box. 9. What are you? ____ am a student. 10. Where are you? _____ are in the classroom.

Замените выделенные существительные личными местоимениями he, she, it, we, they.

1. The pencils are blue. 2. The girl is not here. 3. Put the bag on the desk. 4. The bag and the coat are on the chair. 5. The bag is near the door. 6. Ann and I are students. 7. The boxes are not on the floor. 8. Where are the girls? 9. John is a pupil.



  1. I don’t know those girls. Do you know them? 2. I don’t know that man. Do you know ______?


Дополните предложения по образцу.

1 I’m going to wash ___my hands________.

2 She's going to wash ________________.

3 We’re going to wash________________.

4 He's going to wash_________________.

5 They're going to wash_______________.

6 Are you going to wash_______________?


Дополните предложения по образцу.

2 They live with______________parents. 3 We ______________________parents. 4 Julia lives_______________________.

Дополните предложения абсолютными формами притяжательных местоимений mine, yours etc.

1 It's your money. It’s yours.

2 It's my bag. It’s________.

3 It’s our cat. It's_________.

4 They're her shoes. They're_______.

5 It’s their house. It’s_______.

6 They’ re my glasses.They’re______.

7 They’re your books. They’re______.

8 It’s his coat. It's_________.


Выберите правильную форму местоимения.

2 This is a nice camera. Is it your/yours? 3 That's not my/mine umbrella. My/Mine is black. 4 Whose books are these? Your/Yours or my/mine?


21. Переведите на русский язык:

1. I’ll make coffee myself. 2. I hope you’ll enjoy yourself. 3. The problem itself is quite ordinary, but there’s nobody to solve it. 4. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lawson. 5. Do come in and make yourselves comfortable. 6. Go and wash yourself, Mary. 7. I’m not pleased with myself. 8. He is angry with himself. 9. He bought himself a new coat. 10. Don’t hurt yourself, Peter. 11. I’ll contact them myself. 12. Enjoy yourselves! 13. The manager gave all the instructions himself. 14. Take care of yourself. 15. It’s my duty to settle it all myself.


Употребите нужное возвратное местоимение (myself, itself, herself, yourself, themselves, ourselves, yourselves).

1. Do you ever talk to …? 2. They want to do it … . 3. She washed … . 4.Will you answer the letter … . 5. I looked at … in the mirror. 6. We shall tell her … .7. They have done the task … . 8.She doesn’t like to speak about … . 9. The story … is very good, but not the translation. 10. Children, do it … . 11. I shall ask him … .

Дополните предложения возвратными местоимениями (myself, yourself etc.)

1He looked at himself in the mirror.

2 I’m not angry with you. I’m angry with ___________.

3 Margaret had a nice time in London. She enjoyed ____________.

4 My friends had a nice time in London. They enjoyed _____________.

5 I picked up a very hot plate and burnt ___________.

6 He never thinks about other people. He only thinks about ___________.

7 I want to know more about you. Tell me about ____________ (one person).

8 Goodbye! Have a nice holiday and look after ______________ (two people).


Перефразируйте предложения, используя возвратные местоимения (by myself, by yourself etc.)

2 When I saw him, he was alone. 3 Don’t go out alone. 4 I went to the cinema alone.

Составьте вопросительные предложения с данными словами.


1 (you / an umbrella?)

Have you got an umbrella?

2 (you / a passport?)

3 (your father / a car?)

4 (Carol / many friends?)

5 (you / any brothers or sisters?)

6 (how much money / we?)

7 (what / kind of car / Julia?)

Topical Vocabulary

2) to be busy at – быть занятым чем-то 3) to be off - иметь выходной 4) housewife - домохозяйка

Прочитайте и переведите текст

My best friend's name is Anna. We made friends a few years ago. We are of the same age. We live in the same block of flats, so we see each other… Anna is a tall slim girl. She has got long fair hair, large dark eyes, a… Anna is an only child and his parents love her very much. Her father is a lawyer. He is the most brilliant man I've…


Positive: beautiful is generally used to describe women; handsome is used tо describe men: good-looking and attractive are used for both. Pretty is another positive word to describe a woman (often a girl), meaning 'attractive and nice to look at'.

Negative: ugly is a very negative word; plain is negative but more polite.




medium height and build tall and slim medium height and very muscular short and fat


Another word for slim is thin, but with a more negative meaning, e.g. John is lovely and slim, but his brother is very thin It is not very polite to say someone is fat; overweight is a bit less rude.






blond(e) brown dark black straight wavy curly hair


The man on the left has very pale skin (light skin), He also has broad shoulders, with a scar on his forehead. The other man has dark skin. He also…   ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT A PERSON’S APPEARANCE


Дополните предложения подходящим по смыслу словом. (Возможно несколько вариантов)

1. He's got very muscular____arms________.

2. She's got blonde _____________________ .

3. He’s got very pale ____________________ .

4. They're both got curly _________________ .

5. I would say he was medium ____________ .

6. Her brother has got very broad__________ .

7. Last time I saw him he had grown a beard and ___________________ .

8. Both men were very good-________________ .

Замените подчеркнутое слово более подходящим или вежливым.

1. He told me he met a handsome girl in the disco last night.____beautiful_________

2. She's beautiful bur her younger sister is really quite ugly._____________________

3. I think Peter is getting a bit fat, don't you?_________________________________

4. I think she's hoping to meet a few beautiful men at the tennis club._____________

5. Paul is very thin._____________________________________________________

3. Вы хотите узнать о внешности, росте, весе. Что нужно спросить? Дополните вопросы.

What ___________________________________ ?

How ____________________________________?

How much _______________________________ ?

Сделайте информацию в предложении приблизительной.

1. She's 20. ___She’s 20, more or less___________

2. I'm 75 kilos.___________________________

3. She's 1 metre 70._______________________

4. They're both 30.________________________

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How tall are you?

2. How would you describe your build?

3. How much do you weigh?

4. What kind of hair have you got?

5. What colour is it?

6. Would you like it to be different? If so, what else would you like to change about your appearance?

7. Do you think you have any special features?

8. Are there any special features you would like to have?

9. Do you like beards?

10. Can you think of a famous woman you would describe as beautiful, and a famous man you would describe as good-looking?



positive negative
warm and friendly kind (= cares about others) nice, pleasant generous (=happyto give/share) optimistic (=thinks positively) easy-going (=relaxed, calm) sensitive (=thinks about people's feelings) honest (=always tells the truth) good fun (=enjoyable to be with) broad-minded   coldandunfriendly unkind horrible, unpleasant mean (=never gives to others) pessimistic (= thinks negatively) tense (=nervous; worries a lot; not calm) insensitive dishonest boring narrow-minded (= unable to accept new ideas)

What's he/she like?

He's very self-confident. (=feels he can do things, and is relaxed in social situations) When you first meet her she seems shy. (= finds it difficult to talk to people and make conversation)

She doesn't show her feelings. (=you don’t know what she is thinking or feeling)

He’s got a great sense of humour. (= laughs a lot and sees the funny side of life)


Describing character in work situations


positive negative
hard-working lazy (= never does any work)
punctual (= always on time) not very punctual; always late
reliable unreliable (= you cannot trust/depend on someone like this)
clever stupid
flexible inflexible (=a fixed way of thinking and unable to change)
ambitious not ambitious (=no desire to be successful/get a better job)
has lots of common sense (=thinks in a practical way,doesn't do stupid things) has no common sense; an idiot (=s a stupid person)


First impressions

We use impression to talk about the effect that a person has on another person.

Shemade a very good impression at her interview. (= had a positive effect on the interviewer) Myfirst impression of him was a bit negative.

Shecomes across as (=appears to be) quite serious.



Расставьте слова в колонки с противоположным значением.

  2. Какой префикс используется для образования антонимов от следующих слов? unhappyflexible friendly honest reliable sensitive kind pleasant

Заполните пропуски подходящим по смыслу словом.

2. It's important to____________good impression on your first day in a new job. 3. I'm sure he can find the place; he just needs to use his common… 4. Meeting new people doesn't worry her; she's a very self-__________ young woman.

Используя план, напишите личное письмо о своих друзьях.



Добавьте к глаголам окончания -s or -es.

(finish) it________ (read) she_________ (have) she__________

(think) he_______ (fly) it___________ (dance) he___________

2. Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках.

1. He plays the piano.

2. They _____________ in a very big house.(live)

3. I___________a lot of fruit.(eat)

4. My sister____________ tennis.(play)

5. We____________ to the cinema a lot.(go)

6. Pete_____________eight hours a night.(sleep)

7. In Britain the banks usually _________at 9.30 in the morning.(open)

8. The Citу Museum_____________at 5 о’clоck in the evening.(close)

9. Tina is a teacher. She _____________ mathematics to young children.(teach)

10. My job is very interesting. I__________________a lot of people.(meet)

Составьте предложения из слов в скобках.

1. (always/early / Sue/ arrive) Sue always arrives early.

2. (basketball / I / play / often) ___________________.

3. (work/ Margaret / hard / usually)________________.

4. (Jenny / always / nice clothes / wear) _____________.

5. (dinner we / have / always / at 7:30) ______________.

6. (television / Tim / watch / never)_________________.

7. (like / chocolate / children / usually)______________.

8. (Julia /parties / enjoy / always)____________________.


Переделайте утвердительные предложения в отрицательные.

1. I play the piano very well.______________________.

2. Jane plays the piano very well.___________________.

3. They know my phone number.___________________.

4. We work very hard.____________________________.

5. He has a bath every day.________________________.

6. You do the same thing every day._________________.


Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках. Все предложения отрицательные.

1. I buy a newspaper every day but sometimes I _________it.(read)

2. Paul has a car but he___________it very often.(use)

3. They like films but they ______________to the cinema very often.(go)

4. Amanda is married but she____________________ a ring.(wear)

5. I_______________much about, politics. I'm not interested in it.(know)

6. It s not an expensive hotel. It__________much to stay there.(cost)

7. Brian lives near us but we___________ him very often.(see)

Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках, поставив их в утвердительную или отрицательную форму.

1. Margaret ________four languages - English, French, German and Spanish. (speak)

2. I___________ my job. It's very boring. (like)

3. Where is Martin? "I'm sorry.I ________ .(know)

4. Sue is a very quiet person. She_________very much. (talk)

5. Jim_________a lot of tea. It’s his favourite drink. (drink)

6. It’s not true! I it! (believe)

7. That’s a very beautiful picture! I_____________ it very much. (like)

8. Mark is a vegetarian. He___________meat. (eat)


Из слов в скобках составьте вопросительные предложения.

1. (Where/ live / your parents?) _____________________________

2. (you / early / always / get up?) _____________________________

3. (how often / TV / you / watch?) ____________________________

4. (you / want / what / for dinner?) ____________________________

5. (like / you / football?) _____________________________________

6. (your brother / like / football?)_______________________________

7. (what / you / do / in the evenings?)___________________________

8. (your sister / work / where?)________________________________

9. (to the cinema / often / you / go?)_____________________________

10. (what / mean / this word?)___________________________________

11. (often / snow / it / here?)_____________________________________

12. (go/ usually / to bed / what time / you?)__________________________

13. (how much / to phone New York / it / cost?)_______________________



Прочтите и переведите на русский язык.

1. What is this? – It’s a pen.

What kind of pen is it? - It’s a black ball pen.

Is it an expensive pen? – No, it isn’t. It’s a cheap pen.

2. What is that? - It’s a bird.

Is it a big bird? – Yes, it is. It’s a very big bird.

3.What are these? – They are schoolchildren.

Are they American schoolchildren? – No, they’re not. They’re Russian schoolchildren.

4.What are those? – They are trees.

What are these? – They are keys.

What are those? – They are clouds.

Переведите на английский язык.

1. Кто (по профессии) ваш отец?

2. Те, кто знает английский язык, могут читать английские книги.

3. Почему вы пришли рано?

4. Кого вы встречаете сегодня?

5. Когда вы идете на работу?

6. Тот, кто любит читать книги, берет их в библиотеке.

7. Чье это письмо? – Это наше письмо.

8. Кто этот человек? – Этот человек наш учитель.

9. Какие это книги? – Это хорошие книги.

10. Какие из этих книг наши? – Они все наши.




Посмотрите на семейное древо и напишите предложения о членах семьи.

Mary and Brian are married. They have a son, James, and a daughter, Julia. Julia is married to Paul. Julia and Paul have a son, Daniel.


(Brian/husband) Brian is Mary’s husband.

(Julia/mother) Julia is Daniel’s mother.

(Mary/wife) Mary is_____________wife.

(James/brother) James _______________.

(James/uncle) James______________uncle.

(Julia/wife) Julia_____________________.






Посмотрите на картинку и ответьте на вопрос, используя только одно слово.





Whose is this?


12. Правильны ли следующие предложения? Исправьте их, если необходимо.

1. I stayed at the house of my sister.

2. What is the name of the village?

3. Do you like the colour of this coat?

4. Do you know the phone number of Bill?

5. The job of my brother is very interesting.

6. Write your name at the top of the page.

7. For me the morning is the best part of the day.

8. The favourite colour of Paula is blue.

9. When is the birthday of your mother?

10. The house of my parents isn't very big.

11. The walls of this house are very thin.

12. The car stopped at the end of the-street.

13. Are you going to the party of Silvia next week?

14. The manager of the hotel is on holiday at the moment.


2) straight – прямой 3) honest - честный 4) understanding - отзывчивый, чуткий

Прочитайте и переведите текст

My working day begins early. I always get up at 7 o’clock. Before I leave for the Academy I have a lot of things to do. First of all I do my morning… It doesn’t take me long to have breakfast. At a quarter past eight I leave… I am never late. I always come to the Academy in time. Between classes we have short breaks. At 13.20 we have a long…


to wake up – просыпаться

to lie in bed – лежать в постели

to get up – вставать, подниматься

to go to bed – идти спать

to go to sleep/ to fall asleep - уснуть

to have a late night – ложиться спать поздно

to have an early night – ложиться спать рано

to oversleep – проспать, заспаться

to have a sleep – вздремнуть

to have a lie-in – долго не вставать с постели


to have breakfast – завтракать

to have a snack - перекусить

alone/ on my own – сам, один

to make dinner – приготовить обед

don’t bother – не утруждайся

to feed - кормить



to have a shower – принимать душ

to have a bath – принимать ванну

to have a shave - бриться

to have a wash - умываться

to clean/ brush teeth – чистить зубы

to wash hair – мыть голову



to leave home – выйти из дома

to get home/ to work – добраться до работы/ дома

to have a lunch break – иметь перерыв на обед

to leave work – уйти с работы



to stay in – не выходить, оставаться дома

to go out – выходить в свет, бывать в обществе

to have friends for dinner – пригласить друзей на обед

to come round – приходить в гости

to play cards – играть в карты



to do the shopping – делать покупки

fortunately/ luckily – к счастью

to do the washing - стирать

to do the washing-up – мыть посуду

to do the ironing – гладить

to do the cleaning – делать уборку

to do the cooking – готовить



1. Сколько словосочетаний вы можете вспомнить с глаголом ‘have + существительное’ из активного словаря? Например, have breakfast, have a shower.

have ____________________


have ___________________


have ______________________


have ______________________



Составьте словосочетания, соединив слова из левой и правой колонки.

1) fall

2) do

3) have

4) play

5) go

6) clean

7) feed

8) get up

a) a rest

b) my teeth

c) the dog

d) asleep

e) cards

f) the ironing

g) early

j) to bed


Дополните диалог подходящими по смыслу словами из активного словаря.

B: Why not? A: We could (2) ______________ instead. B: Yeah. Where?

Некоторые словосочетания не подходят к картинкам.

Kim 1) …………… at 7:30 in the morning every weekday. She gets dressed, then she 2)………………. She leaves home at about 8:15 and 3)………………. to school. She arrives at school at about 8:45. School starts at 9 o’clock. She 4) …………… at school at 12:30, then has a few more lessons. School finishes at 3:30 and Kim goes back home. She gets home at 4 o’clock. She 5) ……………….., then, at about 6:30 in the evening, she has dinner. After that, she usually 6) …………….. . At about 8:30, Kim 7) …………………., then she 8) ………………. at about 9 o’clock.




1. Прочтите диалог и подумайте, какие слова пропущены в вопросах?

Послушайте диалог и заполните пропуски.

Прочитайте и разыграйте диалог.

A: Thanks. That’s great to be here. P: Well Annie, 1)_________________________________ your job? A: Yes, I like it a lot. The only bad thing is that I don’t see my family and friends very often. I’m very busy.

Используйте информацию из упражнения по аудированию и, опираясь на план, напишите статью об Анни Франклин.






1 an old book 4 _____airport 7 _____ university 2 _______window 5 ______new airport 8 _______hour 3 ______horse 6 ______organization 9 ______economic problem


Напишите существительные во множественном числе.

1 flower – flowers 2 umbrella - ____________ 3 family - ______________

4 boat - ________________

5 address - _____________ 6 foot - ________________

7 woman - _____________ 8 knife - _______________


9 holiday - _____________

10 city - _______________ 11 sandwich - ___________ 12 potato - _____________


Посмотрите на картинки и дополните предложения.

1 There are a lot of sheep in the field. 2 Jill has got two ______________________.

3 George is cleaning his ________________.

4 There are a lot of ____________in the river.

5 There are three ___________at the bus stop. 6 The____________ are falling from the tree.

Некоторые предложения правильные, а некоторые содержат ошибки. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.

2 I need a new jeans. I need a new pair of jeans. OR I need some new jeans. 3 It’s a lovely park with a lot of beautiful tree.… 4 There was a woman in the car with two mens. _________________________________________


bucket, egg, envelope, jug, milk, money, salt, sand, spoon, toothbrush, toothpaste, wallet.   10. Найдите ошибки, вставьте артикль a/an, где необходимо. Некоторые предложения правильные.


Example:That desk is brown. – Those desks are brown. 1. This wall is blue. 2. That door is brown. 3. This is a red pencil. 4. That… 14. Дополните предложения, используя указательные местоимения this, that, these or those.


2) be in /out – быть дома/ не быть дома 3) catch a bus – садиться на автобус 4) clean one’s teeth – чистить зубы

Прочитайте и переведите текст

Wе live in a new 16-storeyed block of flats in Strogino. It's situated in a very picturesque place not far from the Moskva River. There's a big… Our flat is on the fifth floor. It's very comfortable and well-planned. We… The largest room in our flat is the living room and we use it as a dining room and as a sitting room. In the middle of…


The living room or lounge (= where you sit, relax and watch TV); the dining room; the kitchen; the bedroom(s); and the bathroom(s). Some people have a study (= room with a desk where you work) and a spare room (== room you don't use every day, and where guests can sleep). The entrance area in a house or flat is called the hall.



While the cat was asleep in the armchair, I sat on the sofa and had a look at the paper. Then I turned on the TV to watch the news.



I put the meat in the oven, then I made myself a coffee and put the milk back in the fridge. After that, I put some cups arid saucers in the dishwasher.


Дополните описания (возможно несколько ответов).

1. The bedroom, that's where you___________________.

2. The kitchen, that's where you do the_______________.

3. The bathroom, that's where you have a__________ and ____________.

4. The living room, that's where you____________ and _____________.

5. The dining room, that's where you__________________.

6. A spare room, that's often where ___________________.

7. A study, that's usually where you ___________________.


2. Представьте, что Вы на кухне. Куда бы Вы положили следующие предметы:

1. biscuits and a packet of spaghetti?

In a cupboard

2. milk?_____________

3. meat that you are going to cook?____________

4. dirty clothes?__________

5. dirty cups and saucers?____

6. clean cups and saucers?____

7. frozen food that you want to keep?________


3. Здесь зашифрованы названия предметов, которые находятся в гостиной или на кухне. Что это и где находится?

Например: sekd desk (living room)

shadriswhe teklet skin faos veon

digref rapcet hiamcrar acepasnu nacitusr


Дополните предложения наречием или предлогом.

2. I took the ham _____of the fridge, made a sandwich, then put the rest of it _______in the fridge. 3. We tend tо sit in the same places - me ________the sofa and my… 4. I didn't have anything to do, so I turned _________ the TV.


Подберите из правой колонки правильное окончание к началу предложения из левой. Расставьте предложения в логической последовательности.

I cleaned the light

I went into bed

I set a wash

I switched off my teeth

I had to sleep

I put on the alarm clock

I got my pyjamas


Картинки изображают шесть вещей, которые сделал человек этим утром. Дополните предложения.




  1. He did the shopping
  2. He________________
  3. He________________
  4. He____________________
  5. He____________________
  6. He____________________


Прослушайте диалог Сандры Ричвей с агентом по недвижимости и восстановите пропущенную информацию.

A: Hello. 1) ________?

S: Yes. I want to rent a flat in this area.

A: Okay, let me see. There is a very nice flat for rent quite near the city centre.

S: 2)_____________________rooms has it got?

A: It has got a living-room, dining-room, kitchen, bath­room and two bedrooms. So that's six rooms.

S: And how much is it?

A: it's quite a good price - £300 per month.

S: That sounds perfect. 3)_____________?

A: it’s 14. Oakfield View.

S: 4) ___________________________?

A: Yes. it's 0 - A- К - F - I - E - L - D ... V - I - E – W- S.

S: 5)_________________________see it ?

A: Of course. I can take you there right now. Have you got time?

S: Yes. That's great.

A: Okay. I've got the keys here, so let's go.

Прослушайте диалог и составьте свои собственные диалоги, используя информацию после него.

A: What's your address, please?

B: 14, Milcote Road, Birmingham.

A: Can you spell the street name, please?

B: M - I - L - C -O - T- E .

A: Thank you. Have you got a telephone number?

B: Yes. It’s 4204188.


12, Longhurst Lane, Reading (Tel.: 535602)

17, Monison Avenue, Bath (Tel.: 334598)

21, Primrose Street, Crewe (Tel: 750559)


Карен и Том хотят арендовать дом или комнату. Посмотрите на картинки, затем послушайте запись и скажите, в каком месте они хотят жить.

Прочитайте объявления и прослушайте запись снова. Затем, используя объявления, опишите эти два места. Начать можно так:

This lovely house is five miles from the city centre. It is very expensive, but it is very large. Upstairs, there are ...

For Rent £800/month

6, Sandon Street

Lovely house five miles from city centre


4 bedrooms: 2 bathrooms (bath, shower toilet)

Downstairs -

1) spacious/small living-room; kitchen; dining-room; study; small 2) bedroom/ bathroom

large 3) garden/swimming- pool; double garage


For Rent £300/month

8, Chamberlain Street

Attractive 4) fiat/chalet near city centre

2 bedrooms; 1 large bathroom, (bath, shower, toilet); modern kitchen; comfortable living- room; 5) dining-room/study

small garden; 6) garage/swimming-pool





Напишите объявление о сдаче в аренду жилья (50 - 80 слов).







Прочитайте и переведите предложения

There are Are there? 1. There is a boy in this picture. 2. There is a cat in this picture.


Вставьте some or any.

2. I'm going to the post office, I need _________stamps. 3. There aren't _______shops in. this part of town. 4. George and Alice haven't got____________ children.

Дополните предложения, используя some or any

2. “Where’s your luggage?” I haven’t got any.(I/not/have) 3. “Do you need any money?” “No, thank you.______________.(I/have) 4. “Can you lend me some money?” “I’m sorry but___________.”(I/not/have)

Перепишите предложения, используя - no

We haven t got any money. We have got no money.______________

There aren't any shops near here.___________________________

Carol hasn't got any free time._____________________________

There isn't a light in this room._____________________________

Перепишите предложения, используя - any

We've got no money. We haven’t got any money.

There's no tea in the pot.______________________________________

There are no buses today.______________________________________

Tom has got no brothers or sisters.______________________________

Вставьте no or any

1. There's no sugar in your coffee.

2. My brother is married but he hasn't got children.

3. Sue doesn't speak foreign languages.

4. I’m afraid there's coffee. Would you like some tea?

5. 'Look at those birds!' 'Birds? Where? I can't see birds.'

6. 'Do you know where Jane is? "No, I’ve got idea.'

Вставьте no, any or none

7. There aren't pictures on the wall. 8. The weather was cold but there was wind. 9. I wanted to buy some oranges but they didn't have_____________.


2) well-planned – хорошо спланированный 3) convenience - удобство 4) central heating – центральное отопление

Прочитайте и переведите текст

Sport has always been popular in our country. There are different sporting societies and clubs in Russia. Many of them take part in different… Millions of people watch figure skating competitions, hockey and football… In the past it was never admitted that professional sport existed in our country. The official point of view was that…

Прочитайте текст и выполните к нему задание

What does a "Healthy Life" Mean?

1) _____________________________________________________. Those who pursue the lat­est fitness fashion are convinced that staying in good physical form re­quires much more than regular exercises and balanced meals. For anyone who really wants to be healthy, fitness has become an integral part of their lives. A lot of health and fitness clubs and public leisure centers that were created in many countries indicate the popularity of sports during the past thirty years.

2) _________________________________________________. First of all, it's neces­sary to do exercises. People of different ages can design exercises that will fit them. Running, jumping, swimming, bending and stretching are among the most popular exercises. Many people prefer jogging which is the cheapest and the most accessible sport. Walking is a very popular ac­tivity too. A healthy body becomes a fashion, an ideal of the life today. Even moderate physical activity can protect against heart disease and strokes as well as improve general health and the quality of life. Everyone can benefit from being a little more active, healthier and enjoyable life.

3) _____________________________________________. Another activity that is popular in our country is roller-skating. Today it has reached its peak in our country. At present the lack of facilities make enthusiasts use city pavements or parking lots.

4) ______________________________________________. According to the statistics, nowadays 60% of men and 91% of women are overweight. That's why I think that everybody must do exercises, don't smoke, eat healthy food, lots of fruits and vegetables. And if people take care of themselves, everybody will be healthy.

Подберите к каждому абзацу первое тематическое предложение

b) There are many opportunities for keeping fit. c) The fitness boom of the past decides led to a big rise in the members of… d) In summer many people like to go to the bank of the river on a hot day to swim.










For most ball games you need bootsor training shoes. (also trainers infml.)

You need a racket for tennis, a bat for baseball/table tennis; a stick for hockey; and clubsfor golf .

In tennis and volleyball and there is a net across the middle of the court. There is also a net around each goal in football.











The playing area for football and rugby is called a pitch. Around the pitch there is an area for spectators/the crowd (= people who watch the game). The total area is the stadium. The playing area for tennis, volleyball and basketball is a court; for golf it is a course.


Football and rugby have a referee; tennis and baseball have an umpire. In football the referee uses a whistle to control the game.


Spain beat Switzerland 3-2. (= Switzerland lost to Spain 3-2) In other words: Spain won the match. (= Switzerland lost the match) Spain were the winners. (= Switzerland were the losers)

If two teams/players have the same score(= number of goals or points) at full-time (= the end of the game), it is a draw. We can also use draw as a verb, e.g. We drew 2-2.

When a game is in progress, we use leadto describe the position of the teams or player with the most goals/points, and latest to describe the score:

At half-time, Brazil are leading Chile 2-1. (= the latest score is 2-1 to Brazil)


Заполните таблицу правильной формой.

infinitive past tense past participle
win lose beat catch draw won  


Напишите 6 действий с мячом.

____________it ______________it ______________ it

____________it ______________it ________________it


3. Напишите:

1.Five games where you can hit the ball (with various kinds of equipment)

2.Four games where you can pass the ball (with hands or feet)

3.Three games where you can catch the ball

4.Two games where you can kick the ball

5.One game where you can head the ball


Заполните предложения подходящим словом.

1. I think the final_____________ was 3-1.

2. The Czech Republic______________ Holland 2-1, so they are in the semi-final.

3. Bayern Munich____________ 1-1 with AC Milan last night.

4. The Maracana___________in Brazil is the biggest in the world. It holds over 100,000 people.

5. Many of the______________ran onto the pitch after the game.

6. Paris St Germain will play the ______________of the game between Barcelona and Roma.

7. United scored first and they are still______________ 1-0 with five minutes to go until half-time.

8. With 20 minutes to go, the___________score we have is 2-1 to Real Madrid.


Расставьте слова в соответствующие колонки.

football racket course pitch tennis boots

golf net court clubs training shoes whistle


sport place equipment


Sport and leisure


sport place equipment
athletics track vest, shorts, running shoes
motor racing circuit crash helmet
swimming pool swimming costume (women); trunks (men)
boxing ring vest, shorts, gloves, boots
ice hockey rink sticks, skates, puck
skiing ski slopes skis, sticks, ski suit, ski boots


I often go camping in the summer. I do a bit of/a lot of rock climbing in Wales. I really enjoy hiking. Jogging keeps me fit. (= keeps my body healthy)  


Расставьте слова в соответствующие колонки.

swimming costume motor racing crash helmet trunks circuit

pool skates ice hockey rink puck sticks


sport place equipment


Заполните пропуски соответствующими глаголами.

1. Do you___________much exercise?

2. I only_________volleyball in the summer.

3. If possible, I'd like to____________a fitness club.

4. A: I love football.

B: Do you? Which team do you__________ ?

A: Liverpool.

5. My Dad played football but he___________last year. He said he was too old.

6. We used to__________camping in the mountains.

7. Why don't you ____________hiking or swimming, or something? You need more


8. If you want to___________fit, you need to run three or four miles every other day.


Дополните предложения подходящими словами.

1. Do you still do a lot of weight training ?

2. I enjoy jogging and it keeps me_______.

3. Liz doesn't have much opportunity now to go rock___________.

4. Nigel loves dangerous sports; I'm the complete _____________.

5. He has played for several good teams and he takes it very____________.

6. I used to play a lot of ice______________.

7. We still like watching motor _____________.

8. I played for years, then I injured my ankle and I had to give____________.

9. In the summer I go jogging in the park. In the winter I exercise indoors and go to the____________.

10. I love swimming, and it's really good for___________.


Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What sport do you do?

2. Do you take sport seriously or do you do it just for fun?

3. Are you very competitive?

4. Are you good at any sports?

5. Have you taken up a new sport recently?

6. Have you ever had to give up a sport for any reason?


Просмотрите табличку, послушайте запись и заполните пропуски необходимой информацией. Затем, пользуясь табличкой расскажите про виды спорта.

equipment pros cons skills/qualities windsurfing board wet-suit …  


1. Перед тем как прочесть текст, посмотрите на картинку, опишите машину. Что в ней необычного? Что осталось по-старому? Затем прочитайте статью о…  

Highway to the Future

On the road to exciting

New changes in car design

By Harry Vroom

What about speed? The car of the future will go a lot faster than current cars. One day, it willeven fly! But it will also be safe. An electronic… One manufacturer, Smart Transport, Inc., is holding a press conference next…  

Прочитайте интерью с профессором Гарри Врумом, найдите в тексте и подчеркните 15 глаголов, которые выражают будущее время.

Vroom:That’sright. I believe there will be some surprising changes in the century. Let me give you some examples. Cars of the future are going to… Interviewer:That certainly is amazing! I’m sure lots of our listeners have… Vroom:Well, you know, I am speaking at the annual Car show next week. The show begins at 10:00 A.M. on August 11. I’m…

Посмотрите на записи Тома и Хизер, затем, используя настоящее длительное время, расскажите о их планах на неделю.

  ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Future Simple, be going to, Present Continuous, как в примере.

1 He likes painting. He is going to be (be) an artist.

2 I’m sure Kelly __________________ (let) you borrow her CDs.

3 Look at him! He _____­­__________________ (fall) off his bike.

4 They ___________________(have) dinner at Mario’s on Saturday evening.

5 I can’t see you at the weekend. I ________________(visit) my parents.

6 I’m cold. I _______________ (put on) my jacket.

7 He _____________(met) Lisa for coffee at noon.

8 I _________________ (fly) to Madrid next month.

9 Don’t worry, I _______________(call) the plumber for the dishwasher.

10 I can’t go to the park today. I _______________(take) my dog to the vet.


8. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Future Continuous Tense:

1. This time next month I (sit) on a beach. 2. When you arrive I probably (pick) fruit. 3. When we reach England it (rain) probably. 4. I’ll call for her at eight. – No, don’t; she still (have) breakfast then. 5. I (wait) for you when you come out. 6. When you next see me I (wear) my new dress. 7. I’ll give Jack your massage. I can do it easily because I (see) him tomorrow. We go to work on the same train. 8. In a hundred years’ time people (go) to Mars for their holidays. 9. I (use) the car this afternoon. 10. I (see) you again. 11. I’ll come at three o’clock. – Good. I (expect) you. 12. What do you think the children (do) when we get home? – I expect they (have) their supper. 13. The garden (look) its best next month. 14. We’ve just got to the top in time. The sun (rise) in a minute. 15. Let’s go out tomorrow because Mary (practice) the piano all day. 16. Don’t ring her now, she (put) the children to bed. Ring later. 17. That football club has lost some of its players. They (look) out for new men. 18. When I get home my dog (sit) at the door waiting for me. 19. The doctor is over sixty, but he doesn’t want to retire. I think he still (work) when he is seventy. 20. She is retiring soon; she (not teach) in this school much longer.

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или Future Simple.

2 When you _______________ (come) home, I ________________(read) you the letter. 3 When I ________________ (grow) up, I __________________(become) an… 4 If she _________________(call) me, I ___________________(tell) her the news.


2) record - рекорд 3) amateur - любительский 4) gymnast - гимнаст

Прочитайте и переведите текст

A lot of people travel nowadays. It's not surprising because distances between countries are becoming shorter due to the development of transport.… Of course, air travel is quicker than other means of transport. This is… However, flying often involves delays and cancellations. You often spend more time getting to and from the airport…


train – поезд helicopter – вертолет yacht – яхта


  Air Water Land           2. Какие виды транспорта вы ассоциируете с данными прилагательными? tiring comfortable expensive …

Человек звонит в агентство, чтобы заказать билет на самолет. Вставьте в пропуски данные ниже слова (каждое слово можно использовать несколько раз), потом послушайте диалог и проверьте свои ответы.


arrive arrives leave leaves leaving

want like take seat flight

Agent: Hello! This is Kathy Dunn at Tulips Travel!

Man: Oh, hello. I'd_______to make a reservation. I_______to fly to San Francisco.

Agent: Of course. When would you __________to travel?

Man: On February the 16th.

Agent: From what city?

Man:I'd____________to__________from Boston.

Agent: OK. Here's a______________. It __________at 10:45 in the morning and it_______in San Francisco at 1:50 in the afternoon.

Man:No. That's too late. I have to____________before noon.

Agent: How about____________on Thursday?

Man:On the fifteenth?

Agent: Yes. You can ___________flight 404 at 6:15 p.m. It___________in San Francisco at 9:25 that evening.

Man:That's OK.

Agent: Do you___________ a one-way ticket or a round-trip?

Man: One-way, please.

Agent: First class or economy?

Man: Economy.

Agent: OK. That's one economy class_____________on Western Airlines, flight 404 on February the 15t



Прочитайте объявление, затем используя заметки и план, напишите письмо в клуб Колорадо, чтобы получить необходимую информацию о поездке.

При написании официального письма, запрашивающего какую-либо информацию, его можно разделить на три абзаца.

Письмо лучше начать с Dear Sir/ Madam.

В первом абзаце указывается причина написания письма.

Во втором абзаце необходимо задать вопросы об интересующей информации.

В последнем абзаце обычно выражают надежду на скорый ответ. Можно использовать выражение hope to hear from the person soon.

Заканчивается письмо выражением Yours faithfully и Вашим полным именем.





1. Образуйте сравнительную и превос­ходную степень следующих прилагательных. Не забудьте употреблять определенный артикль перед превосходной степенью прилагательных.

Hot, long, short, clever, silly, great, red, black, good, white, thin, thick, fat, nice, warm, cold, merry, small, tall, high, weak, old, strong, heavy, light, green, bad, dry, clean, dirty, wide, deep, brave, modern, beautiful, fantastic, thrilling, expensive, comfortable, unusual, interesting.

Напишите прилагательные в сравнительной степени.

1 old older 6 good _____________________

2 strong ____________________ 7 large ____________________

3 happy _____________________ 8 serious____________________

4 modern ____________________ 9 pretty_____________________

5 important __________________ 10 crowded __________________

Напишите противоположное по смыслу прилагательное в сравнительной степени.

1 younger older 4 better _______________

2 colder ________________ 5 nearer _______________

3 cheaper _______________ 6 easier _______________


Дополните предложения, используя сравнительные степени прилагательных.

2 My job isn’t very interesting. I want to do something more interesting. 3 You’re not very tall. Your brother is ___________________________. 4 David doesn’t work very hard. I work __________________________.

Вставьте as ... as или so ... as.

1. Mike is ___ tall ___ Pete. 2. Kate is not ___nice __ Ann. 3. My room is ___ light ___ this one. 4. This book is not ___ thin ___ that one. 5. Sergei is___old ___Michael. 6. She is ___ young ___Tom's brother. 7. This woman is ___ good ___ that one. 8. Nick's English is not ___ good ___ his friend's. 9.1 am not ___ tall ___Pete. 10. This woman is ___ young ___ that one. 12. I am ___thin ___ you. 13. Kate is ___ lazy ___ her brother. 14. This child is not___ small ___ that one.


1) train – поезд 2) helicopter – вертолет 3) plane – самолет

Прочитайте и переведите текст

Learning a foreign language isn't an easy thing to do. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot oftime and efforts. Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages. Some people… Eve­ryone who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original…

Ответьте на вопросы

1. What process is learning foreign languages?

2. Is it important to learn foreign languages?

3. What are three main reason for learning foreign languages?

4. What opportunities does knowledge of foreign languages give?

5. Why people should learn English?

Make up your own dialogues using this information:

1. Give a talk on the topic: Your friend doesn't want to learn English and he (she) thinks that it's just a waste of time. You are the best student in your Academy and you are absolutely sure that this language will be very useful for your future ca­reer. You friend doesn't care about this. So, try to find another reason to convince him to learn English.

2. Two teachers are discussing the problem of learning foreign languages in kindergartens. The first thinks that it is very early to master any foreign language. The second believes that every kid should start learning foreign language as early as possible.

3. Do you think that the use of English words is dangerous for the purity of our native Russian language.

4. Use your own experience: "Computers help us to learn foreign language."







1. Послушайте шесть человек, рассказывающих о своем отношении к изучению английского языка, сделайте для себя заметки. Чье мнение совпадает с Вашим?

2. Послушайте еще раз и заполните пропуски в предложениях:

1 Learning English isn’t my idea __________ fun.

2 I want to get ___________ in my career.

3 English is the language _________ the media.

4 It’certainly not __________ beautiful a language as … Italian.

5 I think it’s more difficult ___________ you get older.

6 I’ll always think ____________ Italian.

7 With native English speakers, I do feel _____________ a disadvantage.

8 That’s the thing __________ English – it’s easy to speak a little quickly.



Speaker 1

Well, to be honest, learning English isn’t my idea of fun. I mean, rock concerts are fun. Моtorbikes are fun. Snowboarding is fun. Learning English isn’t fun. It’s hard work. But it’s worth it. I don't need English every day in my job right now. Bur if I want to get on my career, I know I’m going to need it more and more. English is where the money is, so I just think of it as an investment in my future. We Swiss are very practical like that.

Speaker 2

Hm, well, I accept that English is the language of the media, but I’m not so sure about business. Реrsonallу, I know a lot of business people who speak almost no English at all. Twenty-five per cent of the world speaks English. OK, but that means 75 % don’t. The way I see it, if I'm trying to sell you something, I should speak уour language. But if you come to Ecuador to sell me something, then you should speak Spanish.

Speaker 3

Coming from a tiny country like the Netherlands means we’ve always had to speak foreign languages. So it’s nothing new for us. The same goes for people from Luxemburg, Belgium, Scandinavia. Eighty per cent of Dutch people speak English. Most of us speak some German too, or French. We certainly don't expect anybody to speak Dutch! In fact, the firm I work for recently introduced English as the official company language. So now I speak English all day – to other Dutch people!

Speaker 4

I’m afraid I really don't like English that much. I find the pronunciation difficult. It’s certainly not as beautiful a language as my language, which is Italian. And, anyway, I think it’s more difficult as yon get older to learn foreign languages. But my company wants me to learn English, so I don’t really have much choice. If a quarter of the world speaks it, I suppose I must to. But I’ll always think in Italian. My brain works in Italian.

Speaker 5

I don't know why people who speak European languages complain about learning English. Try learning it when your native language is Korean! Actually, I find I can speak English OК, if I’m doing business with other non-native speakers, like Argentinians or Japanese. But with native English speaker, I do feel at a disadvantage. I've heard that 66% of British people don’t speak a foreign language at all. Hardly, surprising when so many of us have tо learn English.

Speaker 6

Well, actually, I love English. It's true the pronunciation is quite hard to get right, but the grammar is much simpler than my language, Hungarian – at least at the beginning. That’s the thing about English – it’s easy to speak a little quite quickly. It gets harder later, of course. Frankly, I don’t know why some French and Germans are against using English words. It seems to me that English is full of foreign words – especially French and German!



Essay Writing

Essay is a short piece of literature in which a writer gives his/her thoughts on a particular subject usually in a graceful and pleasing style. An essay is a series of paragraphs written on one theme. Length: 250 - 300 words, time - 30 minutes.


Дополните предложения, используя один из этих глаголов в прошедшем времени.

clean die enjoy finish happen live open play rain smоке start stay want watch

1. Yesterday evening I watched television.

2. I___________ my teeth three times yesterday.

3. Bernard __________ 20 cigarettes yesterday evening.

4. The concert last night ___________at 7.30 and __________ at 10 o'clock.

5. The accident____________ last Sunday afternoon.

6. When I was a child, I _________ to be a doctor.

7. Mozart _________ from 1756 to 1791.

8. We __________ our holiday last year. We___________ at a very good hotel.

9 Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it ___________.

10. It was hot in the room, so I _____________the window.

11. The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we_________tennis.

12. William Shakespeare ____________ in 1616.

Напишите вторую форму следующих глаголов.

eat ______ see_________ know_______ tell________ pay______ go _________ stand _______ lose _______ make______ hear ________ take________ think _______

Дополните предложения глаголом в отрицательной форме.

1. I saw Job but I didn’t see Mary.

2. Тheу worked on Monday but they________ on Tuesday.

3. We went to the shop but we _______ to the bank.

4. She had a pea but she ___________ any paper.

5. Jack did French at school but he _______German.


Задайте общие вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. I watched TV last night. And you? Did you watch TV last night?

2. I enjoyed the party. And you? _____ you _________________?

3. I had a good holiday. And you?_________________________ ?

4. I got up early this morning. And you? ____________________?

5. I slept well last night. And you?_________________________?


Напишите утвердительные или отрицательные предложения о том, что Вы делали вчера.

2. (get up before 7.30) I______________________________________. 3. (have a shower) I ______________________________________. 4. (buy a magazine) _________________________________________.

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в прошедшее время ( утвердительную, отрицательную или вопросительную).

1. I played (play) tennis yesterday but I didn’t win (not/win).

2. We__________(wait) a long time for the bus but it ________ (not/come).

3. That’s a nice shirt. Where________________(you/buy) it ?

4. She__________(see) me but she ___________ (not/speak) to me.

5. “__________(it/rain) yesterday?” “No, it was a nice day”.

6. That’s a stupid thing to do. Why _____________(you/do) it?

Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. She studied English a year ago.

2. He finished his design last night.

3. We walked home yesterday.

4. Yesterday I skied in the country.

5. The students went to St. Petersburg last week.

6. My daughter did her best to finish the report in time.

7. Our classroom began at 11.30.

8. My brother left for England last year.

9. It took him some years to master German.

10. First spring flowers appeared in the fields.

11. He made his report on Monday.

12. We saw the dean yesterday.

13. He did the translation without any difficulty.

14. He spoke on the same topic.


Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Indefinite.

1. Не (to stay) at the Institute after classes.

2. I (to know) all the words very well.

3. She (to study) English at the Institute.

4. She (to write) the letter.

5. Some years ago she (to live) in the country.

6. She (to make) an interesting report.

7. Last year he (to work) at the factory.

8. Yesterday we (to go) home by metro.

9. It (to take) me half an hour to get home.

10. We (to see) the film a week ago.

11. She (to find) time to help us.

12. He (to do) the translation without a dictionary.

13. He always (to do) his best to learn to speak English correctly and to understand it. 14. Last night we (to watch) a hockey match on TV.

15. She (to leave) for England the day before yesterday.


Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму.

1. We had our breakfast at the Institute dinning-room.

2. He wanted to go to Kiev during the holidays.

3. Our English class began at 10 o’clock.

4. Last night I got a letter from my parents.

5. My daughter tried to write the letter in English.

6. She made a report last week.

7. It snowed hard.

8. Dark clouds appeared in the sky.

9. We did our best to come in time.


Сделайте следующие предложения утвердительными.

1. Не did not go home after the lecture.

2. We did not do these exercises.

3. Yesterday I did not leave home.

4. We did not finish our work in time.

5. I did not see this film.

6. We did not know your name.

7. She did not stay with us.

8. He did not attend classes in physical culture last year.

9. Your son did not become an architect.

10. It did not rain yesterday.

11. We did not watch TV last night.

12. It did not look like rain when we went out of the house.

13. They did not get home by bus. They took a tram.


Задайте общие и специальные вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. We listened to the latest news on the radio.

2. The meeting began at 3 o'clock.

3. My father left for London last week.

4. I got up late yesterday.

5. We went to the cinema a week ago.

6. We spent the holidays in the country last summer.

7. It was pleasant to bathe in the river in summer.

8. There were a lot of leaves on the ground in the park.

9. He asked the same question.

10. We went in for skating last winter.




2) to take a lot of time- занимать много времени 3) out­look - кругозор 4) аpproximately - примерно

– Конец работы –

Используемые теги: The, english, Alphabet0.057

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